Information for private tenants and single homeless people
Published 2000“…A 30-page printed booklet giving advice on finding a place to live in London and issues that may be encountered. …”
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Pamphlet -
Performance of light steel framing with bolted top-seat flange cleat connection
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Examining the temporal evolution of hypervelocity impact phenomena via high-speed imaging and ultraviolet-visible emission spectroscopy
Published 2014“…Higher resolution spectra yielded additional emission lines/bands that provide further evidence of interaction between fragmented projectile material and the 1 mmHg atmosphere inside the target chamber. …”
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Dual-layered and wavelength-multiplexed optical barcode for high data storage
Published 2017“…Theoretical investigations state that diffraction gratings with different lines per mm diffract different sets of wavelengths spectrum. …”
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Thesis -
The effects of secondary trauma on professionals working with victims and survived traumatized individuals
Published 2017“…The reported findings seem to be consistent with previously undertaken research (Figley 1995; Miller and McGowen 2000; Robinson 2003; Sonneck and Wagner 1996; Stamm 2000). …”
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Thesis -
An investigation into how first generation Nigerian mothers living in the UK experience postnatal depression: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2019“…Implication for clinical practice: The findings of the study suggest the need for healthcare professionals to provide equal and unbiased services and follow guidelines for care and referral in order to effectively treat the FGNMs. …”
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Thesis -
Terrorism in Nigeria: a study of Boko Haram religious violence in North East Nigeria
Published 2022“…The qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis and NVivo. The findings of the study revealed that Boko-Haram was not a result of politics but a multiplicity of poor socioeconomic factors with arms and funds sourced by direct criminal activities and dependence on foreign sources. …”
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Thesis -
Assessing the role of Arabic in EFL classes: an activity theory approach
Published 2012“…In addition, I have made use of the principles of Activity Theory (AT) as a conceptual framework to help interpret the findings of the research in a rigorous and systematic manner. …”
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Thesis -
Introducing conventional human resources practices as part of civil service reform in Qatar 2006-2016
Published 2018“…The research reached eleven important findings. Among these, the findings showed the people management systems bore much closer resemblance to classic personnel management system. …”
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Thesis -
Associations between obesity and pediatric foot dimensions
Published 2018“…Given the current prevalence of obesity in children and young people, these findings may have population wide implications on foot related matters.…”
Article -
Welfare experiments as tools for evidence-based policy making? The political debate on Twitter about the basic income trial in Finland
Published 2020“…Using a unique dataset of Finnish MPs’ Twitter tweets on the basic income trial in Finland from 2017 to 2018, this article finds that Members of Parliament (MPs) neither waited for new empirical findings nor argued in a constantly coherent way. …”
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Responsible leadership and workplace deviant behaviour: modeling trust and turnover intention as mediator
Published 2020“…The findings further provided a noteworthy theoretical understanding that of influence of RL on WDB is better explained by Trust, whereas the impact of RL on WD is less translated through turnover intention. …”
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A systematic and network based analysis of data driven quality management in supply chains and proposed future research directions
Published 2021“…Network analysis was done by using the VOS viewer package to analyze collaboration among researchers. Findings: The findings of the study reveal that the adoption of data-driven technologies and quality management tools can help in strategic decision making. …”
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"Loved and not judged": how African/Caribbeans with a diagnosis of schizophrenia experience the therapeutic relationship in psychological therapy: an interpretative phenomenologica...
Published 2020“…A description of these superordinate themes and the nine related subordinate themes are discussed. The finding indicate that the therapeutic environment enabled the establishment of a strong therapeutic relationship. …”
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Thesis -
An integrated waterfall–DEMATEL–fuzzy TOPSIS approach to post-COVID-19 customer demand resilience: Evidence from fast-fashion MSMEs
Published 2023“…Research /implications: The findings of this paper will enable fast-fashion MSMEs to develop effective actions and prioritize the operations efforts to foster the post-pandemic recovery. …”
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The big menopause: the word just seems wrong! An interpretative phenomenological analysis of Christian women’s experience of the menopause
Published 2023“…Data was collected by semi-structured interviews and analysed by interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Findings: Three superordinate themes and nine sub-themes emerged, reflecting a sequence where the impact of menopause on identity and sense of self led to efforts to adjust and respond, which for most involved finding perspective through their faith, but this was not without struggle for some. …”
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Thesis -
Iodine status of children from the Red Sea, and the Nile Valley regions of the Sudan: implications for health and development
Published 2010“…The implications of the findings to health and development of the children, and nutrition and health policy have been assessed. …”
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Thesis -
Dopamine and reward : effects of dopamine antagonist drugs on operant and consummatory behaviours
Published 1990“…The implications of this finding are discussed in relation to the internal organisation of behaviour, and Parkinson's disease. …”
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