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Rumah kedai bersejarah pekan lama Kimanis (1939 - 2021) kajian ke atas kemusnahan semula jadi
Published 2024“…Kajian ini adalah mengenai bangunan rumah kedai bersejarah di Pekan Lama Kimanis yang telah musnah akibat faktor semula jadi iaitu angin ribut dan dimangkinkan lagi oleh faktor kemerosotan struktur bangunan yang tidak ada usaha pemuliharaan. Objektif kajian ialah menbincangkan faktor utama yang menyebabkan berlaku keruntuhan keseluruhan struktur bangunan kedai. …”
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Article -
Advancements and challenges: a comprehensive review of GAN-based models for the mitigation of small dataset and texture sticking issues in fake license plate recognition
Published 2024“…Recent enhancements, such as the integration of StyleGAN2-ADA and StyleGAN3, aim to address challenges related to texture dynamics during video generation. …”
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Article -
A Multi-tier Model and Filtering Approach to Detect Fake News Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Published 2024“…Two sequences of classification models are used in this research paper: LR_DT_RF and LR_NB_AdaBoost. The best performance of sequence for both datasets is LR_DT_RF which yields 0.9892 F1-Score, 0.9895 Accuracy, and 0.9790 Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) for ISOT Fake News Dataset, and 0.9913 F1-Score, 0.9853 Accuracy, and 0.9455 MCC for CHECKED Dataset. …”
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Article -
Analisis Elemen Niat Dalam Konsep Kepenggunaan Islam
Published 2022“…Konsep niat yang diperkenalkan oleh Barat sama sekali tidak sama dengan konsep yang ada dalam ajaran Islam. Bahkan pada hari ini masyarakat Muslim kurang mengambil berat perihal berkaitan niat apatah lagi niat dalam aktiviti seharian. …”
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Article -
Web-Based Application of Al-Quran Ontology for Self-Learning (S/O 14160)
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Monograph -
21W.730-2 Expository Writing - Food for Thought: Writing and Reading about Food and Culture, Fall 2005
Published 2005“…The chef is an artist, yet those who pick oranges or process meat may be little more than slaves. …”
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Learning Object -
Managing commute traffic : from parking provision with ride-sourcing to work hours arrangements considering household travels
Published 2019“…Furthermore, in view of the prevailing household travels with multiple trip purposes (e.g., daycare drop-off/pick-up) in peak hours, we incorporate such household travels into the work starting time choice model. …”
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Thesis -
Coevolving Cybersecurity Adversaries for Industrial Control Systems in Failure-Prone Environments
Published 2024“…In the sub-area that this thesis focuses on, power microgrids, such disturbances can come in the form of line-line faults, line-ground faults, lack of generation capacity to meet demand, and unintentional islanding, among many others. …”
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Thesis -
Sessile droplet evaporation on patterned surfaces
Published 2023“…For the patterned substrate, a 0º and 45º line of sights are used. Both offer different properties such as hydrophobicity. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Computational and experimental study of a platinum thin-film based oil condition and contamination sensor
Published 2017“…The sensor is able to detect any form of contamination in oil and can be used for both off-line and on-line condition monitoring. The sensor is found to be quite sensitive and can detect extremely small concentrations of contaminants of the order 0.01 % by volume. …”
Conference item -
Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Continuous Viral Bioreactors
Published 2024Get full text
Article -
The quad's public goods approach: countering the BRI
Published 2023Get full text
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Commentary -
Security enhancement of the communication-efficient AUTHMAC_DH protocols
Published 2013“…In this paper, we first analyze the vulnerability of an AKD protocol under the off-line guessing attack. Then, we propose an enhanced AKD protocol to overcome the vulnerability. …”
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Journal Article -
Organic donor-acceptor cocrystals for multiferroic applications
Published 2021“…The cocrystallization strategy has provided an efficient route to fulfill room temperature magnetoelectricity in single phase owing to the long-range ordered π-π stacking (donor-acceptor assembled) network, long-lived excitons (with μs lifetime), spin orders (±1/2 s pin) and charge transfer (CT) dipoles in the assembled crystal lattice. …”
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Journal Article -
The Portevin-Le Chatelier effect of Cu-2.0Be alloy during hot compression
Published 2023“…As the strain rate increases, the dislocations outpace the diffusion speed of the solute atoms, limiting their ability to effectively pin the dislocations, resulting in lower dislocation density and serration amplitude. …”
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Journal Article -
Compatability and equilibrium approach to slender concrete column design (dual project)
Published 2017“…This report evaluates and compares the proposed design method with the Australian code AS3600-2001 for slender concrete column. The failure loads of pin-end columns under short term loading and uniaxial bending are used as a pre-determined factor to analyse the data. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Tumor cell-intrinsic signals promoting tolerance and adaptation to oncogenic kinase inhibition
Published 2024“…Using commonly prescribed TK inhibitors (TKIs), I show that TK genetic status generally predicts whether or not a cell line will show any response to genotype-matched TKI (GM-TKI), but is insufficient to predict drug tolerance, the ability of a cell line to sustain proliferation under drug. …”
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Thesis -
NEGOTIATE your way to RICHES /
Published 2003“…And just as important, it will show you how to go about "convincing others to give you what you want." BOTTOM LINE: if you buy or sell anything personally or professionally, this book can make or save you a fortune!.…”