Sequence-dependent drug binding to the minor groove of DNA: crystal structure of the DNA dodecamer d(CGCAAATTTGCG)2 complexed with propamidine
Published 1995“…The R factor converged to 15.5% with the inclusion of 73 water molecules. The structure shows binding of the propamidine molecule within the AT tract of the DNA minor groove with a shift from the center of the duplex toward the 3’ end of ca. 2 A. …”
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Compact UHF RFID balun-like integrated tag antenna for long range detection of water bottles
Published 2023“…This leads to a long read range of 13.33 m; > 5.83 m compared to other state-of-the-art designs. …”
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A systematic review examining alcohol dependence and sexual dysfunction across genders
Published 2022“…Research looking at alcohol dependence and sexual dysfunction in cisgender women, and even more so intersex, transgender and gender non-conforming people has received comparatively less attention than for cisgender men, with a 1:5 ratio. Consensus of the included literature indicated that alcohol dependence does impact sexual functioning, which includes erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for cisgender men and sexual desire and orgasmic difficulties for cisgender women. …”
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Optimal portfolio and trading strategy using machine learning
Published 2024“…The first sub-task is to use the annual financial ratios of each company under the sector of semiconductors from 2011 to 2018 to project the company returns in 2019 using machine learning algorithms. Then, the top 5 highest-return assets would be selected to form a portfolio. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Electromagnetic force distribution computations due to switching surge in disc-type winding
Published 2023“…First, the resistances, inductances and capacitances (RLC) of a 30 MVA, 33/11 kV disctype distribution transformer were estimated to obtain the winding equivalent circuit. …”
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Field Measurement of Air Velocity and Temperature Factors that Influence the Thermal Comfort in Shuttle Bus
Published 2023“…According to the data, outlet 5 received the highest air velocity and the lowest temperature, at 9.12 ms-1 and 13.6 °C, respectively. …”
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Field Measurement of Air Velocity and Temperature Factors that Influence the Thermal Comfort in Shuttle Bus
Published 2023“…According to the data, outlet 5 received the highest air velocity and the lowest temperature, at 9.12 ms-1 and 13.6 °C, respectively. …”
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Numerical analysis on the anode active thickness using quasi-three-dimensional solid oxide fuel cell mode
Published 2023“…The influence of anode's thickness towards anode active thickness is studied with the anode thickness of 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 mm. It is found that the quasi-three-dimensional SOFC model is capable of analysing SOFC with a sufficiently thick electrode. …”
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Field Measurement of Air Velocity and Temperature Factors that Influence the Thermal Comfort in Shuttle Bus
Published 2023“…According to the data, outlet 5 received the highest air velocity and the lowest temperature, at 9.12 ms-1 and 13.6 °C, respectively. …”
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Field Measurement of Air Velocity and Temperature Factors that Influence the Thermal Comfort in Shuttle Bus
Published 2023“…According to the data, outlet 5 received the highest air velocity and the lowest temperature, at 9.12 ms-1 and 13.6 °C, respectively. …”
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Numerical analysis on the anode active thickness using quasi-three-dimensional solid oxide fuel cell model
Published 2023“…The influence of anode's thickness towards anode active thickness is studied with the anode thickness of 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 mm. It is found that the quasi-three-dimensional SOFC model is capable of analysing SOFC with a sufficiently thick electrode. …”
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Numerical analysis on the anode active thickness using quasi-three-dimensional solid oxide fuel cell model
Published 2023“…The influence of anode's thickness towards anode active thickness is studied with the anode thickness of 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 mm. It is found that the quasi-three-dimensional SOFC model is capable of analysing SOFC with a sufficiently thick electrode. …”
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Effect of shielded metal arc welding on microstructure, hardness, and tensile strength of nodular cast iron
Published 2023“…Shielded metal arc welding was performed using AWS A5.15 Eni-CL electrodes. Scanning Electron Microscope is used for metallographic observation. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Amalan teknik mengingat di kalangan pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Menengah Teknik Batu Pahat, Johor
Published 2002“…Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk meninjau amalan teknik mengingat di kalangan pelajar-pelajar Tingkatan 5, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Batu Pahat, Johor. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pendapat pelajar mengenai kepentingan teknik mengingat kepada mereka serta teknik-teknik mengingat yang diamalkannya. …”
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Thesis -
Finite element modelling of fixed-fixed end plate attached with vibration absorber
Published 2016“…Subsequently, the effects of attached single and dual LDVA were analysed in depth by using Ansys workbench 14.5. Results demonstrated that single LDVA attached at the centre of the plate succesfully attenuate vibration over the frequency range of 0- 600 Hz. …”
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Explanatory domain and indicator for integration public skill training institute with private training center for automotive industry trainees explanatory domain and indicator for...
Published 2017“…Domain analysis and indicators of the fourth round of the eleven (n=11) expert panel found that only twelve domain PSTI programmes are integrated with PTC namely (1) Governance; (2) The framework of qualifications; (3) Standard of competence; (4) Supplier of skill standards; (5) Delivery; (6); (7) industrial relations; (8) The experience of industrial work; (9) The twinning program; (10) community service program; (11) The curriculum-based industrial visits; and (12) Educational entrepreneurship. …”
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Effect of amphoteric and cationic polyacrylamide on the structural and strength properties of coir paper
Published 2015“…The aPAM and cPAM were incorporated to coir pulp slurry in different dosages (0.5% - 2.0%) during stock preparation. Industrial grade of potassium aluminum sulfate (alum) was used for all sets handsheet. …”
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Tool path generation of contour parallel based on ant colony optimisation
Published 2016“…Finally the simulation results show the reduction of 5% machining time compared to previous method.…”
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Musculoskeletal symptoms and ergonomic hazards among room attendants in hotel industries
Published 2017“…The highest body part trouble among room attendants in the last 12 months were low back pain (60%), followed by wrists/hands (41.5%), and knees (36.9%). WISHA Checklist results showed that most of room attendants were found in hazard level for risk factors involving awkward posture and highly repetitive motion. …”
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Minimal processing for goat milk preservation: Effect of high-pressure processing on its quality
Published 2021“…The safety and quality of goat milk processed by HPP (200–600 MPa) and thermal treatment (60–80° C) at 5–15 min were studied. Thirty-day storage study at 25°C and 4°C was carried out as well. …”
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