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Explaining islamist insurgencies : the case of Al Jamaah Al Islamiyyah and the radicalisation of the Poso conflict, 2000-2007.
Published 2013“…Another was Mujahidin Kompak Kayamanya (MKK) a spin-off from KOMPAK, an Islamic charity that became affiliated with a group in the Kayamanya area of Poso.…”
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Thesis -
Investigation of solar cell carrier lifetime using photoconductance lifetime measurements
Published 2018“…Lastly, I also analyzed the effect of spin coating on open circuit voltage and minority carrier lifetime.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Improvement of CZTS solar cell by hydrogen doping
Published 2019“…CZTS films were successfully fabricated on Molybdenum-coated glass by spin coating technique and subsequent annealing in sulphur atmosphere. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Magnetism in graphene oxide induced by epoxy groups
Published 2015“…Local density approximation calculation results well reproduce the magnetic moments obtained from experiments, and these results indicate that the unpaired spin induced by the presence of epoxy groups is the origin of the magnetism. …”
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Journal Article -
A variational master equation approach to quantum dynamics with off-diagonal coupling in a sub-Ohmic environment
Published 2016“…A master equation approach based on an optimized polaron transformation is adopted for dynamics simulation with simultaneous diagonal and off-diagonal spin-boson coupling. Two types of bath spectral density functions are considered, the Ohmic and the sub-Ohmic. …”
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Journal Article -
Exchange coupling and coercivity enhancement in cuprate/manganite bilayers
Published 2013“…The temperature dependent magnetization data indicate an interfacial spin-glass state. Furthermore, the bilayer exhibits significant enhancement of coercivity compared to the La0.70Sr0.30MnO3 single layer and reaches 705 Oe at 5 K. …”
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Journal Article -
HYPERION: A HYdrogen PERmeatION Experiment to Quantify Hydrogen Transport in Fusion-Relevant Molten Salts
Published 2024“…The measurement of hydrogen transport properties of molten salts like FLiBe is crucial for the development of advanced nuclear technologies like lithium-bearing liquid immersion breeding blankets for fusion reactors. …”
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Thesis -
Experimental study on sediment clump
Published 2017“…While the sediment cloud with thermal-like formation has been researched extensively, information is lacking in the wake-like formation. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Using Principles from Cognitive Science to Analyze and Guide Language-Related Neural Networks
Published 2024“…To what extent are such AI models learning language in a “human-like” way? Defining “human-like” generally may be an impossible problem, but narrower definitions of aspects of human-like language processing, borrowed from cognitive science literature, afford metrics for evaluating AI models. …”
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Thesis -
Does cognitive biased knowledge influence investor decisions? An empirical investigation using machine learning and artificial neural network
Published 2025“…In the second step, multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN) were used to analyse the data of 337 retail investors. …”
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Article -
Predicting and modeling the effects of turbines noise on operator’s mental task performance in AL-DORA power plant
Published 2024“…Participants’ responses were used to develop a neural-fuzzy logic model based on artificial neural networks (ANN) and fuzzy inference systems (FIS). The model is performed using the fuzzy logic toolbox inherited from the MATLAB software. …”
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FE modeling of MEMS microphone performance
Published 2008“…Both static and dynamic behaviors of corrugation diaphragm like mechanical sensitivity, natural frequency and deflection were analyzed using FEM. …”
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Thesis -
Business contingency and continuity plan by maritime firms in Singapore - part B: maritime services sector
Published 2022“…Business Continuity Management (BCM) has evolved dramatically since its conception in the 1970s due to disruptions and megatrends like pandemics, globalisation, and digitalisation, in addition to rule-based measures and governance in its approach. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Chemical and strain driven morphotropic phase boundaries in bismuth ferrite
Published 2015“…Universal polarization rotation behavior is observed in rare-earth-element doped tetragonal-like BFO, analogous to those found in rhombohedral-like phase. …”
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Thesis -
Development of advanced Fe-based oxygen carriers for chemical looping applications
Published 2024“…All the perovskite structured oxygen carriers showed excellent cyclic stability over pressure swing cycles at 500 °C, suggesting their suitability for long-term operation. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Human factors in agile software development
Published 2015“…• How does the developers' mood or team morale swing affect the task performing process and the quality of artifacts? …”
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Thesis -
Distributed droop schemes for standalone and interlinked AC microgrids
Published 2014“…Distributed Generators (DGs), when clustered to form small microgrids, offer many advantages like resource optimization, improved power quality, stability and reliability. …”
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Thesis -
Accelerated discovery of new catalysts for oxygen evolution reaction
Published 2023“…The Fe3+ ions also promote the oxidation of Co species to form active oxyhydroxide phase. The high spin of Mn3+ ions (t2g3 eg1) can easily bond with OH– ions leading to high OER activity. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Disorder–property relationships in magnetic and pseudospin framework materials
Published 2023“…The ordering temperature of magnetic spins in framework materials is low—typically around a few Kelvin. …”