The experience of the role of being a caregiver for carers who identify as ‘black’: an IPA study
Published 2020“…Further it has been empirically noted that individuals from BME groups are less likely to access counselling services than White British people. …”
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Thesis -
After COVID-19: time to agree a biosecurity code of conduct under the biological and toxin weapons convention (book chapter)
Published 2020“…The devastating COVID-19 disease outbreak in early 2020 is likely to cause a major rethink about the dangers of natural, accidental and deliberate disease outbreaks in humans, animals and plants when the outbreak is eventually brought under control. …”
Book Section -
Get your facts right: preschoolers systematically extend both object names and category-relevant facts
Published 2016“…At test, children provided with the object name or category-relevant fact were significantly more likely to display systematic category extension than children who learnt the category-irrelevant fact. …”
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The Radio Garden: private pleasures and public benefits
Published 2021“…With a touch of the screen Radio Garden offers an escape from the bubble of ‘likes’ to new musical and linguistic encounters, geographical difference and distance, perhaps even an escape from the bubble of nationality. …”
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The impact of Covid-19 on struggling ethnic minority entrepreneurs’ business strategy: the case of Bangladeshi curry houses in the United Kingdom
Published 2023“…Originality/value: The results indicates that the ethnic minority owned SMEs are less likely to plan for the future operations; furthermore, they tend not to have formulated a strategy for dealing with an external shock hence affecting and threatening their performance and competitiveness in the marketplace.…”
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Methodological implications of participant and researcher multilingualism: making language dynamics visible
Published 2023“…This special issue (SI) brings together seven contributions which discuss the methodological implications of researching in a multilingual world, where researchers and/or research participants are likely to know more than one language. The papers examine the relationship between researchers’ language ideologies and actual practices with multilingual participants, teams or projects, from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. …”
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UK Vietnamese Businesses: Cultural Influences and Intra-cultural Differences
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Other -
A hybrid technique using minimal spanning tree and analytic hierarchical process to prioritize functional requirements for parallel software development
Published 2023“…Software for large enterprises such as the enterprise resource planning (ERP) is more likely to be developed by a team of software developers where the functional requirements (FRs) are distributed in parallel developers. …”
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The Efficacy of Students‟ Knowledge Construction Process in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Environment: A Malaysian View
Published 2023“…However, efforts to digitise education usually encounter two major issues: first, the applications developed are more likely to emphasise the qualities of graphics and animations; second, the multimedia presentation highlighted in the application is a stereotype that causes users to become bored. …”
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A hybrid technique using minimal spanning tree and analytic hierarchical process to prioritize functional requirements for parallel software development
Published 2023“…Software for large enterprises such as the enterprise resource planning (ERP) is more likely to be developed by a team of software developers where the functional requirements (FRs) are distributed in parallel developers. …”
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Automatic visual-spatial perspective taking in alcohol-dependence: a study with happy emotional faces
Published 2018“…Future research should explore which 'real-world' settings are likely to trigger social confusion and misunderstanding.…”
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Faster and more accurate identification of male faces in female care home residents
Published 2020“…Because the known masculinity bias in women prevailed beyond the menopause, it is discussed whether rather than fertility hormones, women’s testosterone would be a likely candidate explaining the male advantage in sex-of-face identification throughout the life-span.…”
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"I look at money differently now...": male UK problem gamblers and their relationship to money: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2020“…The majority of the UK adult population has gambled at some point in their lives with 1-2% having a gambling problem and with males being significantly more likely to become problem gamblers than females. The literature suggests that money plays a complex role in the lives of problem gamblers and may be used as a way of increasing self-image as well as compensating for aspects deemed to be missing in their lives. …”
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Thesis -
A qualitative analysis of how therapists experience the therapeutic relationship with adults who were adopted as infants
Published 2014“…The discussion also highlights practical implications, particularly the importance of familiarisation with aspects of adoption due to their likely influence on the therapeutic relationship and the need for reflective practice.…”
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Thesis -
Sovereign wealth funds as coping mechanisms in the global economy: three Emirati case studies
Published 2013“…The preliminary hypothesis is that the net benefits will be lower when there are no internationally agreed principles of SWF conduct in place because of likely negative blocking actions on the part of foreign governments and regulators; however, the net benefits will still be positive inasmuch as S\VFs can still fulfil their coping function. …”
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Thesis -
Let's move with Leon: a randomised controlled trial of a UK digital intervention to improve physical activity in people with a musculoskeletal condition
Published 2023“…Conclusion: Digital interventions such as ‘Let’s Move with Leon’ have the potential to increase physical activity in people with a musculoskeletal condition, however, improvements are likely to be small. Small improvements in physical activity may not be enough to improve HRQoL.…”
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Forensic genomics: kin privacy, driftnets and other open questions
Published 2008“…But we are approaching a dramatic "phase change" as we move from genetics to genomics: when sequencing the entire genome of a person becomes sufficiently cheap as to become a routine operation, as is likely to happen in the coming decades, then each DNA examination will expose a wealth of very sensitive personal information about the examined individual, as well as her relatives. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Anxiety in oral presentation among engineering and non-engineering students in english language classrooms
Published 2019“…At the same time, any negative public speaking experiences will make it less likely that you will speak in public in the future because fear teaches you to protect yourself from risky situations. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of ride comfort on different non-driving related activities in fully automated driving experience
Published 2024“…The study was divided into three stages: pre-, during, and post-driven, to measure the user’s comfort, safety, likeness, and motion sickness level through self-report questionnaires. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item