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America’s “China-First” grand strategy and the transatlantic bargain: revisiting the security–economics nexus
Published 2024“…This debate has overlooked a crucial point: Washington’s security commitment to Europe is not only about military power but also hinges on European acquiescence to Washington’s politico-economic leadership position. …”
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Article -
Preliminary Investigation of 4D Printing Technology for Deployable UAV Development
Published 2016“…The investigation has also shown that the folding angles (0°, 15°, 30° and 60°) of the hinge for the back wing of UAV model is programmable and controllable. …”
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Conference Paper -
Dragonfly (Sympetrum flaveolum) flight : kinematic measurement and modelling
Published 2013“…By applying more tracking points along the leading edge around the nodus, it is shown that the leading edge is not one rigid piece, but two pieces hinged at the nodus with physical constraint of forty degrees. …”
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Journal Article -
The ideational approach
Published 2024“…At all three levels, we argue that populism has a distinct impact that hinges on the intensity of populist beliefs of actors, particularly when these are in power. …”
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Book Section -
Deep learning approach to cervical segmentation from routine CT images
Published 2023“…To address the sequential and location-dependent nature of bone segmen tation information, the dissertation proposes a pre-training model for location information, and combines 2.5D image input and labeled multi-channel coding to semantically segment 3D cervical spine CT images. This method can accu rately extract the information of bone joint location of slices and incorporate it into image features in the form of channels, which can improve the accuracy of multiple bone joint segmentation and classification. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Impinging jet mixers: A review of their mixing characteristics, performance considerations, and applications
Published 2024“…Optimal control over fast chemical processes hinges on the achievement of rapid and effective mixing. …”
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Article -
Transverse domain wall profile for spin logic applications
Published 2015“…The topological defects of Transverse DWs (TDW) are of paramount importance as regards to the deterministic pinning and movement of DW within complex networks of conduits. …”
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Journal Article -
Cell-based assays in flowing and sessile drops
Published 2018“…The impact of this arrangement on cells, and the alternation of the pinning line/interface by Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) is examined in some details. …”
Thesis -
Target Design and Optimizations for Spent Fuel Transmutation
Published 2024“…A proposed tank design with a lead/Tc-99 target that is surrounded by LLFP pins and heavy water is considered for the spallation study. …”
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Thesis -
Indoor localization using Wi-Fi
Published 2020“…All models are evaluated using data collected from several reference points on block N4, North Spine, Nanyang Technological University. A simple Android application is developed to assist data collection. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Anomaly detection in aerosol jet printing via computer vision & machine learning
Published 2023“…Hence, this paper aims to develop, and more importantly, fine-tune, an in-situ monitoring algorithm that will be implemented into the Aerosol Jet Printing system with the help of an Object Detection Model, which hinges upon the principles of Deep Learning (DL), and Computer Vision (CV). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Cross-Modal Deep Variational Hashing
Published 2017“…Unlike most existing cross-modal hashing methods which learn a single pair of projections to map each example into a binary vector, we design a deep fusion neural network to learn non-linear transformations from image-text input pairs, such that a unified binary code is achieved in a discrete and discriminative manner using a classification-based hinge-loss criterion. We then design modality-specific neural networks in a probabilistic manner such that we model a latent variable to be close as possible from the inferred binary codes, at the same time approximated by a posterior distribution regularized by a known prior, which is suitable for out-of-sample extension. …”
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Conference Paper -
Innovative UWB phase shifters using groove gap-waveguide technology inspired by metasurfaces for beamforming networks operating at 100 GHz
Published 2025“…The metasurface features a "bed-of-nails" structure, where metal pins are connected to a bottom layer and spaced <λ/4 from a top plate. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Dynamics of three-dimensional helical domain wall in cylindrical NiFe nanowires
Published 2015“…A minimum current density is needed to overcome an intrinsic pinning to drive the helical DW, and the propagation along the nanowire is accompanied by a rotational motion. …”
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Journal Article -
Surface wave interaction with a vertical viscoelastic barrier
Published 2022“…The viscoelastic sheet spans over the entire water depth, and is tensioned and hinged on both ends. The Voigt model is employed for the viscoelastic representation. …”
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Journal Article -
Nanyang Technological University indoor map
Published 2020“…The indoor map was only built for academic buildings in North Spine. Continuation of the project will see for the expansion to include all other buildings on the campus, both academic and non-academic, and for additional useful information, such as camera live feed, to be integrated. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Knowledge and attitude of lower back pain among nursing students in Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan
Published 2023“…It is the pain in your lower back which may come from the spine, muscle, nerves or other nearby structure. …”
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Monograph -
Living with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: radiological images of a patient with extensive heterotopic ossification
Published 2023“…Radiographic evaluation with X-rays and CT scans revealed scoliosis and total fusion of almost all levels of the spine, with only a few disc spaces spared. A large mass of heterotopic bone was observed, corresponding to the location of the paraspinal muscles in the lumbar region, branching upwards and fusing with the scapulae on both sides. …”
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Journal Article -
Prevalence of lumbosacral transition vertebrae in symptomatic adults and the levels of degeneration in the suprajacent disc
Published 2024“…Retrospectively, 545 patients (Age = 57.6 ± 18.3 years; Male = 277; Female = 268) who underwent radiographic evaluation of the lumbar spine for lower back pain or radicular symptoms were shortlisted. …”
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Journal Article