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Light management in nanostructures for solar cell application
Published 2013“…Thus, scientists are now trying to seek for alternative materials to replace ITO electrodes. …”
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Thesis -
Compact transformer based power combination techniques for millimeter-wave CMOS power amplifiers
Published 2016“…To characterize this circuit topology, admittance matrix condensation algorithm is proposed, validated and then used for seeking the optimum inductance range. Following that, the nonlinearity of CMOS transistor with inductive source degeneration (ISD) is studied using Volterra kernels in mm-wave frequency range. …”
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Thesis -
Energy-efficient video streaming over wireless networks
Published 2013“…These transport packets need to be delivered before a deadline at a target reliability which depends on the importance of the video frame. We seek the optimal transmission strategy that minimizes the transmission energy under the reliability and deadline constraints of a group of transport packets. …”
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Thesis -
EEG-based attention recognition using machine learning
Published 2017“…A possible explanation for stage II.2 is that, the environment contains not enough external stimuli to keep the open eye and situation-aware state, so that the brain performs vigilance regulation to seek external stimuli, and hence leading to distraction. …”
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Thesis -
Optimized GPU algorithms for sparse data problems
Published 2017“…The techniques we introduced are the basis for our ongoing work on GPU sparse matrix and graph algorithms, as we seek to bridge the gap between the performance of sparse and dense data algorithms on GPUs.…”
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Thesis -
Improving outcomes in panic disorder and carer support in psychosis: a triad of studies on theory, practice and innovations
Published 2024“…An exploratory aim was to evaluate the potential impact of a novel component of focused CBT which includes the use of ‘approach-supporting behaviours’ where safety-seeking behaviours are prominent. Method: We conducted a randomised parallel trial. …”
Thesis -
Distribution and risk factors of canine heart diseases and survey for owners treatment intention
Published 2023“…Most dog owners (92.3%) were willing to seek treatment if their pet dogs were diagnosed, but the cost (39.5%) was a primary concern for long-term treatment. …”
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Thesis -
探究游戏主题曲的歌曲字幕翻译策略 —— 以《英雄联盟》2023年全球总决赛主题曲 《GODS登神》为例 = Subtitling strategies for game theme song —— taking league of legends 2023 global finals theme song “GODS” as example...
Published 2024“…In the comparative analysis, this paper finds that YouTube's translated subtitles tend to use a more literal translation approach, making the subtitles more suitable for the general public to understand the literal meaning of the lyrics. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Novel material composites for dielectric elastomer actuators
Published 2020“…Additionally, state-of-the-art technologies for haptics primarily seek to simulate the perception of texture change with sensory manipulation. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Phase measurements based indoor visible light positioning systems
Published 2020“…Moreover, researchers are seeking a feasible indoor positioning technology and developing an indoor GPS like system. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Localized structural and bulk effects in hybrid organic-inoraginc perovskites
Published 2021“…DFT simulations provided an indication that charge carriers in MAPbI3 exists as localized polarons, thus, the experimental studies seek spectroscopic evidence for the existence for these self-trapped polaronic states. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Modeling and optimization of photovoltaic systems under partially shaded and rapidly changing conditions
Published 2015“…This classification is then used to force a conventional MPPT such as the perturb and observe (P&O) or extremum seeking control (ESC) to search near the identified MPP, resulting in the system tracking the global MPP. …”
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Thesis -
Signal processing for cooperative cognitive radio networks
Published 2017“…We aim to analyze some pre-existing methods such as improved energy detector (IED) or double-threshold comparison scheme in terms of detection performance and transmission throughput when a CSS-based detection scheme has been implemented among the secondary users. We seek to study their efficiency, especially in the case of imperfect reporting channels. …”
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Thesis -
Reduced cell and stack modeling of planar solid oxide fuel cells
Published 2014“…Although there are simplified P-SOFC models from 3D to 2D, the assumptions on dimensionality tend to lower the fidelity of model prediction. In this thesis, novel reduced models are developed for the planar SOFC (P-SOFC) and stack equipped with parallel plain flow channels to significantly reduce computational cost with desired numerical accuracy, while capturing both the average properties and the variability of the dependent variables in the 3D model. …”
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Thesis -
21W.747 Rhetoric, Fall 2002
Published 2002“…At its worst, however, rhetoric is used unethically by people to manipulate us instead of enlightening us, to spread propaganda instead of seeking truth, to make palatable those ideas and products whose adoption actually runs counter to our best interests. …”
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Learning Object -
Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for healthcare decision-making
Published 2022“…Over the past decade, a plethora of explainability approaches have been proposed, ranging from ante-hoc methods that seek to build explainability features into a model itself to post-hoc methods that use techniques to improve the explainability of an already developed model. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Understanding lived experiences of bereaved parents of children with chronic life-threatening Illness : towards a culture-specific and meaning-oriented narrative E-writing interven...
Published 2020“…This means that every year, both globally and locally, tens of millions of parents, grandparents and extended families are left in a state of despair and devastation due to the death of a young child in the family. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation
Published 2025“…The most commonly reported AEs were throat/mouth irritation, headache, cough, and nausea, which tended to dissipate with continued EC use. Very few studies reported data on other outcomes or comparisons; hence, evidence for these is limited, with CIs often encompassing both clinically significant harm and benefit. …”
Journal article -
《“你有抽烟吗?”:病人的迂回答复及其医生的对策 》= "Do you smoke?" : on patients' 'less-than-direct' responses and doctors' countermeasures
Published 2020“…As such questions are medically relevant from the doctor’s point of view, it is necessary to seek a truthful response from the patient in order to arrive at an accurate preliminary diagnosis. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Physical unclonable function based solutions to unification of user, device and data authentication
Published 2020“…Further development of IoT applications is challenged into seeking trust assurance of multiple credentials from user, device and data. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy