Filmwise condensation of steam on sinusoidal pin fin arrays : effects of fin height and fin pitch
Published 2020“…The pin fin arrays have the same fin base diameter (db) but are of different fin heights (l) and fin pitches (p). …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2021“…Parti berpecah kerana itu, Tujuan penulisan buku ini ialah untuk memberikan perspektif yang munasabah terhadap perlakuan ahli-hali politik dan aneka peristiwa yang terjadi. …”
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Kesudahan Yang Baik hanya bagi yang Bertakwa /
Published 2023“…Mengandungi 100 tajuk dan dipecahkan kepada enam bahagian merangkumi akidah, ibadah, akhlak, ilmu hadis, isu semasa dan sejarah. Kritikan dan saranan yang disentuh oleh Maulana dalam buku ini kebanyakannya berkisarkan realiti dan isu yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. …”
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Modelling decoherence of central spin in a nuclei spin bath
Published 2022“…A numerical model of the decoherence dynamics of the central spin in a small nuclei spin bath.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Spin injection properties in trilayer graphene lateral spin valves
Published 2013“…We report on the electrical injection and detection of spin accumulation in trilayer-graphene/MgO/ Permalloy lateral spin-valve (LSV) structure. …”
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Journal Article -
Biomechanical investigation of traction forces on the cervical (neck/head region) spine
Published 2008“…It is believed that the relief of pain by traction is due to straightening of the cervical spine and a widening of the intervertebral articulating space to relieve compressive or irritative forces on the nervous structures…”
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Thesis -
Stronger dielectric-elastomer grippers using spine-like bending structure
Published 2016“…The gripper is developed based on a new design of DEA using stiffer spine-like structure made of 380μm thick Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Self-reported pain and osteoarthritis of the hip and spine in retired elite rowers
Published 2018“…<p><b>Background and Aim:</b> Pain in the hip and spine presents a large burden to athletes competing in rowing. …”
Thesis -
Kumpulan Cerpen : Yang Jauh /
Published 2023“…Kata alu-aluan rektor MARSAH -- Kata alu-aluan Ketua Satu PPJ -- Kata alu-aluan Penulis -- Kata alu-aluan Penterjemah -- Yang Jauh -- Bagai Terkurung Dalam Perut Paus -- Sepanas Marrons Chauds --Lelaki Kotak -- Pintu Mabrur -- biodata Penulis -- Biodata Penterjemah.…”
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Spin-UP: spin light for natural light uncalibrated photometric stereo
Published 2024“…In this work, we proposed Spin Light Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo (Spin-UP), an unsupervised method to tackle NaUPS in various environment lights and objects. …”
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Conference Paper -
A computational study of spin glasses and its spin coupling interactions
Published 2018“…Spin Glasses are one of Physics’ most rich and complicated problems. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Polariton spin whirls
Published 2017Subjects: “…Spin whirls…”
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Journal Article -
3D spine shape estimation from single 2D DXA
Published 2024“…Using these two orthogonal projections of the spine (coronal in DXA, and sagittal from the prediction), we are able to describe the 3D shape of the spine. …”
Conference item -
KUMPULAN CERPEN : Pendoa yang Ikhlas /
Published 2020“…Pendoa yang Ikhlas menghimpunkan 16 buah cerpen yang mengemukakan tema dan persoalan masyarakat setempat. …”
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Hole spin helix : anomalous spin diffusion in anisotropic strained hole quantum wells
Published 2014“…We obtain the spin-orbit interaction and spin-charge coupled transport equations of a two-dimensional heavy hole gas under the influence of strain and anisotropy. …”
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Journal Article -
High-spin impurities and surface acoustic waves in piezoelectric crystals for spin-lattice coupling
Published 2016“…<p>In this thesis we investigate various aspects of SAW devices and strain sensitive spin species in ZnO and LiNbO<sub>3</sub> for coupling surface acoustic waves to spin ensembles.…”
Thesis -
Ethnoichthyology of the First Record of Spine Bahaba (Bahaba polykladiskos) from Muar, Johor, Malaysia
Published 2024“…The Spine Bahaba (Bahaba polykladiskos), locally known as 'Gelama Tirusan,' is a member of the Sciaenidae fish family that is distributed across Southeast Asia, reaching as far as North Australia. …”
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Article -
A meditation : spinning tops
Published 2016“…A Meditation: Spinning Tops is a project that focuses on infusing a few key concepts embodied by the spiral into spinning tops, both in the actual object itself, as well as in the act of spinning the tops. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)