Performance evaluation of uncoordinated beamforming over cognitive radio network
Published 2012“…We present the optimum weight design to maximize the SINR and achievable sum rate for both primary and cognitive link under the condition that the cross interference at both receivers are totally nullified. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Artificial neural network implementation on firearm recognition system with respect to ring firing pin impression image
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Ujian sitotoksisiti terhadap campuran terhadap campuran ekstrak kering Orthosiphon stamineus dan Ficus deltoidea
Published 2008Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
The effects of palmvitee on lipid peroxidation in rats fed a high methionine diet
Published 2007Get full text
Article -
The position of environmental law in Malaysia in dealing with domestic and regional air pollution problems
Published 2016Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Buletin Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan Edisi 1/2021
Published 2021“…SarjanaSainsKejuruteraanTenagaLestari(MDL)merupakanprogrampascasiswazahterbaharuFakultiKejuruteraanMekanikaldanPembuatan(FKMP)dibangunkanuntukmemenuhikeperluantenagapakardalambidangtenaga,terutamanyaberkaitankecekapantenaga,tenagabolehdiperbaharuidanpengurusantenaga.PrograminitelahmendapatsokongandankerjasamadaripadapihakKementerianTenagadanSumberAsli(KeTSA)danSuruhanjayaTenaga(ST),dimanasebagainilaitambah,graduanbagiprogramyangmengikutipengkhususanPengurusandanKecekapanTenagalayakdiiktirafsebagaiPengurusTenagaElektrikBerdaftar(REEM).…”
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Bulletin -
Phase diagrams of a Potts Model with competing binary and ternary interactions
Published 2010Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Improved personalised data modelling using parameter independent fuzzy weighted k-nearest neighbour for spatio/spectro-temporal data
Published 2021“…The NeuCube architecture is a data processing architecture for spatio/spectro-temporal data which consists of four main modules: a spike encoding module, a recurrent SNN reservoir, an output module, and an optimization module. …”
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Thesis -
Implementasi Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012 - Hak Asasi Manusia vs Kuasa-kuasa Polis
Published 2012Get full text
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Proceeding Paper -
Neutron transmutation doped of silicon under Cf-252 isotopic neutron bombardment
Published 2009Get full text
Article -
Martabatkan Bahasa Melayu jadi bahasa ilmu
Published 2009“…Ia terbukti mampu menjadi bahasa lingua-franca pada masa silam dan berkeupayaan menjadi bahasa ilmu, sains dan teknologi pada masa kini.…”
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Article -
Risk factors and phenytoin prophylaxis for early post-traumatic seizures among patients with traumatic brain injury
Published 2010“…Methods: This was a prospective observational study, carried out in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, under the Department of Neurosciences. …”
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Article -
Comparison of microwave path lengths between temperate and tropical region based on effects of rain
Published 2012“…However, important parameter need to consider in the path reduction factor is the maximum e®ective path length for a particular link at speci¯c operating frequency. This paper presents the summary of allowable path length for designing terrestrial microwave link at particular operating frequency at temperate and tropical region. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An ontological framework for assisting people with disabilities in organisations
Published 2022“…The OntoCarer-Link-Ontology is an ontology of properties used to link the assisted actions with the assister actions, and so create an assistive social network for an organisation. …”
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