Smart distribution board overload detector by using microcontroller
Published 2020“…A statistic by Economic Planning Unit (EPU) on the electricity growth in Malaysia has shown an increment in line with economic growth [1]. In line with government policies, the energy supply industry has been molding itself to cater to the rapid development of the nation in hopes of creating a better and smarter nation [2]. …”
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Book Section -
Bitara –sidecar motorcycle for service-oriented mobileprenuer
Published 2020“…There are 3 kinds of research methods; line-up study, a questionnaire survey, and interviews were done. …”
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Article -
High selectivity UWB bandpass filter with a wide notched-band
Published 2015“…The proposed filter structure is composed of a U-shaped open-circuited line that is interdigitally coupled to the input/output feed-lines using high impedance lines. …”
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Article -
Blackspot analysis of road traffic crashes in Surabaya - Manyar Toll Road, East Java
Published 2021“…The locations of crash-prone points (Blackspots) on the Surabaya - Manyar Toll road are as follows: The locations of crash-prone points (Blackspots) on the Surabaya Toll road - Manyar line mostly occurred at Km 9 + 925 - 16 + 400 mostly in 2018, on the Romokalisari - Kebomas section, and for Manyar - Surabaya line, occurred at Km 3 + 500 - 0 + 000 mostly in 2016, on the Tandes - Dupak section. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Topical cream from Channa micropeltes (Giant Snakehead fish) oil for arthritis
Published 2009“…The cream could be used to accelerate wound healing, moisturize dry skin and treat rheumatoid arthritis.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Falkner-skan solution for gravity-driven film flow of a micropolar fluid (Penyelesaian Falker-Skan bagi Aliran Filem Graviti-Terpacu dalam Bendalir Mikrokutub)
Published 2011“…The results obtained for the skin friction coefficient as well as the velocity and microrotation or angular velocity profiles are shown in table and figures for different values of the material or micropolar parameter K.…”
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Article -
Mixed convection in laminar film flow of a micropolar fluid
Published 2012“…The numerical results obtained for the skin friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number, as well as the velocity, angular velocity or microrotation and temperature profiles are presented in tables and figures for different values of the material parameter K and the Richardson number Ri when the Prandtl number Pr= 0.7 and Pr= 1.…”
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Article -
Strategic leadership characteristics for Quality Malaysian National Primary Schools Education (QMNPSE) leaders
Published 2011“…Although Davies and Davies (2004) suggested that strategic school leaders must posses all nine (9) strategic leadership characteristics, however the study confirmed that Malaysian Primary School Leaders only possess six (6) out of nine stipulated characteristics. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Does wisdom matter? A case study of strategic school leaders
Published 2009“…Although Davies and Davies (2004) suggested that strategic school leaders must posses all nine (9) strategic characteristics, however the study confirmed that QMNPSL only posses six (6) out of nine stipulated characteristics. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Early detection of impaired glucose tolerance in young adults
Published 2013“…Data was analyzed by SPSS. Fifty nine were female and 40 were male. Sixty seven have family history of diabetes mellitus. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Screening for thalassaemia among group of students of a higher institution – our experience
Published 2011“…Nonetheless, two out of six Haemoglobin-E trait and three out of nine a-Thal1SEA carrier had MCV value of >80fL. …”
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Article -
The scattered-radiation doses at different positions and eye levels in the interventional angiography room.
Published 2020“…For each duration, a total of 27 nanodots were placed on nine paper tubes to simulate nine different positions of staff in the angiography room. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A systematic literature review of factors affecting Cloud Computing adoption internationally
Published 2019“…Results: A total of 561articles were found of which 85 articles met the included criteria. Nine different categories were identified securing CC adoption in organisation, namely (1) CC adoption (n=30); (2) CC security (n=18); (3) CC overview / Objective (n=8); (4) CC adoption challenges (n=7); (5) CC adoption factor influencing (n=7); (6) CC adoption factor affecting (n=6); (7) CC future forecast (n=4); (8) CC adoption decision (n=3); (9) CC adoption & implementation (n=2); Conclusion:The basis of this SLR can help the development of guidelines to support newcomer companies whether to adopt and migrate to CC, the evaluation of relationship between nine factors and the selection of providers.…”
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Article -
Casanova: ‘écrire à tort et à travers’. Directeur d’ouvrage Raphaëlle Brin
Published 2018“…The nine papers published in this welcome volume derive from a single day’s conference at Paris-Sorbonne in June 2013, the publication date planned to coincide with that of two new editions of Casanova’s autobiography, L’Histoire de ma vie (one edited by Gérard Lahouati and Marie-Françoise Luna (Paris: Gallimard, 2015), and the other by Jean-Christophe Igalens and Erik Leborgne (Paris: Laffont, 2017)). …”
Article -
Diagonal quasi-Newton methods via least change updating principle with weighted Frobenius norm
Published 2021“…This paper presents a class of low memory quasi-Newton methods with standard backtracking line search for large-scale unconstrained minimization. …”
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Article -
Antidiabetic efficacy of methanolic extract of the leaves of Tetracera Indica Merr. (Dilleniaceace) in alloxan induced diabetic rats
Published 2010“…Introduction: Tetracera indica Merr., (mempelas paya) is used in Malaysia and other parts of South-Asia as a folk medicine to treat fever, flu, skin rashes, itching, piles, mouth ulcer, diabetes, and insects bites. …”
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Article -
Ultrasonic techniques for detection of thinning defects in metal plates
Published 2010“…Initiating on the inside or in the interface of an aircraft’s skin, the corrosion must be tested from the outside surface. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Swelling properties of gamma irradiated starch based hydrogel dressing
Published 2015“…Sago starch is used as biopolymer and biocompatible to the human skin. The hydrogel is prepared by mixing the solution of sago starch (SS) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution and finally this solution is subjected to the gamma irradiation. …”
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