First record of toxic Gymnodinium catenatum off'the west coast of Sabah Malaysia
Published 2008Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Developing a model for pre-action dispute resolution for strata dispute management in Malaysia
Published 2015“…The author highlights the practice of other jurisdiction, for example, Victoria, Australia as well Hong Kong. The findings of the research show that Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods such as mediation or conciliation are suitable to be adopted within and outside Tribunal process.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Twenty-two new Asian short stories
Published 2016“…An excerpt from the introduction ... twenty-two stories in the volume, and this is how the tally stands country-wise: one each from Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Nepal and Pakistan; four from the Philippines, five from Singapore and eight from India. …”
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Book -
First record of the South American sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus in Bangladesh
Published 2008“…They are characterized by bony plates covering the body, a pair of subterminal barbels, sucking lips, usually a spine in front of the adipose fin, and a flat-bottom body shape (Page and Burr, 1991), and are naturally occurring in a variety of freshwater habitats from sea level to 3000 m, often surviving in conditions that exclude other fishes. …”
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Bio-inspired snake robot locomotion: a CPG-based control approach
Published 2015“…In line with this concept, an artificial control system is known as Central Pattern Generator (GPG) is an online motion generation system that can be generated instantly like spine based control system. CPG also generates online motion instantly. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Peace psychology
Published 2013“…Structural violence kills people just as surely as violent episodes but structural violence kills slowly and curtails life spans through the deprivation of human rights and basic human needs. …”
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Book Chapter -
The impact of the teaching of ethics in a medical and allied health sciences curriculum in International Islamic University Malaysia
Published 2008“…A specifically designed package is incorporated designated as the Islamic Input into the Medical Programme (IIMP). The IIMP spans over the entire 5 years of the medical programme. …”
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Signature recognition using artificial neural network
Published 2011“…It might be done by asking a secret question that the user will answer to get into that application, and it might be a password or a pin code, face, eye, fingerprint or signature. Automatic signature verification is an active field of research with many practical applications. …”
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Book Chapter -
Tribological (wear) properties of aluminum–silicon eutectic base alloy under dry sliding condition
Published 2004“…Wear experiments on both samples were conducted with a pin-on-disk type wear testing apparatus. The test variables were the rotational speed, input weight, and time/sliding distance. …”
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Influence of single and multiple particle size variation on mechanical and wear behaviour of aluminium silicon carbide composites
Published 2015“…Standard impact and hardness test was conducted to ascertain the energy absorbed before fracture failure and resistance to plastic deformation of the composite. Pin-on-disc test was also investigated at room temperature under dry sliding wear condition. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
3rd order coupled-resonator bandpass filter assisted by Groove Gap-Waveguide technology for 26-GHz radio link diplexer
Published 2025“…Its unit-cells consist of a rectangular metal-pin which is connected to a bottom metal plate and its other side is electromagnetically coupled to a top plate with an air-gap of approximately λ/4 that creates a bandgap, preventing unwanted electromagnetic-wave propagation. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Frequency reconfigurable substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity F-shaped slot antenna
Published 2019“…Configurability is accomplished by embeddings PIN diode switches in the 'F' slot. The proposed antenna is equipped for exchanging between working band of 3.172 GHz to 3.606 GHz in four different narrow bands and it underpins the cognitive system for LTE2300, WiMAX and WLAN. …”
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Prevalence of snoring and craniofacial features in Malaysian children from hospital-based medical clinic population
Published 2008“…The cephalometric X-ray showed that the snoring children manifested a significant different craniofacial features, such as narrow airway at the level of the soft palate and oropharynx (p<0.05), more inferiorly positioned hyoid bone (p<0.05), longer vertical airway length from posterior nasal spine to the base of epiglottis (p<0.05), more protruding maxilla, and anterior–posterior discrepancy of maxilla and mandible (p<0.05). …”
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Herd behavior in Malaysian capital market
Published 2009“…In methodology, the study analyzes the herd behavior by estimating vector error correction (VECM) model of FPI inflows as well as FPI outflows from/to major investors such as the United States, United Kingdom, Singapore and Hong Kong using quarterly data covering the period of Q1:1991 to Q3:2007.In addition, the variance decompositions and impulse response functions analyses are also adopted for further inferences. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Food safety governance: Standard operating procedure on controlling of nitrite level, handling and processing of edible bird's nest
Published 2012“…Malaysia is one of the largest bird’s nest exporters particularly to China and Hong Kong market. However, Malaysia multimillion ringgits bird’s nest industry has been hit hard by China’s ban and a series of scandals, with a drop in sales and prices. …”
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Perpetuating traditional influences: voluntary disclosure in Malaysia following the economic crisis
Published 2006“…Prior research on listed companies in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore during and before the 1997 financial crisis has reported a significant association between ownership structure and the extent of voluntary disclosure in annual reports. …”
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Cross country mean and volatility spillover effects of food prices: A multivariate TGARCH analysis
Published 2011“…This study assesses the mean and volatility spillover effects of changes in food prices among a number of Asia and Pacific countries - Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and Thailand - including the USA as a special case using daily observations for 1995 to 2010. …”
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