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Delegitimising Osama's ideological legacy
Published 2012“…The death of Osama Bin Laden will not end Al Qaeda-inspired terrorism. …”
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Commentary -
Keintelektualan Melayu dalam Manuskrip dan Kitab Jawi /
Published 2018“…Buku ini membincangkan beberapa isu berkaitan manuskrip Melayu dan mengupas pemikiran beberapa tokoh intelektual Melayu seperti Hamzah Fansuri, Nik Muhammad Salleh Wan Musa, Syeikh Abd al-Samad al-Falimbani, Syeikh Muhammad Sa'id bin Jamal al-Din al-Linggi dan Tuan Tabal. Buku ini dapat dijadikan rujukan kepada generasi muda dalam mengenali para ilmuwan yang telah menyumbang dalam perkembangan ilmu di alam Melayu ini. …”
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Train following model for urban rail transit performance analysis
Published 2024“…Based on the model developed, the impacts of factors such as service frequency, headway variations, passenger demand, and initial train delays on line performance (i.e. line throughput and train knock-on delays) are explored. …”
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Article -
Ultra wideBand indoor position localizaiton
Published 2014“…It is specifically the case when line-of-sight (LOS) is absent due to severe blockage. …”
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Thesis -
《史记·滑稽列传》四题 = Four topics on memoir of Guji in Shiji
Published 2017Get full text
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Book -
High speed imaging of micro-sized droplet jetted on surface with wettability pattern
Published 2014“…Experimental results based on high speed imaging of micro-sized droplet jetted on a hydrophobic surface with hydrophilic lines are presented. The effects of the hydrophilic line and the initial impact offset distance from the line on the droplet spreading behaviour are studied. …”
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Conference Paper -
Population Balance Model-based Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization of Yeast Cell Manufacturing
Published 2024“…Numerical optimal control design for oscillatory distributed parameter systems is discussed within the context of both dynamic optimization and on-line nonlinear model predictive control strategies.…”
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Article -
Productivity improvement for smart manufacturing systems
Published 2017“…On considering the improvements in manufacturing a product, this project aims to focus on developing a fundamental study that compares the infinite buffer and finite buffer settings for a production line and an assembly line. In an assembly line, queue ratio concept is introduced, that states, the parts from the upstream station is sent to two or more downstream stations for processing based on smallest queue ratio between two downstream stations. …”
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Thesis -
Ternakan IKAN KELI /
Published 2017“…Penerangan tentang penternakan ikan keli dalam buku ini juga mudah difahami. Nasnan bin Jajuli merupakan anak Selangor yang dilahirkan di Sabak Bernam pada 30 Jun 1965. …”
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Hindun binti Uthbah /
Published 2024“…Betapa tanpa belas kasihan dan sifat kemanusiaan, jenazah bapa saudara dan perisai Nabi Muhammad SAW yang turut digelar singa Allah SWT, Hamzah bin Abdul Mutalib dibunuh kejam dalam Perang Uhud, malah jenazahnya dirobek, hati dan jantung dilapah. …”
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All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational waves from Advanced LIGO’s and Advanced Virgo’s first three observing runs
Published 2024“…Data folding and the computationally efficient analysis pipeline, PyStoch, enable us to perform the radiometer map-making at every frequency bin. We perform the search at 3072 HEALPix equal area pixels uniformly tiling the sky and in every frequency bin of width 1 / 32 Hz in the range 20–1726 Hz, except for bins that are likely to contain instrumental artefacts and hence are notched. …”
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Article -
Falling for Rachel /
Published 2014“…Public defender Rachel Stanislaski is not what he has in mind—until he discovers there’s a lot more to the beautiful, coolheaded attorney than meets the eye…and finds himself falling for her, hook, line and sinker.…”
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Published 2024“…Honey, his childhood friend, is determined to find a cure and put her life on the line in order to save her friend. With the entire town against Wyn, will there be enough time to save the people? …”
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The role of p53 and ASPP2 in neurodegenerative disease
Published 2015“…Also, LPS induces nuclear ASPP2 <em>in vivo</em> at the blood-cerebral spinal fluid-barrier (BCSFB), the brain's barrier to inflammation. …”
Thesis -
Effectiveness of product placements in computer games.
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -