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Upgrade of the NTU virtual judge software application
Published 2018“…The analysis would also include the popularity of the chosen Programming Language and Software Framework, as well as the recommendation of whether said topics should be offered as part of a curriculum in major universities. Since the web application is expected to be deployed in the World Wide Web after project submission, this report would also discuss the key recommendations in deploying the web application in the World Wide Web. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Female “Firsts” : performing in the marriage market and on the political stage in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Hillary Clinton’s what happened
Published 2018“…While much progress has been made in improving women’s rights since the eighteenth century, many societies still unofficially evaluate women according to their relationships with men. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
求关注 :中国网络主播与观众互动模式探析 = China online : a study of live streaming practices in China
Published 2019“…With a massive base of 422 million users as of 2017 and a projected market value of 100 billion yuan in 2020, China’s live streaming industry has grown significantly since it picked up traction in 2016. I set out to investigate how live streaming users interact and its intricacies, uncovering how the industry cashes in on the users’ affection and attention. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
New binders for Li-ion batteries
Published 2019“…Herein, a comparison between conventional PVDF binder and new pectin binder was made in terms of cycling performance and rate capability. Since a silicon and graphene composite with carbon black and the chosen binder were used to synthesise the electrode slurry, the optimum silicon to graphene weight ratio for electrodes with the new pectin binder was also investigated. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Evaluation and fabrication of damaged composite material using non-destructive testing
Published 2019“…Composite materials are being used widely in many industries today, for example, in automotive, aviation, research and development, as well as in sports. Since composites are extensively employed in many areas, it is important to determine the existence of surface and sub-surface defects before production and during regular maintenance checks. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Recent developments in electrode materials for sodium-ion batteries
Published 2016“…In particular, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have received considerable attention ever since their early commercialization in 1990s. However, with initiatives by several governments to build large-scale energy grids to store energy for cities, problems such as the high cost and limited availability of lithium starts to become major issues. …”
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Journal Article -
Subsurface profiling using horizontal drilling indices for guided boring method
Published 2016“…Therefore, contractors will often conduct GBM installations without performing a proper subsurface investigation, which may lead to unusual consequences for the project. Since GBM consists of an initial pilot tube installation with further borehole reaming, the drilling parameters during the pilot tube installation phase may be used for subsurface profiling, which helps operators select proper drilling tools for the next reaming stages. …”
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Journal Article -
MC-Fluid: Multi-core Fluid-based Mixed-Criticality Scheduling
Published 2017“…We derive an exact schedulability test for this algorithm, and also present an optimal strategy for assigning the fractional execution rates to tasks. Since fluid-model based scheduling is not implementable on real hardware, we also present a transformation algorithm from fluid-schedule to a non-fluid one. …”
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Journal Article -
Efficient carrier-reuse for intensity modulation and direct detection passive optical networks with Rayleigh backscattering noise circumvention
Published 2018“…In our proposed system, the number of light sources is halved since no extra light sources are required for the upstream (US) transmission, and the RB noise is eliminated without using any high cost ultra-narrow filter or coherent detection. …”
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Journal Article -
Attacks in Reality: The Limits of Concurrent Error Detection Codes against Laser Fault Injection
Published 2018“…A single-bit linear parity scheme is shown to be ineffective for error detection, since the LFI can typically flip multiple bits that are close to each other. …”
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Journal Article -
On linear complementary pairs of codes
Published 2019“…The same holds for a special class of quasi-cyclic codes, namely 2D cyclic codes, but not in general for all quasi-cyclic codes, since we have examples of LCP of double circulant codes not satisfying this conclusion for the security parameter. …”
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Journal Article -
Slip deficit in central Nepal: omen for a repeat of the 1344 AD earthquake?
Published 2016“…Taking into account charcoal’s age inheritance, we revisit the timing of terrace offsets at key sites to compare them with the seismic record since 1200 AD. The location, extent, and moment of the 1833 and 2015 events imply that they released only a small part of the regional slip deficit on a deep thrust segment that stopped north of the Siwaliks. …”
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Journal Article -
Partial rupture of a locked patch of the Sumatra megathrust during the 2007 earthquake sequence
Published 2012“…Themoment released in 2007amounts to only a fraction both of that released in 1833 and of the deficit ofmoment that had accumulated as a result of interseismic strain since 1833. The potential for a largemegathrust event in theMentawai area thus remains large.…”
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Journal Article -
Range front faulting and volcanism in the mono basin, eastern California
Published 2012“…For the past 40,000 years, dikes, intruding underneath the Mono Craters, seem to have been accommodating the 1 mm/yr of extension that was previously taken up by faulting. Since the basin is extending obliquely to the trend of the frontal faults, there is a component of dextral shear to their motion, so that the Mono Craters may be forming on an extensional boundary of a pull-apart basin. …”
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Journal Article -
Application of classical clustering methods for online tool condition monitoring in high speed milling processes
Published 2013“…Therefore, the needed milling-process reference model have to apply more beneficial feature extraction and AI techniques. Since the signals are continuous, their time-frequency analysis are applied for feature extraction. …”
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Conference Paper -
Does cognitive biased knowledge influence investor decisions? An empirical investigation using machine learning and artificial neural network
Published 2025“…Originality/value: This research is a one-of-a-kind study since it analyses the emotional biases along with the cognitive biases of investor decision-making. …”
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Article -
The sustainable use of species-rich grasslands for forage and biogas production
Published 2016“…Although they were once the foundation of livestock production systems, the agricultural use of these landscapes has rapidly declined since the ‘Green Revolution’ of the 1950s due to increased economic incentives to replace species-rich grasslands with agriculturally improved leys and arable fields. …”
Thesis -
Identifying falsified COVID-19 vaccines by analysing vaccine vial label and excipient profiles using MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry
Published 2025“…Vials tested by this approach could be retained in the supply chain since it is non-invasive. We also assessed whether MALDI-ToF MS could be used to distinguish the COVISHIELD™ vaccine from surrogates of falsified vaccines and the effect of temperature on vaccine stability. …”
Journal article -
Dissonances in care: childhood, well-being, and the politics of welfare in Japan
Published 2024“…The change is notable because the system has remained largely the same since the post-war occupation. This thesis explores the social and cultural dimensions of child welfare politics. …”