Roll and yaw stabilisation using nonlinear energy method
Published 2007“…A novel controller utilizing the Nonlinear Energy Method was developed by Akmeliawati for the longitudinal dynamics of an aircraft, and has been proven to provide effective control and better performance when compared to an equivalent linear controller. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Performance improvement of improved practical control method for two-mass PTP positioning systems in the presence of actuator saturation
Published 2011“…However, the effect of the actuator saturation cannot be completely compensated due to integrator windup when the object parameter varies. This paper presents a method to further improve NCTF controller to overcome the problem of integrator windup. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effects of processing parameters on microstructures and properties of TIG melted surface layer of steel
Published 2011“…The modified layer showed some defects when melting were performed with low energy inputs. …”
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Article -
Integrating Tawhidi values into science and engineering education: a case study
Published 2011“…In an attempt to develop the educational process and to enhance and inculcate the value of Tawhid in the students all over the world the author shows how, where and when these values must be inserted within the text of each selected topic. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cross border litigation in Islamic banking and finance
Published 2010“…In that situation the question of which country’s law should be applied to solve the dispute is a complicated issue. When conflict of laws and conflict of jurisdictions are involved, another related legal issue may arise regarding enforcement of foreign judgments. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A non-contact capacitance type level transducer for liquid characterization
Published 2008“…The non-contact-type level-sensing probes may have longer life period, but they are comparatively costly and require various environmental and experimental precautionary measures when being used. In this paper, a low-cost non-contact capacitance type liquid level measuring technique has been designed and used for liquid identification objectives. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Experimental and numerical study of compression after impact of sandwichs structures with metallic skins
Published 2009“…A finite element model is proposed to determine the residual print of sandwich structures with Nomex honeycomb core and metallic skins indented by a spherical indenter and to simulate its behavior when this indented structure is subjected to lateral compressive loading (known as CAI/ Compression after impact). …”
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A novel biased energy distribution (BED) scheme for clustering sensor networks
Published 2011“…It is shown by simulation that the proposed technique exhibits better performance when compared to existing clustering routing techniques in terms of throughput, network lifetime and energy consumption. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Effects of Electrode Montage on the Amplitude of Wave V in the Auditory Brainstem Response to Maximum Length Sequence Stimuli
Published 2008“…This result suggests a vertical electrode montage could be used to counter some of the loss in wave V amplitude observed when using MLS stimuli.…”
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Article -
Quality-driven scheduling for long-term evolution system
Published 2011“…The proposed algorithm utilises Channel Quality Information (CQI), average throughput, type of services, packet delay and buffer information when allocating and assigning the available Radio Resource Units (RRUs) among the users. …”
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Compellability of Muslim witnesses in the Syariah Courts in Malaysia: is non-Muslim also included?
Published 2009“…This paper will also highlight some measures necessary to be taken into consideration by the Syariah Courts before invoking any action to compel the attendance of a witness to testify in court or when instituting contempt proceeding against a 'rebellious' witness. …”
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Book Chapter -
Prospects of 3G service: a study on Malaysian customer perspectives
Published 2009“…These findings prevailed when age groups view differences in terms of (1) loyalty towards the existing mobile service provider and (2) the perceived greater convenience afthe current 2G/2.5G service. …”
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Sex reassignment in Islamic Law: the dilemma of transsexuals
Published 2011“…Accordingly, Muslim transsexual, among others, face the acute dilemma of juristic conflicting views on sex-reassignment particularly when emotion runs high on account of sectarianism between its Shi`ah advocates and predominantly Sunni antagonists. …”
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Design and evaluation of a pressure based typing biometric authentication system
Published 2011“…This involves the integration of pressure sensors, signal processing circuit, and data acquisition devices to generate waveforms, which when concatenated, produce a pattern for the typed password. …”
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Book Chapter -
The effects of noise on biochemical parameters using rat's hearts
Published 2011“…HDL level revealed significant elevation in case of chronic continuous and intermittent noise exposure (p < 0.05) when compared to control group. In conclusion the present study determined that high intensity noise may have an adverse effect on biochemical values and thus noise exposure should be well monitored.…”
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Medelling aspect of corrosive wear under biodiesel
Published 2011“…Although the acceptability of biodiesel in automotive application is relatively a successful story, it is an issue with regards to its materials incompatibility. When compared to diesel, biodiesel is more prone to absorb water and allows the development of electrochemical corrosion. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Security of tenure in employment: an employees precious 'property'
Published 2010“…The capitalists perceive the right to appoint and let off their commodities (the employees) as and when they pelase, as a system seen to operate under the doctrine of 'at-will' employment in the United States or at common law, under the doctrine of hire and fire. …”
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Article -
Two-Person Second-Order Games, Part 1: Formulation and Transition Anatomy
Published 2009“…Then, in Part 2 of the paper, under some reasonable assumptions, we derive the possibility theorem stating that it is always possible to reach a win-win mind profile when suitable conditions are satisfied.…”
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Prediction of received signal power and propagation path loss in open/rural environments using modified free-space loss and Hata models
Published 2008“…Measurements of PRs were taken with a Cellular Mobile Radio test receiver (Sagem OT 160), in some selected open/rural environments, when the receiver was being moved away from the base stations along the propagation paths. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Routing performance enhancement in hierarchical torus network by link-selection algorithm
Published 2005“…We find that the dynamic communication performance of an HTN using the link-selection algorithm is better than when the dimension-order routing algorithm is used.…”
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