The relation between maternal serum leptin level and glucose in gestational diabetes and in normal pregnancy
Published 2012“…The role of leptin during pregnancy especially in maternal-fetal metabolism and intrauterine growth remain unclear .Therefore, the measurement of leptin hormone during pregnancy may eventually be helpful in predicting patient risk of developing gestational diabetes .this study is done to monitor serum leptin changes in pregnant women’s associated with Gestational diabetes (GDM) and to compare them with normal pregnancy with particular emphasis on fasting blood glucose (FBG) concentration.it is a prospective randomized double blind study. 42 pregnant women in 2nd & 3rd trimester Participated in this study, Obesity, hypertension and previous history of diabetes were used as exclusion criteria. The base line level of serum leptin was 6.9±1.8 ng/ml in healthy non-pregnant women’s, whereas the base line values of serum leptin was 1.83 ±1.17 ng/ml and 1.86±1.10 ng/ml for group 1 and group 2 respectively, this difference is statistically significant. …”
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The cytotoxicity effect of ant-444 in human chronic myeloid leukaemia cells (K 562)
Published 2013“…In conclusion, the findings obtained confirmed that the drug; Ant-444, has cytotoxic effect against K562 cell line. This basic study will help in providing scientific justification for the use of this polyamine anthracene conjugate in treating cancer.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Position of static cylinder effect on base flows
Published 2020“…It is found that the control has marginally influenced the base and wall flow field when the control was placed at different positions along the imaginary line from separation to reattachment angled at 30° to the horizontal base and the flow field in the base area along the separation line is mostly independent of its locations except near the exit of the enlarged duct where the flow field is mostly influenced by the back pressure. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Lightpath routing for disaster survivability in optical networks
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Compact circular polarization filtenna for wireless power transfer applications
Published 2023Get full text
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New Compact Antenna Based on Simplified CRLH-TL for UWB Wireless Communication Systems
Published 2016“…This letter presents the experimental results of a novel planar antenna design which is synthesized using simplified composite left/right-handed transmission-line (SCRLH-TL), which is a version of a conventional composite left/right handed-transmission-lines (CRLH-TL), however, with the omission of shunt-inductance in the unit-cell. …”
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Design and fabrication of a novel wideband tem – cell for dielectric measurements
Published 2011“…The scattering parameters (S-parameters) of the two port line are measured using vector network analyzer. …”
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Thesis -
Comparison of parametric models using right censored data for breast cancer patients
Published 2018“…When analyzing the breast cancer data, all three distributions were shown the consistency of data with the line graph of cumulative hazard function resembles a straight line going through the origin. …”
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Thesis -
Sustainable firm performance of green supply chain management practice at petrochemical industry
Published 2020“…One of the main problem in this industrial development is the green industry standard in line with the energy scarcity due to high demand on the energy within the industrial sector as well as availability of naphtha raw material. …”
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Thesis -
Kemiskinan berterusan dalam kalangan masyarakat miskin berdasarkan dimensi indeks pembangunan manusia (HDI)
Published 2020“…Akibat daripada kekangan sumber yang dihadapi masyarakat miskin membuatkan mereka sukar untuk mencapai taraf kehidupan yang sempurna, sehingga membawa kepada kemiskinan berterusan.Kebergantungan yang berterusan terhadap bantuan dari agensi pembasmian kemiskinan menyebabkan kemiskinan semakin sukar untuk dibanteras. …”
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Thesis -
Kesejahteraan sosial Orang Melayu pasca pilihan raya umum ke-14 dari aspek keselamatan
Published 2023“…Hasil kajian ini memaparkan kesejahteraan sosial orang Melayu dari aspek keselamatan terancam ekoran daripada kerajaan tidak dapat membela persoalan dan kecaman yang diwujudkan terhadap orang Melayu sehingga menyebabkan perpaduan antara kaum menjadi rencam dan kritikal. …”
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Thesis -
Alat pengumpul buah manggis
Published 2023“…Produk ini juga sesuai digunakan oleh pelbagai peringkat umur daripada anak kecil sehingga dewasa. Akhir sekali, produk ini terbukti 33% lebih jimat tenaga dan masa berbanding cara dan produk yang lai…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Kefahaman pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi terhadap permasalahan gangguan seksual : satu tinjauan di kalangan pelajar KUiTTHO
Published 2002“…Gangguan seksual merupakan antara masalah sosial yang semakin dibimbangi kerana kesannya terhadap mangsa sangat serius sehingga ada yang mengalaminya sanggup berhenti keija bagi mengelakkannya daripada terns berulang. …”
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Thesis -
Mekanisme pengurusan hutang dalam pembahagian harta pusaka orang-orang Islam di Malaysia
Published 2019“…Namun masyarakat Islam di Malaysia kini memandang ringan mengenai tanggungjawab pengurusan hutang dalam menguruskan harta pusaka sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya isu harta beku yang semakin meningkat peratusannya setiap tahun. …”
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Thesis -
Pembangunan koswer interaktif dengan pendekatan pembelajaran masteri bagi Mata Pelajaran Reka Bentuk Dan Teknologi Tingkatan 1
Published 2019“…Meskipun begitu, kekurangan ABBM guru di pasaran, murid kurang menguasai topik dan tidak memberikan tumpuan masih lagi menjadi isu utama yang di hadapi sehingga kini. Justeru itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan satu koswer interaktif serta menilai tahap kriteria kebolehfungsian dan tahap kebolehgunaannya sebagai satu ABBM dan alat pembelajaran kendiri bagi mata pelajaran Reka bentuk dan Teknologi Tingkatan 1. …”
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Thesis -
Amalan dalam pengurusan pentadbiran tanah wakaf di negeri Johor
Published 2018“…Namun, wujud permasalahan berkenaan pengurusan dan pentadbiran tanah wakaf yang tidak cekap dan telus sehingga berlakunya pencerobohan di tanah wakaf yang tidak dibangunkan. …”
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Thesis -
Komitmen organisasi, kepuasan kerja dan prestasi kerja dalam kalangan pensyarah universiti di Kota Batam Indonesia
Published 2017“…Kajian yang ada biasa ianya dilakukan di sektor syarikat sahaja, sehingga kajian ini perlu dilakukan dalam kalangan pensyarah di peringkat universiti. …”
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Kerangka kemahiran employability senibina graduan politeknik
Published 2017“…Sehingga tahun 2014, hampir seratus peratus graduan diploma politeknik Malaysia diterima bekerja di pasaran pekerjaan Malaysia. …”
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Strategy for the elimination of Riba with special reference to existing debts
Published 1997“…It also states specific measures as well as line of Pakistan for Islamizing the banking, including how to handle the issue of existing debts. …”
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Excitation processes in the positive column of electrical discharges in inert gases
Published 1987“…The results indicate that two-step excitation is important for many neon lines. Measurements of emission line profiles have been made using a pressure scanned Fabry-Perot interfermometer. …”
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