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Predicting graft and patient outcomes following kidney transplantation using interpretable machine learning models
Published 2024“…Donor and recipient ages, the number of mismatches at DR locus, dialysis type, and primary renal disease appear to be important features for transplant outcome prediction. Owing to their good predictive performance and the clinical relevance of their post hoc interpretation, neural networks represent a promising core component in the construction of future decision support systems for transplant offering. …”
Journal article -
Electrospun fibrous aerogels for air filtration
Published 2019“…A compression test of 100th cycles of the NFA filter showed that the filters retained their mechanical integrity as seen from the cyclic stress-strain curves. These findings show that the PI-PAN/ZIF-8 NFA filters can potentially be used in the filtration of fine particles at high temperature environment, such as car exhaust and coal furnace exhaust where the temperatures can range up to 300 ºC.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Optimization and scheduling of applications in a heterogeneous CPU-GPU environment
Published 2014“…Using state of the art StarPU scheduling framework and exhaustive benchmarks, it is shown that the fine grained approach in much more efficient for the CPU-GPU environment. …”
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Thesis -
Modeling polarity-driven laminar patterns in bilayer tissues with mixed signaling mechanisms
Published 2023“…Motivated by cellular mechanisms that control cell-fate decisions in developing bilayer tissues, we use dynamical systems coupled with multilayer graphs to analyze the role of signaling polarity and pathway crosstalk in fine-grain pattern formation of protein activity. …”
Journal article -
Animatezoo: zero-shot video generation of cross-species animation via subject alignment
Published 2024“…These components are specifically designed to capture essential appearance information, including identity and fine details. Second, we align shape features and addressconflicts from differing subjects by introducing a scale-information remover. …”
Internet publication -
A Brewster route to Cherenkov detectors
Published 2022“…Our angular-selective Brewster paradigm offers a feasible solution to implement compact and highly sensitive Cherenkov detectors especially in beam lines with a small angular divergence using regular dielectrics.…”
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Journal Article -
High-quality semiconductor fibres via mechanical design
Published 2024“…As semiconductors are the critical component that governs device performance, the selection, control and engineering of semiconductors inside fibres are the key pathways to enabling high-performance functional fibres. However, owing to stress development and capillary instability in the high-yield fibre thermal drawing, both cracks and deformations in the semiconductor cores considerably affect the performance of these fibres. …”
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Journal Article -
The theoretical direct-band-gap optical gain of Germanium nanowires
Published 2020“…Based on the electronic structures, the density of states of Germanium nanowires are also obtained, and we find that the conduction band density of states mostly come from the electron states at the L-valley because of the eight equivalent degenerate L points in Germanium. …”
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Journal Article -
Design of interactive multimedia courseware in data structures & algorithms I
Published 2013Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of mobile applications for housing services
Published 2013Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Learning environment for Java programming language
Published 2017Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design and development of VR/AR indoor or outdoor game
Published 2018Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Combinatorial algorithms for scheduling jobs to minimize server usage time
Published 2018“…The Flexible Job Scheduling problem aims at determining the starting times of flexible jobs that do not have to be started immediately at their arrivals to minimize the span of all the jobs, where the span is the time duration in which at least one job is running. …”
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Thesis -
Retirement instruments and their distribution channels.
Published 2008“…More has to be done to help people plan for retirement. First, we hope to find out about the relationship between demographics and instruments used by them. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2016“…Emergency - A feature film package comprising a full length treatment, script and teaser trailer During the Malayan Emergency, an angry young man, caught between the Communist guerillas fighting in the jungle and the British, desperately struggling to hold on to Malaya; finds out the true cost of independence. Inspired by the 1948-1960 Malayan Emergency…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -