Fine recycled concrete aggregate as a material replacement in concrete production
Published 2020“…Construction and demolition waste is becoming a vital issue especially to the environmental aspect in many large cities in the world (Chen et al., 2002). Shen [1] describe C&D waste as the waste which generated from renovation, site clearing, demolition, construction, roadwork, land excavation and civil and building construction. …”
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Book Section -
Spores that crush the spine in infancy: a diagnostic dilemma for an infant with special tuberculosis
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Students’ colour perception and preference: an empirical analysis of its relationship
Published 2013“…The preference survey includes 11 colours (red, blue, green, pink, purple, brown, orange, yellow, white, black and gray) together with colour description in value and saturation level with five point Likert scales. …”
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Functional electrical stimulation system and profile for walking
Published 2011“…Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) helps to restore muscle function for dropped foot correction in patients having neurological disorders such as cerebro-vascular accident or stroke, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury by stimulating the tibialis anterior muscle or common peroneal nerve. …”
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Book Chapter -
An improved timestamp-based password authentication scheme with two-party verification using smart cards
Published 2007“…We present a detailed cryptanalysis of previously proposed Shen et. al’s scheme and an analysis of the improved scheme to show its improvements and efficiency.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Structural identification of anthocyanins and analysis of concentrations during growth and flowering in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) petals
Published 2007“…In every variety/breeding line tested, cyanidin 3-Orutinoside was detected as the major anthocyanin and the next is cyanidin 3-O-glucoside whereas cyanidin 3-O-rhamnoside and cyanidin 3-O-galactosyl-rhamnoside were trace or not detectable in white and pink flowered buckwheat. Of all the varieties/breeding lines tested, Gan-Chao, a Chinese variety, contained the highest amount of anthocyanins. …”
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Dilated Intercellular Spaces of Esophageal Epithelium among Malaysian With Nonerosive Reflux Disease: Transmission Electron Microscopic (Tem) Study
Published 2011“…The diffusion of refluxed gastric acid into the intercellular space activates chemo sensitive nociceptors whose signals are transmitted via the spinal cord to the brain for symptom (heartburn) perception as well as initiated a short reflex arc to esophageal (longitudinal) smooth muscle as means of precipitating a sustained esophageal contraction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Paediatric cause of back pain in young adult. A case report
Published 2011“…Vertebral involvement has been frequently reported in approximately 10-15% of cases, but involvement of the spinal cord and roots remains a rare occurrence. Patients may present with progressive back pain, with or without neurologic symptoms. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Isolation of pigment-producing strain of Staphylococcus kloosii from the respiratory tree of Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) leucospilota (Brandt, 1835) from Malaysian waters
Published 2013“…The methanolic extracts of the intracellular pigments comprised at least three pigment compounds: an orange pigment compound (major compound), a yellow pigment compound (the least polar) and a pink pigment compound (the most polar). These findings are the first documentation of the pigment composition of S. kloosii as no such record could be found to date.…”
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Colour effect on physiology in stimulating environment
Published 2016“…Four determined colours, namely strong red, bluish-green, pink and white, were painted in their rooms and divided according to exposures. …”
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A New Design and Simulation of Smart Sensing for Emergency Vehicle
Published 2024“…The sensor can detect the sound of emergency vehicles and respond immediately to them by signalling smaller parallel visitors to change the screen from pink to green or vice versa. Therefore, this flow reduces the travel time required for emergencies.…”
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On phase separation points for one-dimensional models
Published 2009“…In the paper, the one-dimensional model with nearest-neighbor interactions In, n ∈ Z, and the s pin values ±1 is considered. It is known that, under some conditions on parameters of In, a phase transition occurs for this model. …”
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Measurement and modelling of operational amplifier power supply rejection
Published 1995“…Measured results for 741 and pin-compatible operational amplifiers are tabulated. …”
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Problems encountered in translating oxymora from English into Arabic
Published 2016“…The statements were selected in accordance with Shen’s classification of direct and indirect oxymora. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Foreign exchange exposure and impact of policy switch - the case of Malaysian listed firms
Published 2013“…Our sample consists of 158 listed firms and spans the 16 year period, 1990-2005. A multivariate model using four bilateral exchange rates is used to determine firm level exposure while panel data analysis using a random-effects Generalized Least Squares (GLS) model is used to determine system-wide or aggregate sample exposure. …”
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Article -
Critical theatricality in the museum space
Published 2021“…If the terms theatricality and spectacle have been seen as potentially negative by some, symptomatic of an experience economy that risks dumbing down the complexity of culture by appealing to our ever-decreasing attention spans, I refer to these case studies as evidence for a new way in which the theatrical can be used as a powerful, critical tool in the museum experience. …”
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A New Design and Simulation of Smart Sensing for Emergency Vehicle
Published 2024“…The sensor can detect the sound of emergency vehicles and respond immediately to them by signalling smaller parallel visitors to change the screen from pink to green or vice versa. Therefore, this flow reduces the travel time required for emergencies.…”
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Renal cell carcinoma in a von Hippel-Lindau syndrome; when should pheochromocytoma be anticipated?
Published 2007“…He subsequently underwent an arterial embolisation and cervical laminectomy, following a spinal angiogram of the cervical lesion. He also had a right radical nephrectomy, with no perioperative complications. …”
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Two-stage surgery for a large cervical dumbbell tumour in neurofibromatosis 1: a case report
Published 2011“…Spinal neurofibromas occur sporadically and typically occur in association with neurofibromatosis 1. …”
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