Konsep terapi Nabi SAW sebagai alternatif dalam menangani penyakit fizikal dan spiritual
Published 2021“…Kaedah pengubatan Rasulullah SAW ini merupakan terapi alamiah menggunakan herba atau bahan semula jadi dan terapi spiritual. Penggunaan doa-doa daripada al-Quran serta ijtihad Baginda SAW merupakan antara asas da-lam rawatan selain penggunaan bahan-bahan yang halal dan tidak terkeluar daripada prinsip syariat. …”
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Article -
Mitigation technique for rain fade using frequency diversity method
Published 2016“…The main outcome of the research shows that there is negligible effect of rain for 5.8 GHz link whereas it very strong on the 26 GHz link. It was observed 15 dB to 35 dB attenuation during measurement period. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Linear quadratic regulator (LQR) approach for lifting and stabilizing of two wheeled wheelchair
Published 2011“…The equations of motions, which are very complex, are derived from the wheels, Link1 and Link2. The goal is to have both links of the two-wheeled wheelchair to be at the upright position. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bone health in urban midlife Malaysian women: risk factors and prevention
Published 2005“…In conclusion, lifestyle intervention prevented spinal bone loss in premenopausal women and retarded postmenopausal spine and hip bone loss compared with controls. …”
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Article -
Classic lattice corneal dystrophy associated with monoclonal gammopathy following exclusion of a TGFBI mutation
Published 2009“…Serum protein electrophoresis revealed the presence of a monoclonal spike and based on the results of additional investigations, the patient was diagnosed with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). …”
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Article -
A molecular docking study repurposes FDA approved iron oxide nanoparticles to treat and control COVID-19 infection
Published 2020“…Therefore, we performed a docking study to explore the interaction of IONPs (Fe2O3 and Fe3O4) with the spike protein receptor binding domain (S1-RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 that is required for virus attachment to the host cell receptors. …”
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Article -
Identification of similar epitopes between SARS-CoV-2 and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin: potential for cross-reactive adaptive immunity
Published 2020“…The SARS-CoV-2 T cell epitopes represented 16 SARS-CoV-2 proteins, the SARS-CoV-2 B cell epitopes represented 5 SARS-CoV-2 proteins, including the receptor binding domain of the spike glycoprotein. Conclusion: Altogether our results provide a mechanistic basis for the potential cross-reactive adaptive immunity that may exists between the two microorganisms.…”
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Article -
Decoding Covid-19 with the SARS-CoV-2 genome
Published 2021“…The critical determinant of the SARS-CoV-2 genome is the spike (S) gene encoding the viral structural protein that interacts with the host cell entry receptor ACE2. …”
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Article -
Road Crashes Among Food Delivery Riders (P-Hailing) During Pandemic in Kuala Lumpur
Published 2024“…As a result, many people ordered food through food delivery services, which may have come at a high cost due to the recent spike in food deliveries. This study aims to establish the causes and the most frequent mentioned elements that contribute to road crashes among riders. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Analysis of Variable Frequency Drive for Induction Motor using Matlab Software
Published 2024“…Comparative analysis reveals that the VFD, the starting current surge to approximately 9A, a significant improvement compared to the 50A spike observed without the VFD. Additionally, the motor speed remains consistent in both scenarios, suggesting that the VFD does not adversely affect the motor's speed, which is 1490 rpm, while maintaining the voltage and current supplied to the load. …”
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Article -
Towards a Computational Effective Paradigm for Image Guided Surgery (IGS)
Published 2011“…The adoption of minimally invasive method in surgical intervention occasioned by Image Guided Surgery (IGS) / Computer Aided Surgery (CAS) has further enhanced the acceptability of IGS into more areas of surgery such as spinal cord surgery, teleguided surgery, robotic controlled surgery, neuro surgery, and even orthopedic surgery and emergency situations which have hitherto least benefitted in IGS for certain obvious impediments. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bahasa Melayu harus berada pada tempatnya semula
Published 2009“…Persidangan Meja Bulat ke 5 adalah penyudah kepada sesi memberi pandangan terhadap penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantar bagi subjek Sains dan Matematik. …”
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Article -
Bahasa Melayu for law
Published 2012“…Projek ini merupakan suatu kajian yang mengumpulkan pandangan pelbagai pihak bagi menghasilkan suatu kurikulum baru/penerbitan sebuah buku teks Bahasa Melayu Perundangan (LM 2022) untuk kegunaan pelajar Kuliyyah AIKOL, seperti yang kita sedia maklum pelajar AIKOL memperoleh ilmu perundangan dalam Bahasa Inggeris manakala penggunaan Bahasa Melayu merupakan suatu keperluan bagi menghadapi kerjaya dalam bidang guaman seperti yang termaktub dalam Akta bahasa Kebangsaan 1963/1967 (seksyen 8).…”
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Monograph -
Identifying preface in the Qur’anic Surahs a new methodology of Qur’anic Interpretation”
Published 2014“…Some of them simply tried to show the link among all the verses of Qur’anic Surahs; and some others identified various themes in a Surah and suggested possible link among them. …”
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Article -
Persepsi pelajar terhadap aktiviti origami berkumpulan dalam pembentukan kemahiran kerja berpasukan
Published 2014“…Justeru para pendidik perlu memilih straregi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang menjurus kepada keberkesanan yang tinggi untuk mencapai hasrat murni dalam Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan. Penggunaan strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran berasaskan sumber seperti penggunaan origami sebagai alat pendidikan telah banyak dibuktikan keberkesananannya malah mampu membentuk kemahiran kerja berpasukan dalam kalangan pelajar. …”
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Thesis -
iTAS: mewujudkan persekitaran tanpa kertas dalam pengurusan penilaian pemarkahan pelajar latihan iIndustri di Pusat Pengajian Diploma
Published 2020“…Ini menambah kebimbangan pihak penyelaras Latihan Industri kerana kesemua penilaian pelajar melibatkan penggunaan kertas yang banyak dan ini bertentangan dengan matlamat universiti bagi mewujudkan “Pejabat Hijau”. …”
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Book Section -
Penghasilan buku panduan kerja luar ukur takimetri bagi meningkatkan tahap kefahaman pelajar dalam pembelajaran secara amali
Published 2004“…Hasil daripada analisis yang telah dibuat didapati bahawa buku panduan yang dihasilkan ini adalah berkonsepkan mesra pengguna. Penggunaan grafik yang diterapkan ke dalam buku panduan ini juga dapat meningkatkan kefahaman pengguna dalam melakukan keija amali ukur. …”
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Thesis -
Penguasaan komunikasi bahasa arab melalui kaedah aktif komunikatif di sekolah menengah agama
Published 2017“…Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan penggunaan KAK memberi kesan positif dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab terutama pertuturan, penambahan kosa kata, kalimat, serta meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap kitab-kitab berbahasa Arab. …”
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