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Regulation of coronavirus gene expression by the 5'-untranslated region.
Published 2010“…The regulatory properties of the 5’-untranslated region (5’-UTR) of the avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were investigated through designing of plasmids which contained different mutations within the 5’-UTR: full-length (pUTR-wt), 362- nucleotides (nts) deleted (pUTR-362del) and stem-loop 1 (SL1) disrupted (pSL1- dsmut). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design analysis of data links in 2.5 dics
Published 2015“…Individual known good dies connected in 3D fashion gives poor yields and get discarded if the integrated IC fails. 2.5DICs allow interconnection of multiple chips on the same Si substrate placed side to side with interconnections made using Si interposer with multiple metal layers. …”
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Thesis -
Measurements of a 5:1 blood pump model
Published 2017“…The angular positions are at intervals of 5 degrees for each measurement. The hot wire probe will also mounted at 3 different protrusion depths which are 0.25mm, 0.5mm, 0.75mm from the wall of the pump casing. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in children and adolescents
Published 2023“…<p>COVID-19 disease (COVID-19) caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus -2 (SARS-CoV-2) first emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. …”
Thesis -
Primary five pupils' computational estimation skills and related mathematical abilities
Published 2009“…This study sought to investigate the relationships between problem-solving ability, mental-calculation ability and computational-estimation ability of primary 5 pupils. It also attempted to examine the strategies used by good student-estimators in solving computational-estimation problems.…”
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Thesis -
The role of the five power defence arrangements in the Southeast Asian security architecture
Published 2011“…This paper discusses the evolving Southeast Asian security architecture by focusing on the role of a “mini-lateral” defence coalition, the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA). …”
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Working Paper -
A hand-targeted auxiliary personal protective equipment for intervention of fomite transmission of viruses
Published 2023Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
Spin-orbit torque magnetization switching in Co/Pt multilayers for multistate memory and logic devices
Published 2021“…It has proven to be a serious contender in emerging memory technology due to its intrinsic non-volatility, low power dissipation, and high speed. The spin degree of freedom further opens opportunities that exploit its ultrafast dynamics and spin transport. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
新移民的跨国实践和离散论述 :孙侠(铃铛)个案研究 = Transnational practice and diasporic discourses of new immigrant : a case study on Sun Xia (Ling Dang)
Published 2017“…Sun Xia is also a poet whom goes by the pen name, Ling Dang. Through her works, she represents a unique diasporic group with multiple identities who identifies with two cultures under the transnational experience. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Quantum spin Hall effect and topological phase transition in InNxBiySb1−x−y/InSb quantum wells
Published 2017Subjects: Get full text
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Journal Article -
Programmable spin–orbit-torque logic device with integrated bipolar bias field for chirality control
Published 2021“…While several field-free spin–orbit torque (SOT)-driven logic devices have been proposed, their operation typically requires additional initialization or reset pulses, the exchange-coupled canted spins reduce both anomalous Hall sign-to-noise ratio as well as thermal stability of the ferromagnetic layer, and device-to-device variation in exchange coupling strength is expected. …”
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Journal Article -
Janus particle preparation through UV-induced partial photodegradation of spin-coated particle films
Published 2022“…Photocatalytic titanium dioxide particles prefunctionalized with a surface coating were assembled as particle films via spin-coating on a substrate. The particle films were placed directly under an ultraviolet light source, which induced the photodegradation of the surface coating only on the particle surfaces exposed to the light. …”
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Journal Article -
The electronic spin state of diradicals obtained from the nuclear perspective: the strange case of Chichibabin radicals
Published 2025“…With a view towards the development of molecular spintronics, non-linear optics, and qubits, a great amount of research effort aims to establish the factors which govern the spin classification of diradicals. Electron spin resonance (ESR) is an indispensable tool for such research. …”
Journal article -
Caspase interaction of anti-apoptotic Livin as well as the Vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) and structural insights into the subunit d and a of the yeast V-ATPase
Published 2009“…Not only Livin, caspase do cleave several important cellular components during apoptosis and here, I have identified subunit d of V-ATPase as a new target of caspase 3. V ATPases do play critical role in health and disease by maintaining proper acid/base balance pH. …”
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Thesis -
800 nW 43 nV/[radical]Hz neural recording amplifier with enhanced noise efficiency factor
Published 2013“…Based on the conventional capacitive feedback and pseudo-resistor structure, the fully differential neural amplifier employs the current-reuse technique to achieve low noise and high current efficiency, consuming 800 nA at 1 V power supply. The measured thermal noise floor is 43nV/ p Hz and the input-referred noise is 5.71 mVrms when integrated from 1 Hz to 50 kHz, leading to an NEF of 2.59. …”
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Journal Article -
Highly sensitive ferromagnetic resonance measurement systems for magnetic thin films
Published 2013“…We have designed and optimized a vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance measurement system that characterizes the spin dynamics and Gilbert damping parameters of thin ferromagnetic film sample. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Nonlinear polariton parametric emission in an atomically thin semiconductor based microcavity
Published 2022“…Recently, two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have attracted great attention in strong light–matter interactions due to robust excitonic transitions and unique spin-valley degrees of freedom. However, further progress is hindered by the lack of realizations of strong nonlinear effects in TMD polaritons. …”
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Journal Article -
Functional roles of transforming growth factor activated Kinase-1 (TAK1) in skin wound healing
Published 2011“…Healing wound and maintaining new skin growth requires complex interactions of the epithelium and mesenchyme purportedly mediated by growth factors and cytokines. …”
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Thesis -