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Particle systems on the positive half-line under different boundary conditions
Published 2023“…We also consider models driven by independent noises that have a stronger interaction with the boundary and experience feedback through elastic stopping times.</p> <br> <p>The use of these particle systems is motivated through applications in financial modelling. …”
Thesis -
Cultural transmission of fitness in mathematical population genetics
Published 2014“…Here we observe a phase transition in family size frequency at the point α = 1; and we report multiple mergers occurring in the model's coalescent dual. We also use the data to approximate the coalescent's natural time scale. …”
Thesis -
Of blood and belonging: the practice of antiretroviral treatment among HIV-positive youth in South Africa's Eastern Cape
Published 2015“…Through an exploration of the ways in which some HIV-positive adolescents use, appropriate, or reject ART care; this thesis contributes to a much-needed evidence-base on the needs and survival strategies of adolescent ART users. …”
Thesis -
The role of SPRTN protease in colorectal cancer chemotherapy
Published 2023“…Secondly, clinical mCRC samples obtained from the MRC FOCUS trial were analyzed to determine if SPRTN overexpression measured by immunohistochemistry could represent a useful predictive biomarker to determine the efficacy of FOLFIRI vs FOLFOX chemotherapy. …”
Thesis -
Risk factors for PTSD symptoms following PICU admission for childhood septic shock
Published 2024“…Multiple linear regression was used to investigate relationships between PTS symptom scores and predictor variables. …”
Journal article -
Black democrats in white America: racial campaign strategies in majority-white contexts, 1989-2013
Published 2017“…In particular, the dominant model used to explain the choice of racial campaign strategies by African American candidates in jurisdictions where most of their voters are white is incomplete. …”
Thesis -
Linking root microbiome composition to relative fitness differences that impact plant-plant competition
Published 2023“…This work could be complemented by functional analysis of soil communities and root microbiomes, or the use of synthetic communities to link microbial taxa to plant fitness effects. …”
Thesis -
Delay-and-pay: prolonging pharmaceutical patent protection without paying the ‘price’
Published 2024“…<p>This thesis argues that actors use the patent system as part of a ‘delay-and-pay’ strategy to preserve drug prices for as long as possible by delaying generic/biosimilar market entry – and that they have a significant incentive to do so. …”
Thesis -
The early struggle of black internationalism: intellectual interchanges among American and French black writers during the interwar period
Published 2016“…The thesis successively explores five defining instances of black internationalism: René Maran's <em>Batouala</em> (1921), Alain Locke's <em>The New Negro</em> (1925), black Parisian newspapers from the mid-1920s to the early 1930s, Claude McKay's <em>Banjo</em> (1928), and the early theorization of Négritude. Through the use of Glissant's notion of detour, theorized in <em>Le Discours antillais</em> (1981), this thesis frames 'black internationalism' as a shifting web of negotiations expanding between national and transnational spaces.…”
Thesis -
A landscape of conflict? Rural fortifications in the Argolid (400 – 146 BC)
Published 2018“…<strong>Chapter 2</strong> works towards reconstructing the region’s ancient environment, discussing important landscape changes such as erosion, alluviation and coastline developments, as well as the available evidence for ancient vegetation and land use. <strong>Chapter 3</strong> lays out the typology of ancient fortifications employed in this study, while <strong>chapter 4</strong> aims to create the first systematic framework for dating fortified sites in the Argolid.…”
Thesis -
Facilitators and barriers affecting the implementation of e-health for chronic respiratory diseases in remote settings: a qualitative evidence synthesis
Published 2025“…These findings can be used to inform the successful design and implementation of future e-health interventions.…”
Journal article -
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice towards athritis among nursing students in Universiti Sains Malaysia
Published 2024“…Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation test were used to analyse data. This study found that most of nursing students have heard about arthritis (94.3%) and their source of knowledge was from books and seminar (59%). …”
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Monograph -
Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Towards Arthritis Among Nursing Students In Universiti Sains Malaysia
Published 2024“…Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation test were used to analyse data. This study found that most of nursing students have heard about arthritis (94.3%) and their source of knowledge was from books and seminar (59%). …”
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Monograph -
The Effect of National Debt on Private Investment (S/O 14327)
Published 2021“…Based on the accelerator theories and empirical evidences, national debt, gross domestic product, government investment, national savings, interest rate, inflation rate, fiscal deficit, population growth, trade openness, exchange rate and dummy variables are included in the private investment model. This study uses the annual time-series data for the period 1970 - 2019. …”
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Monograph -
Executive's Cybersecurity Program Handbook : A comprehensive guide to building and operationalizing a complete cybersecurity program /
Published 2023“…As a Cybersecurity professional, you can use this book to deepen your knowledge and understand your organization's overall security posture. …”
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software, multimedia -
Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for healthcare decision-making
Published 2022“…Firstly, post-hoc methods have been increasingly used for high-stakes decisions, but most of them provide explanatory information that is not faithful or not insightful to what the original model computes. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Towards practical data-driven predictive maintenance: a robust and generalizable deep learning approach
Published 2022“…The focus of this thesis is on two main tasks of predictive maintenance: fault diagnosis and fault prognosis (i.e., Remaining Useful Life Estimation (RUL)) tasks. The thesis' contributions are structured according to the predictive maintenance tasks. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Study of planning and operational aspects of tidal in-stream power generation
Published 2013“…Out of such, the ones carried out by Reza Iravani of the University of Toronto were most useful particularly his latest book along with A. …”
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Thesis -
Enhancing network access for highly mobile nodes
Published 2014“…Existing literatures propose to use mobility based clustering schemes to form stable communication structure among mobile nodes by exploiting group mobility. …”
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