Lean manufacturing and Internet of Things - a synergetic or antagonist relationship?
Published 2021“…The findings advocate that all LM methods, apart from Kaizen, benefit from improved effectiveness by combining them with IoT. …”
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Article -
Circular economy practices and environmental performance: analysing the role of big data analytics capability and responsible research and innovation
Published 2023“…Notably, RRI emerges as the most influential factor among the three. Furthermore, the findings suggest that implementing CEPs serves as a partial mediator for the influence of BDAC and RRI on environmental performance. …”
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Article -
How appraisals of an in-group's collective history shape collective identity and action: evidence in relation to African identity
Published 2024“…Studies 2a and 2b then orthogonally manipulated the valence and subjective importance of African history. However, findings from Studies 2a and 2b did not replicate those of Study 1. …”
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Impact of environment, culture, and sports tourism on the economy: a mediation-moderation model
Published 2023“…The findings of this research have important implications for policymakers and can be helpfully used in the tourism industry. …”
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Article -
Impact of environment, culture, and sports tourism on the economy: a mediation-moderation model
Published 2023“…The findings of this research have important implications for policymakers and can be helpfully used in the tourism industry. …”
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Article -
Impact of environment, culture, and sports tourism on the economy: a mediation-moderation model
Published 2023“…The findings of this research have important implications for policymakers and can be helpfully used in the tourism industry. …”
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Article -
The effectiveness of problem – based learning methods in improving high-order thinking skills
Published 2018“…A similar finding was also obtained regarding students’ perceptions in using PBL to help in their achievements, showing a high mean score of 4.00. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Unintentional information security behavior from the Qur’an and hadith’s perspective
Published 2015“…The incidents are more likely caused by insiders and they can happen with or without intentions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
DisClose: Discovering colossal closed itemsets via a memory efficient compact row-tree
Published 2013“…Unfortunately, large cardinality itemsets are likely to be more informative than small cardinality itemsets in this type of dataset. …”
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Book Chapter -
Remarkably high survival rates under dim light conditions in sutchi catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus larvae
Published 2011“…Therefore, the feeding behavior of sutchi catfish larvae most likely depends on chemosensing rather than visual sensing. …”
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Article -
Disaster management: Identifying Malaysian nurses’ knowledge and predictor factors
Published 2012“…Emergency nurses who attended disaster-related education/training are more likely to have adequate knowledge (p<0.05, AOR=3.807, 95% CI=1.584-9.153) and attended disaster-related education/training is predictors to the adequate knowledge of community health nurse (p<0.001, AOR=3.511, 95% CI=2.097-5.881). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A comparism of child's right to education under islamic law and the convention on the rights of the child
Published 2015“…Since children are the leaders of tomorrow, impacting education on children will therefore be a very important tool for measuring whether such a society is likely to prosper. This is because where children are not trained and given the necessary education; they will turn against the society and become a problem for the people. …”
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Article -
First occurrence of Cochlodinium blooms in Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2008“…Favorable temperature, salinity and nutrient concentrations, which were similar to those associated with other C. polykrikoides blooms in the Asia Pacific region, likely promoted the growth of this species. Identification of C. polykrikoides as the causative organism was based on light and scanning microscopy, and confirmed by partial 18S ribosomal DNA sequences of two strains isolated during the bloom event (GenBank accession numbers DQ915169 and DQ915170). …”
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Untreated sullage from residential areas - a challenge against inland water policy in Malaysia
Published 2009“…The information on various parameters provided in this paper would be a reference material for the typical characteristics of sullage discharged from the urban residential areas in Malaysia and most likely for other developing countries…”
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Article -
Deterioration and Recovery in Verbal Recall: Repetition Helps against Pro-Active Interference
Published 2018“…In Study 2 (N=78), monolingual women were less likely to use the repetition opportunity to improve the word score. …”
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Article -
Disappearance of biased visual attention in young infants: remediation of tonic neck reflex or maturation of visual asymmetry?
Published 2018“…Typically, infants younger than four months fail to attend to the left side of their spatial field, most likely because of an innate asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR). …”
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Article -
Three Days in the Life of a Full-Time Working, Studying Mum (or How To Avoid Your PhD): Reflections
Published 2012“…Firstly, you are more likely to achieve your goals if you sit down and write for one hour each day, five days consecutively, than if you attempt to sit down and write for five hours the same day. …”
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Vestibular-evoked potentials (VsEPs) produced by an impulsive acceleration applied at the nasion
Published 2014“…Source analysis confirmed that the finger evoked potentials were somatosensory in origin, i.e. were somatosensory evoked potentials, and suggested that the nasion evoked potentials plausibly included vestibular midline and frontal sources, as well as contributions from the eyes, and thus were likely VsEPs. These results show considerable promise as a new method for assessment of the central vestibular system by means of VsEPs produced by IA applied to the head.…”
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Article -
Islamic banking: issues of governance, transparency and standardization
Published 2009“…The logistic regression coefficients indicate that customers satisfied on 'Islamic products and services' hold a belief that these banks are transparent and are likely to be satisfied with Islamic banking services compared to others. …”
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Thesis -
Nutritional content of Ficus benjamina fruits consumed by Frugivorous birds in Taman Botani Johor
Published 2023“…The high carbohydrate content of fruits is likely attractive to frugivorous birds, as carbohydrates are an important energy source for reproduction, growth, and development. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item