Hutang pendidikan wajib dibayar segera
Published 2009“…Dalam Islam hutang dianggap satu perkara yang amat besar dalam kehidupan seharian seorang Muslim kerana ia boleh mengganggu perjalanan roh seseorang. …”
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Active vibration isolation system to improve free space optics communication
Published 2013“…A Free Space Optics (FSO) link consists of a transmitter and a receiver telescope which requires a continuous alignment for successful transmission of data. …”
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Enchancing QoS protection in MPLS networks
Published 2010“…In fact, QoS is important for interactive voice and video application and for specific clients. However, link failure always incurs delay and packet losses of the traffic passing through the failed link. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Neutral point inverter controller using H infinity techniques
Published 2014“…This can be achieved by using a neutral-point circuit that consists of a conventional neutral leg and a split dc link. In this project, a H infinity (H∞ ) current controller is proposed to force the current flowing through the split dc link to be nearly zero so that the neutral-point current is stable, and then, a current control loop is added to eliminate the imbalance of the current so that the neutral-point current is balanced with respect to the dc terminals. …”
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Thesis -
Hormati perlembagaan Malaysia
Published 2009“…SETIAP negara di dunia ini mempunyai perlembagaan dan sistem perundangan yang sesuai dengan konteks kemasyarakatan dan kenegaraan masing-masing. …”
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مسالك التحرير اللغوي: نصوص الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا للنشر أنموذجا = The processes of language editing: the examples of texts of International Islamic University Malaysi...
Published 2015“…Terdapat di antara teks-teks tersebut yang tinggi mutu bahasanya manakala ada juga yang masih perlu diperhalusi lagi. …”
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Non-invasive measurement method of skin conditions by using Dermalab® combo
Published 2014“…The readings were taken on volar forearm of the volunteers were taken using TEWL probe and hydration pin probe. A set of questionnaire was also distributed to obtain the information about the skin care regime and their daily habits. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Providing feedback for students' drafts in academic writing: can developmental Rubric do the trick?
Published 2015“…Teachers were able to specifically pin-point the areas where students needed to improve their academic writing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Formation of Fe-C-Si ternary composite coating on CP-titanium and its tribological interaction with Jatropha oil
Published 2016“…The wear behavior of coated CP-titanium was performed using pin-on-disk machine at room temperature under Jatropha-biodiesel lubricated condition. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A Novel MIMO antenna integrated with a solar panel and employing AI-equalization for 5G wireless communication networks
Published 2024“…We demonstrate that the directivity of this antenna array can be precisely electronically reconfigured using PIN diode switches. Additionally, we show the feasibility of integrating solar panels with the proposed MIMO antenna array. …”
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Design of microstrip ultra wide band antenna with two notch filters for wireless communication
Published 2015“…In order to add reconfigurable characteristics to the patch antenna, two copper strips are putted on the slots to represent the ON and OFF switching status of an ideal Pin diode. By using this simple switching technique, the current distribution of the patch changes and enables the antenna to have four modes of operation. …”
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Theoretical analysis of photoparametric amplifier
Published 2010“…The second method is to use Optiwave software in implement is the photo parametric amplifier circuit. Photo diode PIN type has been used to detect any coming signal at the receiver circuit. …”
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The identification of helminths and coccidia from goats in two farms in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Sebanyak 227 ekor kambing yang terdiri daripada 107 ekor kambing dewasa dan 120 anak kambing yang telah dipilih secara rawak dari dua ladang di Terengganu, Malaysia. …”
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The practice of reporting shariah non-compliant income in the Annual Financial Report of Islamic commercial banks in Malaysia = Pelaporan pendapatan tidak patuh Syariah dalam Lapor...
Published 2020“…Walau bagaimanapun, bank Perdagangan Islam yang selebihnya tidak melaporkan pendapatan tidak patuh Syariah mereka dalam laporan tahunan. …”
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Qazaf dalam undang-undang jenayah Syariah di Malaysia: suatu analisis semasa = Qazaf (false accusation) in Malaysian Syariah criminal law: a current analysis
Published 2018“…Perlembagaan Persekutuan meletakkan kesalahan jenayah qazaf di bawah bidang kuasa undang-undang jenayah syariah yang dikuatkuasakan oleh negeri-negeri. Walau bagaimanapun, berdasarkan penyelidikan kepustakaan terhadap undangundang jenayah syariah di setiap negeri, didapati wujudnya ketidakseragaman yang ketara tentang definisi dan pelaksanaan undang-undang tersebut yang dibuktikan menerusi beberapa kes yang diputuskan oleh mahkamah syariah. …”
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Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah (PBM) melalui penguasaan kemahiran teknikal dan kemahiran generik bagi mata pelajaran Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam (PKA)
Published 2020“…Responden kajian terdiri daripada guru-guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam di Sekolah Menengah Teknik (SMT) di seluruh Malaysia seramai 31 orang. …”
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Thesis -
Pembangunan koswer sebagai alternatif bahan mengajar bagi kursus pengaturcaraan Java: Operator
Published 2020“…Fenomena ini berlaku dengan pantas sesuai dengan peredaran masa dan capaian internet yang mudah didapati serta rangkaian yang pantas. …”
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Book Section -
Pengukuran prestasi pemaju perumahan berdasarkan sistem star rating
Published 2011“…Di Malaysia, terdapat banyak aduan yang diterima daripada pembeli rumah berhubung kualiti produk perumahan dan perkhidmatan yang disampaikan oleh pemaju perumahan. …”
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Thesis -
Transformasi kurikulum kolej vokasional dalam kesediaan melahirkan k-worker: satu kajian kes Kolej Vokasional Kluang
Published 2015“…Adalah diharapkan kajian ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dan beberapa cadangan yang telah dikemukan bagi kajian lanjutan dalam meningkatkan kualiti graduan pada masa akan datang.…”
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