Handwritten Arabic word/character recognition : common approaches
Published 2011“…Letters are joined together along the writing line to form words or sub-words. The Arabic Alphabet has 28 letters, each with two to four shapes. …”
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Book Chapter -
Simmulation of a virtual transducer using potentiometer
Published 2010“…The complete circuit diagram is made of three stages: (i) the input stage for range selection, (ii) a digital logic to make appropriate selection, (iii) a conditioning circuit for realizing a given straight-line segment identified by its relevant slope and reference voltage. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The adequacy of remedies in consumer transactions: special study in the motor vehicle repair and service industry in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Nevertheless, the CPA has introduced the redress of remedying the defect which brings the law in line with reality by giving a consumer, in many cases. the remedy that he/she really wants.…”
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Article -
High performance metasurface-based on-chip antenna for terahertz integrated circuits
Published 2020“…To reduce the surface-waves and substrate-losses a meander-line slits has realized inside the ground-plane. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Equilateral triangular slot-based planar rectangular antenna for millimeter-wave applications
Published 2022“…The front-side of the proposed antenna is composed of a rectangular patch radiator with an equilateral triangular slot fed using a 50Ω microstrip feeding line, while the bottom side of the antenna consists of a partial ground plane. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Poisson Regression and Quasi-Poisson Regression Analysis on FIFA World Cup Games
Published 2023“…Utilizing a dataset from Kaggle, originally sourced from the official FIFA website, the findings consistently associate variables such as goal inside the penalty area, goal outside the penalty area, left inside channel, right channel, attempted defensive line breaks, completed defensive line breaks, yellow cards, passes, and own goals with a raised probability of number of goals. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A theoretical framework of sustainability in air transportation planning and future prospects of airport infrastructure upgrading : a case study of Kuala Lumpur International Airpo...
Published 2012“…Procedures and technologies for environmental protection, environmental efficiency and impact mitigation receive a considerable degree of attention from industry, government and academia alike has to be increased. Even though the airport expansion is very important to cater the demand, however, there are some policies and strategies that need to be considered to balance the need and the future. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The acceptance of TV Islamic reality shows by the Malay community
Published 2013“…Reality television has become increasingly popular since the past few years among viewers and television producers alike due to their own individual reasons. This study tries to understand the acceptance of the reality television, specifically, the genre of Islamic reality television shows among the Malay community. …”
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Article -
ضوابط التعامل المنهجي مع المخطئين دراسة قرآنية Rules for systematic dealing with wrongdoers, a Qur’anic study
Published 2020“…Since the types of wrongdoers are not alike, some of them make mistakes knowingly and insistently, and some of them make mistakes about negligence and negligence,, so this paper tries to take a closer look at what is written in the book of our Lord Almighty verses on this subject, to guide us to the parameters of the correct approach in dealing with the wrongdoers. …”
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Article -
An ethnographic study examining food and drink practices in four early childhood settings
Published 2010“…I assert that pleasure and playfulness are important for children and adults alike and need to be valued in early childhood practice.…”
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Thesis -
The platysma myocutaneous flap: another option for oral cavity reconstruction
Published 2007“…Its advantages includes: thin, pliable and does not require special surgical skill, equipment, or technique to harvest. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Harvesting vibration energy using piezoelectric material: modelling, simulation and experimental verifications
Published 2012“…The beam is modeled using Euler Bernoulli which is also known as thin beam theory. As such, the model obtained here is applicable for micro and nano-beams. …”
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Article -
Zinc-air battery – powering electric vehicles to smart active labels
Published 2013“…Emerging innovations in smart active labels - flat, flexible and functional devices, particularly in healthcare industry, instigated the authors to develop zinc-air battery as a prospective micro-power source for smart active labels. The thin battery technology developed, in collaboration between IIUM and BPPT, is of low cost, comprises of green electroactive materials, and able to operate in quasi-neutral electrolyte. …”
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Article -
Ant colony optimization for controller and sensor-actuator location in active vibration control
Published 2013“…This paper discusseson active vibration control of a simply supported thin plate excited and actuated by piezoelectric patches. …”
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Article -
Ant colony optimization for controller and sensor-actuator location in active vibration control
Published 2013“…Analytical model of the simply supported plate with piezoelectric patches is derived using thin plate theory. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Zinc-air cell with KOH-treated agar layer between electrode and electrolyte containing hydroponics gel
Published 2002“…The capacity of zinc-air cell employing gelled KOH electrolyte has been enhanced markedly as thin KOH-treated gelatinized agar layer was applied between the electrode-gelled electrolyte interfaces. …”
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Article -
New airfoil families for horizontal-axis wind turbines
Published 2011“…Two airfoil families have been developed to meet the design requirements. The first is a thin family named AERO 90XX, suitable for medium blades. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Preliminary investigation of MYO-INOSITOL phosphates produced by ASUIA279PHYTASE on MCF-7 cancer cells
Published 2011“…In this study, the cytotoxicity of the partially purified myo-inositol phosphate fractions and commercial IP1 and IP6 were investigated against MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines. The study showed that the commercial standard IP1 and IP6 showed good inhibition towards the MCF-7 cell line. …”
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