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SEJARAH ARAB SAUDI : Sejarah Islam Di Semenanjung Arab-Hijaz (Makkah & Madinah), Sejak Zaman Rasulullah Hingga Sekarang /
Published 2021“…Selepas itu sejarah Hijjaz terus hilang dan tenggelam akibat perubahan pusat politik ke Syam atau Damsyik dengan kenaikan Kerajaan Bani Umayyah, lalu berpindah ke Baghdad pada zaman Bani Abbasiyah, dan kemudiannya ke Istanbul pada zaman Uthmaniyah. …”
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Object individuation and physical reasoning in infancy : an integrative account
Published 2015“…Integrating the insights from physical-reasoning and object-individuation investigations thus enriches both subfields and brings about a clearer account of how infants represent objects and events.…”
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Journal Article -
A FPGA-based ultrasonic voice detection platform for whisper to voice reconstruction
Published 2013“…A novel engineering approach building upon a Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) codec was developed [1] to turn whispers to voice. The intention was to help post-laryngectomized patients regain the ability to speak. …”
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Thesis -
A separation-of-powers model for a trustworthy and open cloud computing ecosystem
Published 2014“…We believe that a model of this kind is important for achieving trustworthy governance in the cloud ecosystem. It could in turn help to promote a wider cloud model adoption.…”
Thesis -
How user empowerment influences social interaction and purchase intention.
Published 2010“…Together with social platform features, social interaction enhances the understanding of customers‟ needs which in turn influences the willingness to purchase. This begets us to the question of “What are customers looking for?” …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Akulturasi agama dan budaya dalam ritual huma Suku Ketungau Sesat di Kalimantan Barat (Indonesia)
Published 2024“…Secara kesimpulan, asimilasi budaya dan agama masih bersifat dinamis dan pola perubahan ini kini terus berlaku dalam masyarakat yang dikaji ini.…”
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From Words to Worlds: Bridging Language and Thought
Published 2024“…How do we make meaning from language, and how, in turn, does the meaning we construct from language draw on the other resources and capacities of human thought, from perception, to mental simulation and decision making? …”
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Thesis -
Wireless rain protection system
Published 2014“…For example, a message can be sent to turn on a light in a designated bedroom. Another application would be a message sent to the living room air conditioner to turn on 2 hours ahead of time to ventilate cool air throughout the living room. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Performance and flight dynamics characteristics of a variable sweep wing aircraft
Published 2009“…Many different performance characteristics such as stall and maximum speed, range, endurance, level turn rate as well as turn radius, rate of climb and etc. which are believed to be important for various missions are investigated and discussed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Simulation and analysis of three-level converter topology for high power applications
Published 2019“…With this project being a large-scale project by nature, the focus on Three-Level Converters would be narrowed down to determining the turn-on and turn-off characteristics of Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs using a double pulse test. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Reliable environmental trace heavy metal analysis with potentiometric ion sensor - reality or a distant dreams
Published 2022“…Over two decades have passed since polymeric membrane ion-selective electrodes were found to exhibit sufficiently lower detection limits. This in turn brought a great promise to measure trace level concentrations of heavy metals using potentiometric ion sensors at environmental conditions. …”
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Journal Article -
Anodic TiO2 nanotube arrays with high surface area for dye-sensitized solar cells
Published 2013“…This project aims to enlarge tube surface area for high dye loading amount and in turn enhance conversion efficiency of DSSC devices. …”
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Thesis -
Transcriptional regulation of type I interferon responses of myeloid antigen presenting cells
Published 2016“…The high basal IRF7 expression in steady-state BMDMs was maintained by constitutive IFN-β signaling, which was in turn dependent on tonic signaling by IL-27p28. Accordingly, in response to TLR4 ligation, BMDMs but not BMDCs depended on IL-27p28 to induce IFN-β synthesis. …”
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Thesis -
NMDA receptor activation enhances inhibitory GABAergic transmission onto hippocampal pyramidal neurons via presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms
Published 2011“…Thus NMDARs at glutamatergic synapses on both CA1 pyramidal neurons and interneurons appear to exert feedback and feedforward inhibition for determining the spike timing of the hippocampal microcircuit.…”
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Journal Article -
Exploring effects of calcitonin and procalcitonin in cardiomyocytes
Published 2024“…PCT is an important mediator of inflammation, which, in turn plays a role in poAF. Functional studies in guinea pig CMs showed that CT administration inhibits arrhythmia and reduces Ca2+ transient amplitude induced by pacing fura2-loaded CMs in high Ca2+ solution. …”
Thesis -
Field relations, petrogenesis and emplacement of the Bhagirathi leucogranite, Garhwal Himalaya
Published 1993“…</p> <p>The Bhagirathi leucogranite is situated structurally above the kyanite and sillimanite gneisses of the Vaikrita Group which, in turn, overlie the north-dipping Main Central Thrust zone of inverted metamorphic isograds. …”
Book section -
Daya tahan usahawan Program Agropreneur Muda Terengganu berdasarkan perspektif pegawai pelaksana
Published 2024“…Walau bagaimanapun, faktor pelindung dalaman dan luaran telah membantu usahawan untuk terus berdaya tahan dan kekal dalam perniagaan mereka. …”
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Article -
Pengekalan status quo BN dalam PRK DUN Mahkota, Johor
Published 2024“…Justeru, PRK ini dapat dijadikan pendorong atau semangat kepada BN dan PH untuk terus berkhidmat kepada pengundi sebaik mungkin secara konsisten dan berterusan menuju PRU akan datang.…”
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Article -
Pembangunan Pelan Bersepadu Teknovasi Mekanisasi Industri Padi Negeri Kedah (S/O 14584)
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Monograph -
Pembangunan Pelan Bersepadu Teknovasi Mekanisasi Industri Padi Negeri Kedah (S/O: 14584)
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