Intra-aural tick infestation, the presentation and complications
Published 2003“…It grips firmly into the skin of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane. …”
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Article -
Therapeutic potential of the haruan (Channa striatus) : from food to medicinal uses
Published 2012“…Extracts of the fish are produced from whole fish, roe, mucus and skin of the fish. This review updates research findings on potential uses of Channa striatus, beyond the traditional prescription as a wound healer, pain reliever and energy booster to include its properties as a ACE-inhibitor, anti-depressant and neuroregenerative agent. …”
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Early detection of breast tumors using UWB microstrip antenna imaging
Published 2016“…The hemispherical breast model used comprised breast skin, fat and the tumor tissue. Investigation was done with the tumor located at several positions inside the heterogeneous breast model. …”
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Analysis of a Squeezing Flow of a Casson Nanofluid between Two Parallel Disks in the Presence of a Variable Magnetic Field
Published 2023“…The nature of the velocity profiles for the different values of the suction injection parameter, the squeeze number, the Casson fluid parameter, and the volume fraction parameter of the nanofluid are pictorially discussed in this paper. The coefficient of skin friction was tabulated for the novelty of the research. …”
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Analysis of a Squeezing Flow of a Casson Nanofluid between Two Parallel Disks in the Presence of a Variable Magnetic Field
Published 2023“…The nature of the velocity profiles for the different values of the suction injection parameter, the squeeze number, the Casson fluid parameter, and the volume fraction parameter of the nanofluid are pictorially discussed in this paper. The coefficient of skin friction was tabulated for the novelty of the research. …”
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Analysis of a Squeezing Flow of a Casson Nanofluid between Two Parallel Disks in the Presence of a Variable Magnetic Field
Published 2023“…The nature of the velocity profiles for the different values of the suction injection parameter, the squeeze number, the Casson fluid parameter, and the volume fraction parameter of the nanofluid are pictorially discussed in this paper. The coefficient of skin friction was tabulated for the novelty of the research. …”
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The doctrine of loss of chance: a saviour in cases of unclear causation?
Published 2003“…The standard of proof requires the plaintiff to show on balance of probabilities that, in the absence of the breach, he would not have suffered the injury. 1 Proof on the balance of probabilities means that if something can be proved fifty-one percent likely, then it is treated as having occurred, and, if proved forty-nine percent likely, it is held not to have occurred. 2 In medical malpractice context, the patient must demonstrate that there was a reasonable medical probability that the doctor's negligence caused the patient's injuries. …”
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Freshwater fish larval rearing system
Published 2010“…Summary of the Invention The present invention provides a system and method for rearing freshwater fish such as sutchi catfish and African catfish or the like, which is capable of reducing cannibalistic activities among the fish. …”
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Patent -
Spatial sectoring: A innovative extension of Simpson’s rule for determining area of irregular close shape
Published 2012“…Much as the method for determining the properties of shapes like triangles, parallelogram, cuboids, and geometric figures like circle, and spheres have standard formulae, the determination of a function F(x) in many dimensions have formulae or standard methods. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Strengths and weaknesses of prominent data dissemination techniques in wireless sensor networks
Published 2013“…From the bootstrapping stage to the full functioning stage, a WSN must disseminate data in various patterns like from the sink to node, from node to sink, from node to node, or the like. …”
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The poet and his world: critical essays on Rabindranath Tagore
Published 2011“…Eminent scholars like Sukanta Chaudhuri, Martin Kämpchen, William Radice, Bharati Ray, Kathleen M. …”
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Book -
Promoting industry in Brussels: a good city has industry
Published 2020“…This document was published by London Metropolitan University as part of the School of Art, Architecture & Design series: AAD Practice Research Portfolios. Brussels, like London, is squeezed for land with limited space for new development. …”
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Other -
The coverage of vaccination in the Malay newspapers: an exploratory study
Published 2020“…The return of vaccine-preventable diseases such as polio, diphtheria, measles, mumps and the likes indicates the increasing popularity and effectiveness of the anti-vaccine movement in inseminating its sentiments. …”
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Possible legal framework to pioneer Islamic banking in the Maldives: lessons to learn from Malaysia
Published 2011“…If a single bank monopolises the whole industry, the growth of Islamic banking in the Maldives might be jeopardised. Like Malaysia, the Maldives may amend its conventional banking legislations and allow foreign banks like the HSBC Bank to open Islammic banking windows in the country. …”
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Evaluating the accessibility and visibility of Quranic websites
Published 2010“…In this paper Alexa is applied to study the visibility of Quranic websites. Nine quranic websites were investigated. It was found that the website, almushaf.com is the most visible website. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A Meta analysis of research on private finance initiative (PFI) or public private partnership (PPP)
Published 2011“…Methodology: A qualitative meta-analysis method is used to analyse 134 PFI/PPP published papers from twenty nine selected public sector journals from 1992 to 2009. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A framework for heuristic evaluation on Islamic websites
Published 2011“…This study has evaluated fifty (50) selected Islamic websites. Nine (9) design features have been identified which are: navigation, interactivity, and attractiveness) and content features (i.e. legitimacy, objectivity, authority, relevance, credibility, and reliability). …”
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Book Chapter -
A study on problems, roles and factors affecting perceived effectiveness of course leader performance
Published 2008“…The present study examined problems faced by course leaders at three different stages (planning, during semester and post semester), their perceptions on their course leader roles and investigated their perceived role effectiveness in leading and managing courses as part and parcel of their role as lecturers. Fifty nine course leaders were involved and results show that common problems faced are in finding the right assignments, time constraint, getting feedback from tutors and monitoring course evaluation in all the regional centers. …”
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Book Chapter -
Investigation of Malaysian higher education quality culture and workforce performance
Published 2012“…Findings – The analysis yielded a nine-factor-indexed quality culture construct, while the workforce construct constituted two factors. …”
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Fuzzy model for detection and estimation of the degree of autism spectrum disorder
Published 2012“…The study has been carried out using Electroencephalography (EEG) signal on two groups of control and ASD children age-matched between seven to nine years old. EEG signals are quantized to temporal-time domain using Short Time Frequency Transformation (STFT). …”
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Proceeding Paper