Gadzikano, Romano ciacipen, czyli w stronę dekolonizacji badań romologicznych
Published 2024“…Niniejszy zeszyt "Studiów Migracyjnych Przeglądu-Polonijnego" ma szczególny charakter z niejednego powodu. Jest to pierwszy numer w historii pisma, od prawie 50. lat stymulującego naukowe dyskusje wokół migracji, transnarodowości i etniczności, poświęcony w całości polskim Romom. …”
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Fashion-making and co-creation in the transglobal landscape: Sino-Italian fashion as method
Published 2019“…Specifically, what happens when Italy and China collaborate in transglobal fashion-making? …”
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Decoding Covid-19 with the SARS-CoV-2 genome
Published 2021“…Purpose of review: SARS-CoV-2, the recently emerged coronavirus (CoV) that is responsible for the current global pandemic Covid-19, first appeared in late 2019 in Wuhan China. Here, we summarise details of the SARS-CoV-2 genome to assist understanding of the emergence, evolution and diagnosis of this deadly new virus. …”
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Influence of culture on learning object design and evaluation
Published 2009“…This study began with an empirical case study that was carried out in two universities in China and the UK to elucidate influences of culture on the reuse of learning objects, and then identified four dimensions of culturally sensitive factors that may be involved in learning objects designs through a systematic review. …”
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Physical activity and academic procrastination among Chinese university students: a parallel mediation model of self-control and self-efficacy
Published 2022“…The sample comprised 564 university students from a university in Zhejiang, China. The physical activity rating scale-3 (PARS-3), self-control scale (SCS), generalized self-efficacy scale (GSES), and procrastination assessment scale-students (PASS) were used to investigate university students’ physical activity, self-control, self-efficacy, and academic procrastination respectively. …”
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Rhamnolipids nano-micelles as a potential hand sanitizer
Published 2021“…COVID-19 is a pandemic disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2, which continues to cause global health and economic problems since emerging in China in late 2019. Until now, there are no standard antiviral treatments. …”
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Are Industry 4.0 technologies enablers of lean? Evidence from manufacturing industries
Published 2022“…Methodology: The authors conducted a questionnaire-based survey to capture the perception of 115 experts of manufacturing industries from Germany, India, Taiwan, and China. The impact of I4.0 on lean tools, using analysis of variance (ANOVA). …”
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An analysis of the Dongba arts and culture in the context of tourism
Published 2009“…This dissertation examines the role of individuals and groups within a specific tourism destination in China in adapting and responding to both government policy and tourism development in the region. …”
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2014 International Design Exchange Project, the 5th Hidden Space Project, Re-energising space
Published 2014“…This year we have invited Hunan University of Changsha in China to join with us, so we welcome our new collaborators and look forward to the exchange of ideas and the cultural interchange that is both fascinating but helps us to understand and reflect with different methodologies. …”
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“British English is much more prestigious, everybody knows that!”: reproducing and resisting hegemonic language ideologies in Chilean English teacher education
Published 2024“…Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia, Ministerio de Educación, Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Turismo (2014). …”
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Anti-breast cancer activity of Coptidis Rhizoma-Euodiae Fructus formulae
Published 2018“…Coptidis rhizoma and Euodiae fructus have been used as herbal medicine in Asian countries including China for more than two thousand years. The bioactivities of the crude extracts and isolated compounds of both herbs have been widely reported including anti-cancer activity. …”
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