Book of International Symposium on Waqf and Higher Education (ISWHE 2016)
Published 2016“…However, this institution type is accepted as very important in Islamic societies; waqfs therefore had a great impact on economic and social life in Turkish and Islamic world. The Waqf institution is an important issue requiring examination from the middle period until recent times in Turkish and Islamic history.…”
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Liveability and low-income housing in Nigeria
Published 2016“…This study examined the quality of life against the backdrop of the existing environment in the public low-income housing estates. …”
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Reviewing the concept of sustainability from the Islamic perspectives
Published 2016“…Since the 80s when the concept of ‘sustainability’ was first introduced, this term had been persistently centred on the context of renewable resources and ecological capabilities to support human life. At this juncture, it is worth considering shifting the paradigm to include the Islamic point of view especially pertaining to the built environment professions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Lloyd Fernando (31 May 1926 - 28 February 2008)
Published 2009“…An essay on the life and works of Lloyd Fernando, a Malaysian writer, who is often credited with the first Malaysian novel in the English language, Scorpion Orchid, published in 1976. …”
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Bone health education booklet: a guide for women living with menopause
Published 2020“…This booklet is an outcome from the research which tends to guide post-menopausal women in maintaining their bone health throughout menopausal life. This booklet consists of 12 sections with the full of information regarding the information about bone, bone screening, nutritional, exercise and fall prevention strategies.…”
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Social obligation in land ownership and it's management under Shari'ah
Published 2009“…Those legal injuctions explicitly stated in the Qur'an were revealed to all of mankind and cover all aspects of human life. This paper aims to show that the legal concept of land ownership in Islam responsibility which manifests itself in its principles and social norms. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Islamic criminal laws: hudood, qisas and ta'zir laws
Published 2004“…Some peole say that Islamic criminal law in such form irrelevant since the reality of life is now different. Is it true? What is meant by reality? …”
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Student success in a pre-sessional course for postgraduate international students : implications for practice
Published 2004“…While on the EAP course, students have an opportunity to improve their level of English, develop appropriate study skills, get used to university life and the different teaching and learning style here in the UK, well before starting their degree. …”
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Exploring the usefulness of new technology with new students : a case study
Published 2004“…However, it may be possible to get them to engage with university life virtually. This paper explores the thinking behind encouraging students to develop their online skills whilst at University, and supporting the lecturing staff as role models for this approach.…”
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The “T” Process: triangulating personal learning
Published 2014“…A novel method for engaging in learning-focused dialogues is proposed - a method that not only allows learners to construct their own conceptions of learning, but also - where and if appropriate – allows them then to use those constructions to practice articulating and using learning acquired as the result of working and personal life experiences. The specific technique, it is suggested, may be usefully employed in a wide variety of contexts where individuals are required – formally or informally – to articulate experiential learning in oral or written form and when employed in an assessment context, for example as a precursor to RPL (“Recognition of Prior Learning) applications, the technique becomes assessment ‘as learning’ (Earl, 2003)…”
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Gangs and governance in Russia: the paradox of law and lawlessness
Published 2019“…The paper uses Schmitt’s notion of ‘state of exception’ and Agamben’s idea of ‘bare life’ to explain how gangs function.…”
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Developing a vaccine for human rhinoviruses
Published 2014“…Rhinoviruses (RV's) are common human pathogens of the respiratory tract being the most frequent cause of mild diseases of the upper respiratory tract (common cold) but more importantly they are a major initiator of acute exacerbations of chronic airway diseases. Infections can be life threatening in the latter context however RV -induced common colds have an associated economic cost from loss of productivity due to absence from work or school. …”
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Globalization, class, and immigration: an intersectional analysis of the new East End
Published 2021“…Permeating into every facet of social life, the construct of community and constructions of belongingness, finally apprehending the pitfalls of research without direct engagement of subjects.…”
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The right to privacy: a reflection on Warren and Brandeis’ interpretation and the case of Ethiopia 1991-2018
Published 2022“…The Right to Privacy is a form of negative liberty that ensures people to enjoy life without unlawful interference from the state or other agents. …”
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Governance on violence against women in the necropolitical border: the case of Ciudad Juárez
Published 2022“…In the book, several affiliates of the Center for Studies on Security, Intelligence and Governance (CESIG) of the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) share their knowledge in the field and propose solutions to the problems impacting the daily life of Mexicans. In "Gobernanza sobre la violencia contra las mujeres en la frontera necropolítica: el caso de Ciudad Juárez", María E. …”
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Handbook of research on redesigning teaching, learning, and assessment in the digital era
Published 2023“…Recent evolutions, such as pervasive networking and other enabling technologies, have been increasingly changing human life, knowledge acquisition, and the way works are performed and students learn. …”
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Smart street lighting system
Published 2020“…It can be used to promote security in urban areas and to increase the quality of life by artificially extending the hours in which it is light so that activity can take place. …”
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Flexural strength of concrete prism strengthened using CFRP with modified mortar
Published 2020“…Hence, it is essential to find repair and strengthening techniques of deteriorated concrete structures not only suitable in terms of the economy, but also to use them for their intended service life.…”
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Benefit of co-curricular
Published 2017“…Service learning is a method of teaching where students apply their academic skills and knowledge to address real-life needs in their own communities. Service learning is a pedagogical strategy that facilitates a student's growth in academics, social maturity, critical thinking, and communication, collaboration, and leadership skills. …”
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