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Demand for energy & energy market integration in Asean
Published 2016“…Our results shows three main findings in a 50% open power trade regime amongst ASEAN nations. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Rhythm of textures in ink and wash painting
Published 2016“…To gain a better understanding of the medium in which I have no former training in, I embarked on a personal study to experiment with ink painting. I then utilized my findings to form a variety of image-making approaches. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Arts in the lives of Singapore's seniors: Perceived benefits, barriers, and strategies of arts participation
Published 2017“…Qualitative framework analysis revealed that (1) seniors who are active in the arts demonstrate positive ageing, (2) arts participation holds important benefits for seniors’ developmental domains, specifically in terms of health, social, emotional, and personal growth domains, and (3) barriers to arts participation were observed on three levels: intrapersonal, interpersonal, and external levels. Based on these findings, strategies for future policy are recommended to improve the arts participation rates of seniors from a health promotion perspective.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Have I “adulted”? Understanding conceptions of adulthood amongst young people in Singapore
Published 2018“…Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 Chinese Singaporean graduates who have been working for 1 to 5 years. Findings revealed that young people describe “adult” in their individualistic terms, and parental support is crucial in their transition to adulthood.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Use of mobile phone data for determining multimodal traffic
Published 2018“…The project has partially completed its aims, mainly as the findings are still not usable for the commuters.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The perceptions of student teachers’ on student-centred learning
Published 2019“…Using thematic analysis, 12 themes were elicited and categorised under four theme dimensions of student teachers’ perceptions on SCL. Findings revealed that student teachers have a diverse and comprehensive understanding of SCL. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Sensory, motor, and emotion associations for landscape concepts differ across neighbouring speech communities
Published 2024“…This suggests more caution is required when extrapolating findings about landscape understandings and preferences across cultures and languages.…”
Journal article -
A genre, scoring and authorship analysis of AI-generated and human-written refusal emails
Published 2025“…Key concerns for assessors were tone, relationship, language choice, content and structure. The findings inform four key areas of focus for teaching business writing in the AI age.…”
Journal article -
Reforming taste through Pope’s ‘celebrated moonlight scene’: Southey, Coleridge, and Wordsworth’s ‘A Night-Piece’
Published 2023“…Pope’s ‘passage of descriptive poetry, which at this day finds so many and such ardent admirers’, did not impress Wordsworth, Southey, and Coleridge, all three of whom drew specifically on this verse-paragraph of Pope’s to expose what they perceived to be faulty poetic diction and ‘corrupted’ taste. …”
Journal article -
Percy Manning’s archaeological survey of Oxfordshire
Published 2017“…Thurlow Leeds, Esq., M.A., F.S.A.’.1 The article consisted of a concise topographically organized index of archaeological finds from the county together with a short introduction that stated (p. 227) that the work ‘is almost entirely based on the material in the Manning Collections and stands therefore as a monument to one whose knowledge of Oxfordshire’s past has had few rivals’. …”
Book section -
Folk pedagogy? Investigating how and why UK early years and primary teachers use songs with young learners
Published 2023“…To investigate why teachers use songs, this mixed-methods study explored teachers’ self-reported purposes for using songs in an online questionnaire (n = 103) and semi-structured interviews (n = 7), finding that respondents hold strong beliefs about songs’ effectiveness for teaching content, establishing classroom routines, and supporting pupils’ linguistic and social development. …”
Journal article -
How to choose a law review: an empirical study
Published 2023“…The optimal publication strategy for authors depends on whether they want to maximize prestige among peers or rather their impact on the discipline, as well as on authors’ career stage and risk averseness. These findings have implications for law school hiring, law review reform, and the study of exposure bias in academia.…”
Journal article -
Explaining gender differences in migrant sorting: evidence from Canada-US migration
Published 2025“…Among married women, destination choices were much less influenced by labor market characteristics. These findings reveal how labor market constraints based on gender and marriage influence the allocation of migrant talent across destinations.…”
Working paper -
How culture shapes consumer responses to anthropomorphic products
Published 2023“…We offer managerial and theoretical implications that stem from our findings.…”
Journal article -
Quantum networks with coherent routing of information through multiple nodes
Published 2024“…Surprisingly, the benefit of quantum routing also applies to the transmission of classical information: even if the transmitted data is purely classical, delocalising it on multiple routes can enhance the achievable transmission distance. Our findings highlight the potential of a future quantum internet not only for achieving secure quantum communication and distributed quantum computing but also for extending the range of classical data transmission.…”
Journal article -
An Exploration of Brand Identity Building Process in the Context of Malaysian Cafe (S/O 13612)
Published 2017“…This research provides the definition of brands by scholars, including a qualitative study on five brand owners in Malaysia on how they create their identity. According to the finding of this research, there is a lacking on the investment on the execution of brand. …”
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Monograph -
Aeration slab study volume 2
Published 2016“…This would mean that the aeration slab promotes water infiltration slightly better than the asphalt pavement but is likely to be much less effective compared to soil under turf cover. …”
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Research Report -
Controlling interest and firm efficiency: Comparing family- and nonfamily-controlled Taiwanese cultural and creative industry firms
Published 2024“…A novel chance-constrained network data envelopment analysis model measured efficiency from 2005 to 2020. Key findings include the following: (1) Nonfamily firms are more efficient than family-controlled firms, and (2) a nonlinear relationship between controlling shareholdings and efficiency is present only in family-controlled firms. …”
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Article -
Recent occurrences and regulation enforcement of per- and polyfluorinated substances in drinking water
Published 2024“…It synthesizes current research findings, highlighting the prevalence of PFAS contamination across various regions and its implications for public health. …”
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UMPSA News -
A review on antibacterial properties of Malaysian kelulut, tualang and acacia honey to prevent wound infectious bacteria
Published 2024“…This review discusses the effectiveness of honey in inhibiting the growth of various wound-infecting bacteria, factors that contributed to the antibacterial properties of the honey, mechanisms of action of honey in inhibiting bacterial growth and their potential for future use in clinical practice. The findings of this review suggest that Malaysian honey has the potential to be used as an alternative and complementary therapy to conventional antibiotics in the prevention and treatment of wound infections.…”
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