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The COVID guidelines India project: a rapid living evidence synthesis during a pandemic in a LMIC setting
Published 2024“…</p> <br> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Since May 2021, a total of 20 guidelines have been developed spanning pharmacological, respiratory and other supportive interventions for management of COVID-19, with over 83,600 unique page views up to December 2023. …”
Journal article -
Improving the charge separation and collection at the buffer/absorber interface by double-layered Mn-substituted CZTS
Published 2020“…In this study, Cu2MnxZn1-xSnS4 (CMZTS) thin film were fabricated by a sol-gel spin coating technique to understand the effect of Mn on the device performance. …”
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Journal Article -
PE.710 Tennis, Spring 2006
Published 2006“…Variation to those techniques will be presented, as well as drills and games, so that you can take it to the court. Singles and doubles tactics will be covered as well.…”
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Learning Object -
Laser-based 3D printing using bessel beams for tissue engineering applications
Published 2020“…High resolution fibers down to 25 μm were printable using the BB technique, a significant improvement compared to conventional microfluidics and wet spinning techniques, and the capability to tune the fabricated fiber diameter based on mathematical models was also demonstrated. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Induction of z-conformation in ribosomal RNA by Z-DNA binding domain Zα of the human double-stranded RNA deaminase I (ADAR1)
Published 2012“…In order to provide theoretical foundations for the analysis of NMR spectral responses of ZαADAR1 to ribosomes we attempted to extend the conventional NMR relaxation theory to include a semi solid-state treatment of nuclear spin dynamics in large complexes. The main challenge to the classical NMR theory arises when one of the binding partners is so large that in the chemical shift time scale of solution NMR (milliseconds) it can be considered as practically static or solid-state-like. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of different lead precursors on planar perovskite solar cells
Published 2016“…The hydrate water inside the lead acetate precursor has no bad effect on the perovskite formation. 3. Increasing the spin coat speed (to 3000rpm for 30 seconds) can improve the uniformity of perovskite film and further current density of solar cells. 4. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
On shear adhesion of adhesive fibrils
Published 2024“…These biological and bioinspired adhesive fibrils exhibit a wide range of aspect ratios spanning four orders of magnitude. Accurate prediction of their adhesion performance is crucial for their practical applications. …”
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Journal Article -
Identification of offshore wind turbine foundation properties from monitoring data
Published 2022“…Use of mode shape correlation criteria shows that despite poor identification of some of the mode shapes, qualified using the MAC, the mode shape subspaces spanned by the close mode pairs, qualified using the S2MAC, are identified successfully. …”
Thesis -
Imagined futures and relational agency in nurses' writing transitions: a qualitative study across two writing group interventions in a higher education setting
Published 2021“…</p> <p>I collected data through participant observation, samples of writing-in-development, and individual narratives spanning up to three years. I analysed the data through a conceptual framework that draws theoretically from a sociocultural understanding of developmental transitions and a cultural-historical perspective on relational agency.…”
Thesis -
Conformational changes involved in signal transduction in avian cryptochromes
Published 2023“…To further investigate the interaction surface, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy was used, more specifically double electron-electron resonance, to complement the previously acquired data with cysteine-residue-dependent distance measurements using nitroxide spin labels. The findings on dimerisation are presented in chapter 5.…”
Thesis -
Influence of calcination temperature on nickel oxide nanoparticles synthesized by thermal treatment
Published 2015“…The magnetic properties were also investigated by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, which confirmed the presence of unpaired electrons. …”
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Thesis -
Novel self-cleaning PVDF/MoO3/ZnO/GO dual layer hollow fiber photocatalytic membrane with excellent photocatalytic performance of EDCs removal and energy storage capability
Published 2024“…Ternary MoO3/ZnO/GO was synthesized using hydrothermal method and was embedded on the surface of dual layer hollow fiber membrane by dry-wet spinning method by varying the GO loading at 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 wt%. …”
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Solving delay differential equations using intervalwise partitioning by Runge–Kutta method
Published 2001“…Embedded singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta method is used to solve stiff systems of delay differential equations. …”
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Jurisdictional approaches to high conservation value area designation using regulatory instruments: an Indonesian pilot project
Published 2024“…Likely HCV areas were generally similar between the ECCA and HCV Screening method, as each set spanned ∼90% of the district. However, higher-confidence HCV areas according to the ECCA were much less extensive, at 51% of the district, and uniquely extensive across oil-palm concessions. …”
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Journal Article -
Nation in action : making Chinese in the rural borderland between China and North Korea
Published 2019“…Data collection is based on multi-sited fieldwork over the span of three years, utilizing participant observation and in-depth interviews. …”
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Thesis -
Upper mantle rheology from GRACE and GPS postseismic deformation after the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
Published 2012“…To fit the remaining misfit to the GRACE data, larger at the smaller spatial scales, cumulative afterslip of about 75 cm at depth should be added over the period spanned by the GRACE models. It produces only small crustal displacements. …”
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Journal Article -
Remote digital cognitive assessment reveals cognitive deficits related to hippocampal atrophy in autoimmune limbic encephalitis: a cross-sectional validation study
Published 2024“…No impairments in digit & spatial span, target detection (attention) and emotion discrimination were observed. …”
Journal article -
Solving delay differential equations using Componentwise Partitioning by Runge–Kutta Method
Published 2001“…Embedded singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta (SDIRK) method is used to solve stiff systems of delay differential equations (DDEs). …”
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Article -
Northern gene flow into southeastern East Asians inferred from genome-wide array genotyping
Published 2022“…Our estimated north–south admixture time ranges based on the decay of the linkage disequilibrium spanned from the Bronze Age to historic periods, suggesting the recent large-scale population migrations and subsequent admixture participated in the formation of modern Han in SE Asia.…”
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Journal Article -
君绍的散文研究 :本土的观察、记忆与反思 = A study of Jun Shao’s prose: local observation, memory and reflection
Published 2019“…He started writing in the 1950s and his writing career spanned more than half a century. Jun Shao often drew his inspirations from the nature, and with his keen observations and profound knowledge in botany, he had made a name for himself with his extraordinary depiction of nature through his writings. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)