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Making the world a better place? English higher education and global public good
Published 2024“…Two-thirds of science papers with UK authors involve international collaboration, one-quarter of higher education students are international, and their fees constitute more than a fifth of institutional income. …”
Journal article -
The acquisition of English and Mandarin by a Singaporean child in a trilingual home
Published 2009“…Results indicate that: (1)the absence of tense and number markers in the English data was due to the variety of Singapore Colloquial English the child was exposed to in his environment; (2)the use of pragmatic particles and the lack of clear developmental pattern in the English interrogatives were linked to the Singapore Colloquial English usage in the input; (3)the English-language acquisition pattern shows a similar pattern as those in other comparable studies done in Singapore; (4)the order of the grammatical morphemes in the Mandarin data follows the similar pattern as other monolingual children reported on; (5)code-switching and code-mixing were directly affected by social factors: interlocutor, norm of the speech situation and his language dominance; (6)code-switching also occurs for many reasons related to language use; and (7)the child language development has been affected by the varying amount of input. The study concluded that code-switching did not lead to any negative consequences, but on the contrary, seems to be the only viable means of developing bilingualism in Singapore, where multilingualism is a norm and code-switching is an integral part of the single complex culture.…”
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Thesis -
On the influence of workpiece material on friction in microforming and lubricant effectiveness
Published 2014“…A mathematical function is proposed to describe the calibration curves for different friction coefficients. Round bars of copper, aluminum and silver of diameter 1 mm and length 5 mm were used as the workpieces to study the material influence on friction factor, m, during unlubricated microforming process through comparison between simulation and experimental results. …”
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Journal Article -
Shi'ism, politics, and identity in Bahrain
Published 2017“…Sectarian identity in the Middle East has appeared ascendant, seemingly serving as the basis of intractable, even violent conflict. …”
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Thesis -
Mortality and probability: philosophical considerations in selected contemporary British and Irish literature
Published 2022“…There has been a noticeable increase in the preoccupation with death in contemporary British and Irish literature. …”
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Thesis-Master by Research -
Finite element study of the properties and response of 3D printed lattice structures
Published 2019“…The variation of the unit cell’s aspect ratio, d/L, by increasing strut diameter, sees increased connectivity between layers within the structure, resulting in improved mechanical properties. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Ethical governance of artificial intelligence for defence: normative tradeoffs for principle to practice guidance
Published 2024“…A recent shift from the what to the how of AI ethics sees a nascent body of literature published by defence organisations focussed on guidance to implement AI ethics principles. …”
Journal article -
Explaining the decision-making process.
Published 2011“…Human behavior has always been a complex area of study. Besides psychologists, behavioral economists have also been exploring possible economic reasons to explain why humans behave the way they do. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study of high-strength concrete beam-column joints with high-yield strength steel reinforcement
Published 2016“…The test revealed that using high-yield strength steel reinforcement bars together with high-strength concrete resulted in improving the load-carrying capacity of the tested specimens. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Corrosion damage detection in reinforced concrete using Rayleigh wave-based method
Published 2024“…Corrosion of reinforcing bars is a dominant cause of degradation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. …”
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Journal Article -
Ergative in Mi=la=ras=pa'i rnam thar
Published 2024“…Classical Tibetans has been reported to be an aspectually split ergative language (Regamey, 1954; Dixon, 1979). although this is true only of some texts. …”
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Journal Article -
Analysis of IMF aid packages during the Asian financial crisis.
Published 2008“…This report seeks to investigate the present role of the IMF, using the Asian Financial Crisis as a case study. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Class participation in the Nanyang Business School
Published 2008“…Class participation has been increasingly used as a grading tool for various subjects taken in Nanyang Business School (NBS). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Biofuel : impact on global economy.
Published 2009“…Fossil fuels have been our main source of energy. However, they are non-renewable, meaning they will deplete one day. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Role of scatter-hoarding rodents in the seed dispersal of large-seeded plants.
Published 2013“…With the deforestation that usually accompanies agriculture and urbanization, habitats for large animals have been significantly reduced or lost, leading to the eventual disappearance of such animals. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Language games and Southeast Asia-United States relations, 1954-2006
Published 2009“…The relationship has also been described as following certain types of rule or order: sometimes it is described as hegemony, while at other times it is characterized by hierarchy. …”
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Thesis -
Biovalorisation of food waste in Singapore : synergistic effect of a mixed culture in solid-state fermentation
Published 2021“…Okara and brewer’s spent grain (BSG) are manufacturing side streams produced in massive amounts from the soy and beer industries, respectively, and contributes significantly to food waste. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Comparative study of accounting standards between Singapore and the Peoples' Republic of China
Published 2008“…Singapore has been encouraging local firms to venture abroad, for example, PRC. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Mode of action study for a novel class of antimicrobial polymers against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Published 2020“…The development of antibiotics has been hampered by the rapid evolution of antimicrobial resistance and lack of new mechanisms discovered. …”
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Thesis-Master by Research