The future skill-sets expectations of IT graduates in Malaysia IT outsourcing industry
Published 2008“…The four-member research team found that technical, soft and problem-solving skills are the main concerns raised by the key informants. This is in line with the literature review and also the present higher education policy concerns by the Malaysia government.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prioritizing the nine challenges of Malaysian Vision 2020
Published 2011“…Mahathir bin Mohamad, who unveiled it in 1991, 30 years in advance of the time line of demarcation. The gist of the Malaysian Vision 2020 is that “By the year 2020, Malaysia will become a developed nation.” …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Screening anti-cancer compounds from medicinal Malaysian plants
Published 2011“…In this study. 110-10 methanolic cxtracts prepared from seven tropical plants "'ith. eth.nomedical uses were tesled for th.eir c)'loto~ic ability in "itro against cancer cell lines. The plants studied were Carico papaya (papaya). …”
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Book Chapter -
Development of sensory organs and changes of behavior in larvae of the sutchi catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
Published 2010“…In this study, we show that development of the lateral line in the postflexion stage seems to be closely related to larval behavior, suggesting that these developments could be essential for sutchi catfish larvae survival.…”
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Muslims` attitude towards divorce: the problem of fiqh postulate
Published 2010“…However, in our view, for such reforms to succeed ,we need to address the basic jurisprudential postulates that have shaped its laws and orientated public outlook/attitude towards practicing it. The bottom line, therefore is as to how Muslims perceive divorce and its procedures ,as formulated by the dominant schools of legal thought.The most widely held opinion among people is that they can practice divorce even if it contradicts the set procedures of the Qur`an .Simply because a certain school of legal thought validates it.This kind of naïve approach to Islamic law as articulated by many law books on divorce ,being a replica of the larger problem of taqlid, has seriously hampered the success of reform attempts in our time .Accordingly, in this paper , we try to take the readers ``back to basics`` with the prime aim of enlightening them about some pertinent jurisprudential postulates that surround the dissolution of marriage .To this end ,the paper covers a brief overview of divorce ,then it proceeds to address its jurisprudential postulates in terms of Shari `ah value and its procedure so as to identify the most Shari`ah consistent view from among the variety of juristic interpretation.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Musharakah Mutanaqisah home financing: a review of literatures and practices of Islamic banks in Malaysia
Published 2010“…The paper would deal specifically on this MM home financing as it is implemented in Malaysian Islamic banking systems, while drawing a clear line of distinctions between well-known BBA and less practiced MM. …”
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Diminishing partnership: bankers strategic response to Shariah compliant home financing
Published 2011“…As such DP is claimed to be fairer and more flexible than debt financing which result in more justice, equality and cater for societal well being in line with the Maqasid al Shariah (Al-Ghazali, 1937). …”
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The study of the Tualang honey viscosity
Published 2012“…In a plot of shear rate against shear stress, Tualang honey produced linearity with straight line going through zero in all temperatures. The viscosity remained constant by increasing shear rate. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Watershed and river basin management
Published 2012“…Leaps and bounds have been made in areas related to river basin management on a global scale, in line with vari- ous technological advances of the 21st century. …”
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Book Chapter -
Corporate governance and strategic information disclosure in Malaysian listed banks: panel data analysis
Published 2012“…INE_BZ (at 1% Sig. level, BOWN (at 5% Sig. level) and BLS and DOWN are in line with hypothesis while BZ (at 1% Sig. level) and IOWN are not. …”
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The use of digital and imaging technology for students’ evaluation in simulation operative technique
Published 2012“…This also decrease or eliminate students’ need to wait “in line” for evaluation. Limitation of contact with patients may reduce the cross-infection. …”
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The effectivenesss of field trip in the teaching of EOP to Business Management and ICT Students at IIUM: a case study
Published 2009“…This is to meet the present demands of social and economic development where employers are seeking young vibrant employees with high English language proficiency, coupled with strong interpersonal skills and confidence, as an essential condition to work in today's global context. In line with this, a survey conducted by the Federation of Mlaysian Manufacturers (FMM, 2007) among its members revealed that the top five difficulties in recruiting fresh graduates were: (1)lack of industrial training, (2)communication problems/ weak command in English, (3)weak problem solving skills, (4)job hopping and (%)lack of confidence. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Educational technology and teacher training: challenges and solutions
Published 2012“…Hence, the contemporary educational settings need highly trained, multi-skilled and technologies literate teachers in order to carry out their mission professionally and effectively, and to face the growing challenges in the field of education. In line with the education demands, this paper aims to highlight the kind of teachers who are capable, dynamic and well equipped to work in schools ins such conditions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Second trimester uterine rupture: lesson learned
Published 2011“…We experienced three cases of ruptured uterus in the second trimester that first line doctors and obstetrician could learn lessons from. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Building Islamic polity within secular frame of political activity in Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey with reference to Ibn Khaldun’s theory of state
Published 2013“…The religiously pluralistic model of secularity will seize to be in line with Ibn Khaldun’s regime of law if it seizes to protect and promote public interest.…”
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The effects of spirituality on social entrepreneurship from Islamic perspective
Published 2013“…These reasons are paired with the key Islamic spirituality for social entrepreneurship that is in line with the objective (maqasid) of the religion on the social responsibility. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
New supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) based fault isolation system for low voltage distribution systems
Published 2010“…Microprocessor based Remote Monitoring Devices have been used for customized software integrated to the hardware. Power Line Carrier (PLC) has been used as communication media between the consumer and the substation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ownership structures influence on audit fee
Published 2015“…Practical implications : The regulator may consider ownership structure on the standards or regulation setting in order to be practical and operationalized in line with the impact associated with different ownership structures. …”
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Ijtihad on issue of waqf in malaysia with a special reference to legal authority in administration of waqf property
Published 2015“…The question to be examined is to grant an Islamic Religious Council as a sole power to administer waqf property in Malaysia whether it is in line with the spirit and objectives of Islamic law (maqasid al-Shari'ah). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Proposed framework for Tahkim in the construction industry
Published 2015“…While the practice and procedures in arbitration are well established but not much is known about Tahkīm. In line with the interest of the business community to seek ways to adopt Shari’ah-compliant practice and procedures it is considered important and urgent for the use of Tahkīm in settling construction related disputes to be promoted. …”
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