Novel opto-electronic and plastic fibre sensors
Published 1998“…The middle POF is coupled to a red LED and emits light onto a flat target with the two outer fibres receiving the reflected light from the target and guiding it to two silicon PIN photodiodes. Theoretical investigations on the behaviour of the sensor are presented for ranges between 0 mm and 100 mm, and for targets with different reflectivities. …”
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Thesis -
Kaedah-kaedah penting Usul Fiqh berdasarkan manhaj ahli hadis
Published 2011“…Salah seorang tokoh yang menghasil karya dalam memahami Usul Fiqh yang menggunakan pendekatan ulama hadis ialah Ustaz Zakariya bin Ghulam Qadir Al-Pakistani. Buku yang berjudul Usul Al-Fiqh Ala Manhaj Ahli Al-Hadis. …”
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Book -
Performance of reactivated carbon nanotubes in adsorbing cadmium from aqueous solution
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Urban runoff quantity and quality control – Malaysian perspective.
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Studies of 1,2-naphthoquinone mono-oximato complexes
Published 1991“…The oxidation involved oxidative cleavage of the aromatic ring of catechol by molecular oxygen to give muconic acid anhydride and 2H-pyran-2-one in addition to benzoquinone. …”
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Thesis -
Novel narrowband microstrip filters for wireless communications systems
Published 2010“…The various ‘C-shape’ open-loop ring resonators were developed and fabricated, namely ‘Embedded-Square’ and ‘Embedded-Triangle’ resonators, exhibited a quasielliptic function bandpass filter response free from spurii across an ultra-wide bandwidth. …”
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Thesis -
Knowledge on nutrition and frequency of food intake among pregnant women visiting Peringgit Community Polyclinic Melaka (PCPM)
Published 2011“…Faridah Hashim as a Deputy Dean (Academic) and supervisor for her helpful supervision and guidance, without which this study would not have been able to see its fruition. Dato’ Dr. Hj. Azmi Bin Hashim (Pengarah, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Melaka) and State Matron, Dr. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Terracotta figurines from the National and Military Museums in Sana’a, Yemen
Published 2007“…These include Wadi al-Thayyilah (1), Ma’rib (2), Wadi al-Jauf (3), Hajar bin Humeid (4), Sabir Lahj (5) and al-Quraiyat (6). …”
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Article -
الحلقة المفقودة في معادلة الحضارة من منظور التنوير الياباني إنجازات العزلة وتطورات الانفتاح = The missing link in the equation of civilization from the perspective of the Japanese...
Published 2015“…The study aspires to investigate the Japanese model of development based on the elements of civilization, namely man, the earth and time; as portrayed by Malik bin Nabi. We intend to examine these civilizational elements in the context of the Japanese model, and also to investigate the level of maturity of civilizational thoughts in the Japanese experience, especially after the Meiji. …”
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Evaluation of solid-state bioconversion of domestic wastewater sludge as a promising environmental-friendly disposal technique
Published 2004“…The Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) domestic wastewater treatment plant (DWTP) sludge was considered for evaluation of SSB by monitoring the microbial growth and its subsequent roles in biodegradation under two conditions:(i) flask (F) and (ii) composting bin (CB) cultures. Sterile and semi-sterile environments were allowed in the F and the CB, respectively, using two mixed fungal cultures, Trichoderma harzianum with Phanerochaete chrysosporium 2094 (T/P) and T. harzianum with Mucor hiemalis (T/M) and two bulking materials, sawdust (SD) and rice straw (RS). …”
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Turning trash into treasure: exploring the potential of AI in municipal waste management - an in-depth review and future prospects
Published 2024“…To close this gap, this study conducts a thorough review of the relevant literature with an application of preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses-based methods, examining 229 peer-reviewed publications to explore the role of AI in different MWM areas, such as waste characteristics forecasting, waste bin level monitoring, process parameter prediction, vehicle routing, and MWM planning. …”
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Islamizing engineering curriculum
Published 2006“…My contention in this paper is to establish the compatibility of the two streams, science and religion, as the justi$ring evidence of both holds identical caliber, an account that indicates the impossibility of ones existence without the other. …”
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Book Chapter -
Studies of complexes derived from 5-acetylamino-1,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime and related ligands
Published 1991“…For all complexes i.r. studies indicate the involvement of the ring CO in bonding. Their electronic spectra show strong absorption in the u.v. region which tails into the visible but d - d transitions have been clearly Identified for Ni(5-Acqo)2.6H20 and Mn(5-Acqo)3 .H20. …”
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Thesis -
The lost treasure of the polychrome wooden (`ajami) interior of Ghazalyeh House, Aleppo, Syria
Published 2016“…Ghazalyeh House was built in 1691 by Khajadour Bin Murad Bali. Later Saba 'Aidaa lived in this house followed by the Ghazaleh family with more than 45 people living in it. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Utilize technical elements in the novel "Ibn Soula" by Ali Al-Mamari = توظيف العناصر الفنية في رواية "بن سولع" للكاتب علي المعمري
Published 2020“…. ********************************************************** This analytical study discussed the novel "Bin Soula" by the Omani writer Ali Al-Maamari, which showed Al-Maamari's method of employing the artistic elements in the novel. …”
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