Wear surface characteristics study of tribo-materials under palm oil methyl ester added lubricant
Published 2002“…Experimental results show that the activity of POME on the metal surface is quite remarkable when added to a mineral-based lubricant. Wear of piston ring and ball bearing materials took place by abrasive, corrosive and/or oxidative mechanisms with different concentrations of POME in lubricants. …”
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Bio-fuel-contaminated lubricant and hardening effects on the friction and wear of AISI 1045 steel
Published 1998“…Corrosive wear and pits on the specimen sujace were found when plain biefuel was used as lubricating oil. The results also confinned that better wear resistance was obtained from the surface-hardened steel specimen with 4 % biofuel-contaminated lubricant. …”
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Ethical based mathematical model to evaluate software engineering
Published 2013“…Islamic ethics are universal, stable, comprehensive, fair and standard which are suitable for all nations and times; and when followed leads to create an ethically great society. …”
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Best practice of framing and communicating school goals by principals of cluster secondary schools Malaysia
Published 2013“…The findings of the study indicate that the ‘use of data on student academic performance’ were highly used when framing school goals with highest mean score 4.26 and its standard deviation standing at 0.808. …”
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Experimental study of flank wear in high speed turning of stainless steel AISI 304
Published 2013“…The aim of this paper is to study experimentally the influence of higher cutting speed on flank wear length when machining AISI 304 as work piece material. This steel is machined by a coated carbide tool. …”
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In-process truing for ELID (Electrolytic In-Process Dressing) grinding by pulsewidth control
Published 2011“…The experimental finding shows that the wheel work piece contact gradually improves from 40° to ~ 360° as the grinding progresses when this new controlled dressing technique is implemented.…”
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Should we be concerned with spam emails? A look at its impacts and implications
Published 2013“…The understanding on how the email users’ deal with the spam email currently has revealed their weaknesses when dealing with spam. Some recommendations are also proposed to encourage the good ethics in dealing with emails. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Privacy and trust in the Islamic perspective: implication of the digital age
Published 2013“…It has become normal procedure when the user must submit their personal details for digital service such as social networking, electronic commerce, personal hosting, etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Performance investigation of an advanced tracked prime mover on the low bearing soil
Published 2013“…The fuzzy logic controller (FLC) has been equipped with the prime mover hydraulic system to increase the traction torque of the hydraulic motor when the prime mover’s sinkage is more than or equal to 70 mm. …”
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Knowledge and accessibility of Muslim women to the law on post-divorce financial support
Published 2010“…However, more than two-third of the respondents (70%) had low level of accessibility to the law when claiming for post divorce financial support. …”
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Physiological signal – based Engagement Level Analysis under fuzzy framework
Published 2013“…Following the experiments, a series of questionnaires are given to the subjects to verify their engagement level when performing the experiments. Preliminary analysis on the data shows a good match between the experimental results and the questionnaire.…”
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PT-symmetric coupler with χ(2) nonlinearity
Published 2013“…The existence and stability analysis of the stationary solutions is corroborated by numerical time-evolution simulations exploring the evolution of the different configurations, when unstable. …”
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Study the heat transfer potentiality of a building envelope integrated with Elt at foundation.
Published 2013“…A hazardous waste, ELT or massive scraped tyre waste created environmental load to the local environment. Today, when researchers think of the environmental impacts of tyres, they mostly focus on the management of tyres at the end of their useful lives. …”
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Custom and society in Islamic criminal law: a critical appraisal of the Maxim ‘al-ʿĀdah Muḥakkamah’ (Custom is authoritative) and its sisters in Islamic legal procedures
Published 2012“…Despite the wide acceptability of custom in Islamic legal theory and its authoritativeness in application, one of the controversial issues surrounding the use of custom (al-ʿādah) is whether, by law, rulings can be changed over time when customs have changed. Thus, this article aims to examine the effect of custom in rulings related to ḥudūd and qiṣāṣ (fixed and retaliative punishments) in Islamic law and whether such rulings can be changed over time as custom changes and, if they can be changed, to what extent can such changes be made and to what effect do such changes affect the sanctity of the Qurʾān and Ḥadīth texts.…”
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Textuality as a linguistic mechanism for codifying legal maxims in Islamic criminal law
Published 2013“…This article also notes that legal maxims codified by this approach are potentially subject to exception when applied to Islamic criminal law, although, as this article ultimately explains, the basic rule may be static. …”
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Direct and indirect antimicrobial effects of α-mangostin on pathogenic microorganisms
Published 2014“…The coupled antibiotic and α-mangostin is considered synergy in action if it lies in FICindex≤0.5 and it was found that the isolated compound, α-mangostin revealed very low synergistic antimicrobial effects when coupled with antibiotics.…”
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Green building assessment tools: evaluating different tools for green roof system
Published 2013“…The result of this study will enables to determine in which assessment tool that gives most priority and benefits to developers when implementing green roof system. …”
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Asymmetric adjustment of diesel or petrol retail prices to crude oil price movements: New Zealand evidence
Published 2012“…Diesel prices are found to be symmetric in response to the changes in crude oil prices, while petrol prices respond asymmetrically to changes in crude oil prices. When crude oil prices increase, petrol prices in New Zealand increase immediately and not vice versa. …”
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Ethics of trending in pharmaceutical & therapeutic-related biotechnology
Published 2013“…This may seem alright when the health areas are those related to diseases that rank high in mortality. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Measurements and modeling of temperature compensated surface acoustic wave resonators
Published 2010“…Experimental results indicate that the temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF) decreased significantly from 130.44/ #x00B0;C to -1.11/ #x00B0;C when the circuit was utilized. An equivalent RLC circuit model of both the uncompensated and compensated SAW resonators are also presented.…”
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Proceeding Paper