Informational content of short interest (EBES 2011)
Published 2011“…We also find the larger the increase in short interest, the more negative is the abnormal returns. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Predicting Financial Distress based on Corporate Actions
Published 2016“…Furthermore, we also find that Working Capital to Total Assets Ratio and Asset Turnover Ratio are reliable predictors of financial distress among the accounting ratios.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The impact of corporate governance on the restrictiveness of covenants in private debt contract
Published 2012“…Our cross-sectional analysis on a sample of new syndicated loans in the U.S private debt market indicates that both a corporate governance score and board independence are positively and significantly associated with covenant slack. Similarly, we find that independent directors’ financial expertise and covenants slack are positively related, but we find no evidence that slack is associated with ‘busy’ directors or CEO duality. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Journalism cupcakes: Same cakes, different icing or vice-versa
Published 2014“…After three to four years of study, journalism graduates from these universities would have to share the same pie to find jobs in media or communication related organizations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of material property gradient on the fracture toughness of a PMMA/PC bimaterial with a crack normal to the interface
Published 2005“…Finite element analysis was used to find out the stresses IC in the specimens. Subsequently the stress values were used to find out the fracture toughness of each specimen. …”
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On some dynamic systems arising in lattice models with competing ternary interactions
Published 2009“…Later similar result was proved for Potts model with three spins [2]. Let Let …”
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Mediation as a ‘Nothing to Lose’ Mode for Alternative Mode of Dispute Resolution in Construction Works
Published 2011“…One way or another, the time taken needed to know the outcome of the dispute, often than not, is too long and too slow, and can even be a painful experience even for the winner. …”
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Exploration of the antidiabetic potential of the leaves of Tetracera scandens Linn., (Mempelas Kesar) in alloxan induced diabetic wister rats
Published 2009“…Background review: The WHO estimates that, currently, more than 246 million people worldwide have diabetes. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comprehensive extraction method integrated with NMR metabolomics : a new bioactivity screening method for plants, adenosine A1 receptor binding compounds in orthosiphon stamineus B...
Published 2011“…A comprehensive extraction method consisting of a continuous flow of solvent mixtures through plant material was developed to provide extracts with a wider chemical variety than those yielded with a single solvent extraction. …”
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Replication of short selling in Islamic Finance: potential structures and issues
Published 2013“…In short selling, the trader sells stocks at certain agreed market price and would later buys those stocks at the price lessor than the sold value and make profit on the exercise. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A critical comparison of the origin of the cosmos in Islam, christianity and modern science
Published 2014“…But this cannot of course negate the role of religion which has been around for much longer than that and is still flourishing to date despite a sustained complain to stamp it out of human orbit. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Studies on flow from converging nozzle and the effect of nozzle pressure ratio for area ratio of 6.25
Published 2014“…Flow from converging nozzle to suddenly expanded circular duct of larger cross-sectional area than that of nozzle exit area were studied experimentally, focusing attention on the base pressure and the flow development in the duct. …”
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A note comparing support vector machines and ordered choice models' predictions of international banks' ratings
Published 2009“…We find that Support Vector Machines virtually always predict international bank ratings better than ordered choice models. …”
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A Real Options Approach to growth opportunities and resilience aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic
Published 2022“…Significantly, some sectors grow faster than others while the compound exchange remains primarily challenging. …”
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Poverty, growth, inequality and pro-poor factors: new evidence from macro data
Published 2016“…Our main results are in line with the existing literature. First, we find that the poverty elasticities to growth and inequality are, respectively, around -2% and 2%. …”
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Utilization of Silica Fume and Sodium Hydroxide in Treated Crumb Rubber for Cement Mortar
Published 2024“…Therefore, a mixture of mortar with treated crumb rubber, especially NaOH solution, is better than the untreated crumb rubber specimen.…”
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Pattern of the news media consumption and news discussion among youth : a test of agenda setting theory
Published 2011“…The specific objectives of the study are (1) to determine the level of perceived news media credibility, (2) to find out the level of news media consumption, (3) to find out the extent of interpersonal news discussions, (4) to analyze the relationship between perceived media credibility and news media consumption with interpersonal news discussions, and (5) to differentiate between selected demographic characteristic with news media consumption and interpersonal news discussions. …”
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Pattern of the news media consumption and news discussion among youth: a test of agenda setting theory
Published 2010“…The specific objectives of the study are (1) to determine the level of perceived news media credibility, (2) to find out the level of news media consumption, (3) to find out the extent of interpersonal news discussions, (4) to analyze the relationship between perceived media credibility and news media consumption with interpersonal news discussions, and (5) to differentiate between selected demographic characteristic with news media consumption and interpersonal news discussions. …”
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