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50 Years of quantum chromodynamics
Published 2024“…Then, with the discovery of charmonium in 1974 and the explanation of its excited states using the Cornell potential, consisting of the sum of a Coulomb-like attraction and a long range linear confining potential, the theory was suddenly widely accepted. …”
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Article -
Board characteristics and financial performance: evidence from Bursa Malaysia Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) top 100 index firms
Published 2024“…The small percentage of politically-connected directors (19%) and military-experienced directors (5%) reported in this study can be viewed favourably in line with the recent MCCG 2021 recommendation that the appointment of the directors should be apolitical or politically neutral without having any executive powers in politics. …”
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Neutron emission studies from miniature and medium size plasma focus device
Published 2010“…Although dense plasma focus devices have attracted the attention of scientific community since 1960’s as a copious source of fusion neutrons but in the recent years owing to spin-off in the applications of compact and portable table top neutron sources in wider domain, like noninvasive interrogation of explosives and narcotic drugs (by using Pulsed Fast/Thermal Neutron Analysis (PFTNA) technique), dark matter research, radioisotope production, medical neutron therapy and soil humidity measurements, there has been renewed interest across the globe for the development of sub-kilojoule range, low energy small plasma focus device (hereafter called ‘Miniature Plasma Focus i.e. …”
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Research Report -
Tropical peat subsidence, nutrient losses and oil palm seedling growth due to different water table depths
Published 2018“…There was a significant difference among the treatment. Fifty-five cm gave the highest biomass growth. High ammonia loss was recorded from high water table (3 cm) accounting for 35.5 % of total ammonia loss with regards to low water table (15 cm) that account only 7.7 %. …”
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Thesis -
Low-power reference circuit design for integrated DC-DC converters
Published 2024“…It also has a temperature coefficient of 22.02 ppm/℃ for a temperature range of -40℃ to 125℃, and a line sensitivity of 0.17%/V for a voltage range from 1.8V to 2.4V. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Magnetization plateaus in generalized Shastry-Sutherland models
Published 2014“…We study an anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet with ferromagnetic transverse spin exchange using exact quantum Monte Carlo methods. …”
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Journal Article -
Non-Abelian adiabatic geometric transformations in a cold strontium gas
Published 2018“…Topology, geometry, and gauge fields play key roles in quantum physics as exemplified by fundamental phenomena such as the Aharonov–Bohm effect, the integer quantum Hall effect, the spin Hall, and topological insulators. The concept of topological protection has also become a salient ingredient in many schemes for quantum information processing and fault-tolerant quantum computation. …”
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Journal Article -
Development of a recombinant non-replicating Newcastle disease virus
Published 2024“…Propagation of nr-NDV was done by sub-passaging transfected BSR T7/5 cells. Safety profile was done to prove that the nr-NDV is non-replicating.…”
Article -
Decentralization : the China and Indonesia experiences.
Published 2008“…In this paper, we would like to attempt to address the puzzle that if decentralization has been widely regarded as a tool to promote the democratization process in non-democratic countries and improve welfare at local level, why some of the decentralization experiences in China and Indonesia do not seem to confirm that. …”
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Thesis -
Women in AI: is there a Singapore model?
Published 2022“…While AI technologies like Alexa and Siri have female names and voices, there are very few women involved in developing AI products and services. …”
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Commentary -
Direct foreign investment in Singapore.
Published 2014“…This is a very significant figure for a small country like Singapore. It is thus interesting to discuss various issues with regard to DFI which are of major concern to Singapore.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Hydrogels in applications for tissue engineering
Published 2014“…Cell encapsulation technology has advantages of offering tissue-like environment for cell/tissue growths and enhances cell differentiation and proliferation, and biodegradable. …”
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Thesis -
Up in smoke : peatland fires in Russia and Indonesia
Published 2011“…Russia’s peatland fires, like those in Indonesia, have been triggered by high global temperatures. …”
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Commentary -
Innovation, Strategy, and Transformation Frameworks for the Modern Enterprise /
Published 2023“…The book delves into business process management frameworks like BPMN and Lean Six Sigma, empowering organizations to maximize resources, adapt to market conditions, and drive process enhancements. …”
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software, multimedia -
Development of serum alternative with fermented soybean residue (okara): towards cultured meat production application
Published 2022“…The cell viability and proliferation were studied using MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) assays taken over 96 hours. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Electrochemical electrodes based on graphene materials for sensing and energy applications
Published 2016“…Applying a constant voltage of 5 V for 100 s was found to give high yield of GQDs while achieving uniform etching of graphene foam and preserving its 3D structure. …”
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Thesis -
Review of the potential health effects of light and environmental exposures in underground workplaces
Published 2020“…There are five studies comparing underground and aboveground environments. …”
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Journal Article -
The epidemiology of periportal fibrosis and relevance of current Schistosoma mansoni infection within the context of repeated mass drug administration: a population-based, cross-se...
Published 2024“…Periportal fibrosis was diagnosed in 2834 individuals aged 5–90 years using ultrasound and image patterns C–F from the Niamey protocol. …”
Journal article -
Psychological capital research in HEI : Bibliometric analysis of current and future trends
Published 2024“…The bibliographic coupling revealed five distinct clusters, while the co-word analysis identified four clusters. …”
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Article -
Service quality (SERVQUAL) model in private higher education institutions: A bibliometric analysis of past, present, and future prospects
Published 2024“…This review offers valuable insight into the expanding field of SERVQUAL research, despite its limitations, as the analysis revealed five clusters in co-citation and co-word analysis, respectively. …”
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