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“雍正西服伏虎图” 与 “雍正伴身西服图” 研究 = A study of Emperor’s Yongzheng western costume portraits
Published 2016“…An album of fourteen leaves portrays of Emperor Yongzheng in various disguises like a Daoist magician summoning a fierce dragon, a fisherman daydreaming by a lake shore, a Persian warrior holding his bow and arrow, a Turkish prince receiving a peach from a black monkey, a Tibetan monk meditating in a snow-bound mountain cave, most frequently he assumes the identity of a Chinese scholar watching a waterfall, inscribing a poem on a cliff and etc. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Discovery of novel ligands using phage display
Published 2016“…Due to the limited research conducted on α6β4, which is involved in processes like the invasion of cancer cells and formation of hemidesmosomes, this study aims to establish the relationship for the interaction between α6β4 and laminin-5. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Web-based GUI for embedded applications
Published 2016“…Meanwhile, robotic equipment like cars and drones, have microprocessor embedded inside so they can be manipulated with minimum change. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Studies on fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite and their characteristics
Published 2016“…When gauge length of Elvax 3185 matrix specimen was increased from IOmm to 138mm, the maximum load reduced and tensile strength increased, but for the HDPE matrix specimen the phenomena were exactly opposite. Like single yam, the laminate’s characteristics also differed for different fiber volume ratio. …”
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Thesis -
Advanced lifting system design for construction application
Published 2017“…In this 21st century the cities are growing smarter and bigger. And in country like Singapore the city is growing taller. The flowing report elaborated on the designing of a mechanism for the construction application. …”
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Thesis -
Tissue engineering approach using fibrous scaffold with matricellular protein for wound healing
Published 2018“…However, it was remarkably noted that the introduction of matricellular protein Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) was able to reverse the phenotypic alteration induced by aligned fibers. …”
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Thesis -
Visual perception & performance in penalty kick among soccer goalkeepers : a review
Published 2018“…A systematic literature search using keyword like ‘visual perceptual in soccer penalty kick’ was done up till 29th March on 5 electronic databases: (1) One Search, (2) Sport Discus, (3) PubMed (4) Science Direct, and (5) Google Scholar. 13 articles were retained for systematic review, after screening and assessing for eligibility. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
SSVEP BCI System for personalized gaming
Published 2018“…There are many applications being used in such technology like controlling of wheel chair, playing games, medical purposes and many more. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Understanding fast fashion consumption : a values perspective
Published 2018“…In recent years, fast fashion has been growing in popularity, with brands like Zara and H&M proliferating markets worldwide. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Speed studies in Singapore
Published 2018“…In a country with a dense road network system like Singapore, appropriate speeds and speed limits are issues that authorities must deal with when a new road is built, or when an existing road needs to be reviewed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
3-way tug-of-war configurable arena
Published 2018“…Secondly, the construction of the configurable arena is also left to the student’s imagination and creativity in constructing an eco-friendly ‘maze’ like arena. Thirdly, the incorporation of the both components to form a fully functional game for robots.This report will review and analyze the enhancements and improvements of the traditional Tug-of-War game. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Emergency depopulation of chicken farms during an avian influenza outbreak (Design and development of CO2 delivery system)
Published 2019“…Birds, like humans are susceptible to a myriad of influenza viruses. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Optically controlled periodical chain of quantum rings
Published 2018“…Particularly, the field opens band gaps in the electron energy spectrum of the chain, generates edge electron currents, and induces the Fano-like features in the electron transport through the finite chain. …”
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Journal Article -
Generic Object Recognition with Local Receptive Fields Based Extreme Learning Machine
Published 2015“…Traditional methods involve plenty of pre-processing steps, like model construction, feature extraction, etc. …”
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Journal Article -
Livelihood Strategies Amongst Indigenous Peoples in the Central Cardamom Protected Forest, Cambodia
Published 2016“…The indigenous people in Thmor Doun Pov and Tatei Leu, Communes of Thmor Bang District of Koh Kong Province, like so many other small indigenous communities in Cambodia, have been having difficulty in adjusting to a series of significant changes, particularly concerning their livelihoods. …”
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Working Paper -
“Materials Science” Challenges in the Additive Manufacturing of Industrial Parts
Published 2016“…Additive Manufacturing (AM), somewhat like fusion welding, brings into play: (1) complex and interacting physical phenomena such as heat and mass transfer, phase changes (including melting, solidification, allotropic transformations and diffusion phenomena such as epitaxial growth, grain growth), (2) a number of process variables associated to the moving heat source (e.g., its power, power distribution, relative speed, size, all affecting energy density), its paths (e.g., linear, circular, oscillatory), and added metal feed rate via powder, wire, or ribbon, all controlling deposit dimensions, aspect-ratios, and properties, including defects. …”
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Conference Paper -
The potential of cognitive neuroimaging : a way forward to the mind-machine interface
Published 2019“…Communication technology has flourished to the extent that wireless MMI applications can be designed to virtually control machines like wheelchairs, artificial limbs, etc. A cornucopia of diversified works on cognitive imaging is required to move the preliminary MMI models forward, thus engendering a technologically advanced system which can be operated directly by the brain. …”
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Journal Article -
A study of focus and accent in Singapore Malay
Published 2013“…The syntactic focus-marking, like clefting, in Malay is limited to certain focus contexts. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Zinc oxide nanowires and nanorods fabricated by vapour-phase transport at low temperature
Published 2012“…The nanowires grown on gold-coated silicon showed a uniform diameter of about 40 nm, and the nanorods on copper-coated silicon grew upwards to form flower-like arrays. The x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy analyses demonstrated that the nanostructural zinc oxide grew along the [0001] direction. …”
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Journal Article -
A study on the snowing phenomenon in binary alloy solidification
Published 2013“…The snowing phenomenon has been observed in some studies where seed crystals formed near the bottom of the test cell during solidification are carried up flow above the mushy layer by thermo-solutal convection flow, and they fall down on it just like atmospheric snow occurring in nature. In this study, snowing phenomenon was studied by varying parameters which could affect the thermal as well as solutal gradients, at six weight % concentrations of ammonium chloride solutions, from 23% to 26%, with temperatures −24 °C, −20 °C and −16 °C, and at volume of solution either full or half-full. …”
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Journal Article