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Urban vulnerability assessment of sea level rise in Singapore through the World Avatar
Published 2024Get full text
Journal Article -
Spectroscopic study of emergent electronic phases in transition metal based compounds
Published 2024“…Antiferromagnets with non-relativistic spin splitting are outstanding candidates as the next generation of spintronic materials owing to their electron-volt (eV) scale spin splitting, ultrafast spin dynamics and nearly vanishing stray fields. …”
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Thesis -
Engineered terahertz emission from spintronic heterostructures: amplitude, phase and chirality
Published 2023“…As such, the photoexcitation leads to ultrafast spin-scattering events in the FM, during which the spins transport from the FM into the adjacent heavy metal(HM) layer to experience an inverse spin Hall effect, producing a transverse charge current and terahertz radiation. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Dynamics of a magnetic polaron in an antiferromagnet
Published 2024“…We uncover the nuanced dependence of hole and spin deviation dynamics on the spin-spin coupling parameter J, revealing a thermally-activated landscape where hole mobilities and spin deviations exhibit a distinct temperature-dependent relationship. …”
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Journal Article -
Nonreciprocal phenomena in superconductivity
Published 2024“…Spin polarons have large effective mass and are spin 3/2 quasiparticles. …”
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Thesis -
Ferromagnetic interlayer coupling in FeSe1−xSx superconductors revealed by inelastic neutron scattering
Published 2024“…The weak interlayer coupling is estimated to be Jc∼ 0.2 meV, in agreement with the short spin-spin correlation length ζc∼0.2c along the c axis. …”
Journal article -
Semiconductor oxide for gas sensing applications
Published 2010“…Surface morphology of the spin-coated composite films was studied using SEM. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Compositional dependence of spintronic properties in Pt/GdCo films
Published 2024“…We find a 5× increase in effective spin Hall angle with increasing Gd concentration, suggesting an improvement in spin transfer efficiency in rare earth materials. …”
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Article -
SU(3) topological insulators in the honeycomb lattice
Published 2019“…We investigate realizations of topological insulators with spin-1 bosons loaded in a honeycomb optical lattice and subjected to a SU ( 3 ) spin-orbit coupling—a situation which can be realized experimentally using cold atomic gases. …”
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Journal Article -
Interplay of Transition Metals and Noncovalent Interactions in C–H Activation Catalysis
Published 2024“…Additionally, the ability of TMCs to exist in multiple spin states is often leveraged for practical applications, with one such example being spin crossover (SCO) complexes that exhibit a change in spin state as a function of external stimulus like temperature and are widely studied due to their increasing use in molecular switches. …”
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Thesis -
Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in the Second and Third LIGO-Virgo Observing Runs
Published 2024“…For nine pulsars, their spin-down limits have been surpassed for the first time. …”
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Article -
Experimental Characterization of Iron-Sulfur Cluster Excited States and their Relevance to Electron Transfer Reactions
Published 2024“…The ground states for these systems have been extensively studied for several decades, and are understood to be the products of a confluence of super-exchange and spin-dependent electron delocalization interactions. …”
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Thesis -
Persuasive evidence for electron-nuclear coupling in diluted magnetic colloidal nanoplatelets using optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Published 2020“…The incorporation of magnetic impurities into semiconductor nanocrystals with size confinement promotes enhanced spin exchange interaction between photogenerated carriers and the guest spins. …”
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Journal Article -
Direct measurement of magnetic monopole charge and transport dynamics
Published 2024“…<p>Magnetic monopoles are magnetic excitations with quantized magnetic charge whose existence in pyrochlore spin ice materials has been studied widely. As a platform to study the hypothetical magnetic monopoles, classical spin ices have aroused fundamental interest. …”
Thesis -
Tailoring atomic chemistry to refine reaction pathway for the most enhancement by magnetization in water oxidation
Published 2024“…Water oxidation on magnetic catalysts has generated significant interest due to the spin-polarization effect. Recent studies have revealed that the disappearance of magnetic domain wall upon magnetization is responsible for the observed oxygen evolution reaction (OER) enhancement. …”
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Journal Article -
Emergent geometric frustration of artificial magnetic skyrmion crystals
Published 2017“…The spin-torque reconfigurability of the artificial skyrmion ice states, difficult to achieve in other artificial spin ice systems, is compatible with standard spintronic device fabrication technology, which makes the semiconductor industrial integration straightforward.…”
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Journal Article -
Efficient circuit-designs using spintronic devices
Published 2019“…To be able to utilize the existing EDA tools for implementing spin-based logic circuits, it is important that the logic primitives in these data structures can be natively realized by spin devices. …”
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Thesis -
Van der Waals magnetic materials for current-induced control toward spintronic applications
Published 2024“…Spintronics, leveraging electron spin for information processing, promises substantial advancements in energy-efficient computing. …”
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