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Dividend policy revisited : a Singapore perspective.
Published 2008“…This paper aims to find the relationship between dividends and the market price of a company's share in the Singapore context. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Customers' perceptions on internet banking services in Singapore.
Published 2009“…Based on our results, we presented key findings and recommendations for enhancing the adoption of Internet banking.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Explaining the decision-making process.
Published 2011“…Our paper seeks to better understand human‘s decision-making behavior through conducting classroom experiments in Nanyang Technological University. We find that the behavior of mental accounting and prospect theory are not evident in our experiment. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effect of complexity of Chinese characters and their pinyin on recognition time
Published 2011Get full text
Thesis -
Investigation of implementation of solar thermal energy on electric power system of Singapore
Published 2012“…There is a great reliance on imported fuel to supply our energy needs. We will need to find other ways to supplement our needs. The unlimited amount of sunshine in Singapore may be able to cover some of these needs. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
To enter or not : the effects of network intensity on real options and market entry.
Published 2013“…This is then followed by a discussion of the limitations of our research and the implications of our findings on managers’ decision-making regarding market entry strategies.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Stock trading and prediction using back-propagation neural network
Published 2014“…Then, variable input information including basic information, technical indicators and index indicators are investigated to find the most robust input combinations. The impact of neural network architecture is also covered. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The role of investor relations firms in financial restatements
Published 2016“…This study examines the role of investor relations (IR) firms in the setting of financial restatements. I find that firms hiring an outside IR firm experience higher restatement announcement returns and they do not realize lower post-announcement stock returns than propensity-score matched control firms. …”
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Thesis -
Financial constraints and propagation of shocks in production networks
Published 2024“…Using data on almost all Turkish supplier-customer links, we exploit the heterogeneous impact of an unexpected import-tax increase for identification. We find that this relatively minor shock had a nontrivial economic impact on exposed firms and propagated downstream through affected suppliers. …”
Journal article -
Monetary policy and inequality
Published 2023“…We use administrative household-level data covering the entire population in Denmark over the period 1987 to 2014 and exploit a long-standing currency peg as a source of exogenous variation in monetary policy. We find that gains from softer monetary policy in terms of income, wealth, and consumption are monotonically increasing in ex ante income. …”
Journal article -
Exon skipping is correlated with exon circularization
Published 2015“…Here, we stimulated primary human endothelial cells with tumor necrosis factor α or tumor growth factor β, purified RNA, generated > 2.4 billion RNA-seq reads, and used a custom pipeline to characterize circular RNAs derived from coding exons. We find that circularization of exons is widespread and correlates with exon skipping, a feature that adds considerably to the regulatory complexity of the human transcriptome.…”
Journal article -
Policy complexity suppresses dopamine responses
Published 2025“…In support of this hypothesis, we find that policy complexity suppresses midbrain dopamine responses to reward outcomes. …”
Journal article -
Nietzsche and the significance of genealogy
Published 2024“…On this view, Nietzsche provides a ‘deconstructive genealogy’ that indicates whether and where we should expect to find unity in our current moral practices. Moreover, Nietzsche’s history contributes to a critique of contemporary morality because it reveals that morality is unlikely to have the kind of unity required by many of its defenders. …”
Journal article -
Should investors care where private equity managers went to school?
Published 2022“…In particular, we explore three potential channels of how their educational background may influence fund performance: (i) institutional quality, (ii) individual performance, and (iii) academic variety. We find that a combination of top-tier education and work experience identifies individual performance in the management team. …”
Journal article -
Solubility and dissolutıon improvement of paramethoxycinnamic acid (pMCA) induced by cocrystal formation using caffeine as a coformer
Published 2024“…It shows that the solubility of the samples synthesized using microwave-assisted and solvent evaporation increases about 3.30 and 3.12 times, respectively, whereas the dissolution rate profile increases 2.50 and 2.39 times, respectively, compared to pure APMS. Our findings explain the importance of the cocrystal formation strategy to enhance the solubility of active material pMCA. …”
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Article -
Testing and marketing commercial accounting software packages : the case of BMS financials.
Published 2013“…In the process of understanding how such a software is built in a vendor’s environment, we present an overview of the vendor’s (MA Consulting Services) software development process and its marketing environment. We finally derive a five-step vendor’s Systems Development Life Cycle suited to the MA case.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Predictive elements of the stock market in the foothball industry.
Published 2013“…Additionally, we categorized our data into different competitions namely; domestic league, domestic cups and international competitions. In our findings, we identified that results from the domestic league have the strongest influence on stock returns as its beta is approximately five times more than the other two independent variables. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Exploring the awareness and implementation of data journalism in Malaysian online newsrooms
Published 2024“…This paper employed convenience sampling, selecting five editors-in-chief from different online newsrooms in Malaysia for in-depth interviews. …”
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Article -
Ultrasonographic imaging study on abdominal organs of goat
Published 2016“…This study summarizes the ultrasonographic findings of the abdominal organs of goat. Five apparently healthy does were selected in this study. …”
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