Buletin Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan Edisi 1/2021
Published 2021“…SarjanaSainsKejuruteraanTenagaLestari(MDL)merupakanprogrampascasiswazahterbaharuFakultiKejuruteraanMekanikaldanPembuatan(FKMP)dibangunkanuntukmemenuhikeperluantenagapakardalambidangtenaga,terutamanyaberkaitankecekapantenaga,tenagabolehdiperbaharuidanpengurusantenaga.PrograminitelahmendapatsokongandankerjasamadaripadapihakKementerianTenagadanSumberAsli(KeTSA)danSuruhanjayaTenaga(ST),dimanasebagainilaitambah,graduanbagiprogramyangmengikutipengkhususanPengurusandanKecekapanTenagalayakdiiktirafsebagaiPengurusTenagaElektrikBerdaftar(REEM).…”
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Bulletin -
Lacrimal bone cyst : a case report
Published 2007“…Diagnosis usually achieved by radiological investigations, operative findings, and confirmed by histopathological findings.…”
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Article -
التفكير الإيجابي وحسن الظن بالله وقضاءه وقدره في ضوء الهدي النبوي = Positive thinking and good impression towards Allah and His predestination in light of Prophetic guidance...
Published 2020“…The finding brought forth important results, which includes: a close relationship between good faith and man’s worshipping of God Almighty as in the first hadith; a Muslim should think positively in all situations and events; in facing happiness and misery, ease and hardship, spacious and distress, even in facing death as in the second hadith; the third Hadith indicates good faith in God and be sure of Him in time of dying and facing the death of loved ones; as well as good faith of God is a sign of perfection and faithful worship of individual as pointed out in the fourth Hadith; the fifth hadith shows how the Prophet SAW teaches us that calamity expiates the sins and cleans hearts from impurity. …”
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Article -
The Impact of Asian Financial Crisis on Bank: Empirical Evidence from Thailand and Malaysia
Published 2009“…As for the impact of macroeconomic indicators, we find that economic growth is positively related to Thailand banks’ profitability only during the pre-crisis period. …”
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Article -
Remote operation of CNC milling through virtual simulation and remote dekstop interface
Published 2009“…Capability of remote operation is supported by an auto setup attachment with a reconfigurable pin type setup free technology installed on the table of CNC milling machine to perform unattended machining process. …”
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Aluminium metal matrix composite: improving wear performance through treatment
Published 2011“…The wear test was carried out using a pin-on- disc type tribo-test machine under dry sliding condition. …”
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Wear behavior of modified surface layer produced by TIG melting of preplaced Ti powder in nitrogen environment
Published 2011“…The wear property of the melt track was investigated using pin-on-disk tribometer at room temperature. The modified surface layer gave a low friction value of 0.12 and wear rate of 0.007895 ×10-4 compared to 1.648 × 10-4 mm3/N/m for the uncoated steel surface.…”
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Recovery of virus producing NDV vaccine by Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF)
Published 2009“…The results revealed that higher pressure input (Pin), lower pressure output (Pout), and higher virus concentration led to higher virus titer. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Wear properties of Fe-C-Al cast iron and conventional cast iron - a comparative study
Published 2011“…In the present study, the wear test was conducted on both conventional cast iron (CI) and Fe-C-Al cast iron using universal pin-on-disk (POD) machine. The wear track profile and damage surface were characterized using optical profilometer and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Smart home control system design using internet of things based energy harvesting technology
Published 2024“…The objective of this research is to provide security for homeowners by facilitating fingerprints and PIN (Personal Identification Numbers) in entering the house, then in the event of a power outage, it activates the function of energy harvesting technology. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Implementasi Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012 - Hak Asasi Manusia vs Kuasa-kuasa Polis
Published 2012Get full text
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Proceeding Paper -
Neutron transmutation doped of silicon under Cf-252 isotopic neutron bombardment
Published 2009Get full text
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Martabatkan Bahasa Melayu jadi bahasa ilmu
Published 2009“…Ia terbukti mampu menjadi bahasa lingua-franca pada masa silam dan berkeupayaan menjadi bahasa ilmu, sains dan teknologi pada masa kini.…”
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Article -
Satisfaction with the free wireless connection among Muslim university students
Published 2011“…The specific objectives are: (1) to find out the level of Internet and FWC usage among IIUM undergraduate students; (2) to find out the differences in adoption patterns of FWC in terms of gender, nationality, and academic division; (3) and to find out students’ level of satisfaction towards the new technology. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Application of Catalan Number on Cayley tree: of order 2: single Polygon Counting
Published 2008“…In this paper, we consider a problem on finding the number of different single connected component containing a fixed root for a given number of vertices on semi-infinite Cayley tree. …”
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Tribological behavior of dual and triple particle size SiC reinforced Al0MMCs: a comparative study
Published 2008“…The wear test was carried out using a pin-on-disc type tribo-test machine under dry sliding condition. …”
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Risk factors and phenytoin prophylaxis for early post-traumatic seizures among patients with traumatic brain injury
Published 2010“…Methods: This was a prospective observational study, carried out in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, under the Department of Neurosciences. …”
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The effect of palm oil diesel fuel contaminated lubricant on sliding wear of cast irons against mild steel
Published 1996“…This was done on three types of cast iron, namely spheroidal graphite, flake graphite and chilled cast iron against a mild steel disc configuration using a pin-on-disc type of friction and wear apparatus. …”
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