Adaptation of business rules in business workflow systems
Published 2021“…Despite the many benefits that workflows bring, the complexities of configuring workflows cause major roadblocks for companies moving towards workflow solutions. …”
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Thesis -
Knowing what I know now : black women talk about violence inside and outside the home
Published 2014“…During life history interviews research participants were invited to bring along personal photographs to assist with speaking about past experiences of violence and abuse, drew maps of their routes to seeking help, annotated diagrams of how they have related to their bodies over the years and produced photographs of spaces, places and objects of current importance to them. …”
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Thesis -
Algerian immigrants in London (United Kingdom) and Valencia (Spain): towards a new migration and labour model?
Published 2013“…A gender-related approach was adopted as to bring to light the differences and similarities in migration between Algerian females and males, and to enhance the growing role of the former in Algerian migration.…”
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Thesis -
Monarchy in the democratic age: the head of state debate in Britain: a constitutional and comparative analysis
Published 2006“…Agreement to end the monarchy would not bring the debate to an end. Republicanism, for which there is no universally accepted definition, is a label applicable to a broad range of political philosophies and regimes, including even hereditary monarchies provided certain conditions are met. …”
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Thesis -
International student mobility: a comparative study between Indian and Italian students in London
Published 2023“…This research is an attempt to bring together these different dimensions to illuminate the complexity and the heterogeneity of international student mobility. …”
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Thesis -
The Rise and Fall of the Ideal City
Published 2023“…Thanks to this dialogue, The Rise and Fall of the Ideal City provides a stimulus for critical reflection on the urban context, but also for inspiration on how artistic languages in different disciplines may bring new ideas and important testimonies with respect to this context.…”
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Show/Exhibition -
Business cycles, interest rates and market volatility : estimation and forecasting using DSGE macroeconomic models under partial information
Published 2018“…And finally, in a response to many of the critiques of the, usually monetary policy oriented DSGE models, this research project provides another set of novel extensions to such models, aiming to bring more of Keynesian characteristics suited to a more active, endogenous fiscal policy deemed needed in the aftermath of the crisis. …”
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Thesis -
Unpacking diversity: barriers and incentives to standing for elections to the National Assembly for Wales
Published 2018“…It also makes broader recommendations where the Board can influence and inform others, or bring diversity matters on the agenda. The report suggests a theory of change through which the Board can achieve its strategic objectives by focusing on: improving information for potential candidates; improving the engagement strategy; providing for flexible working arrangements; and, potential of job share arrangements.…”
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Monograph -
Ideological and cultural constraints in audiovisual translation: dubbing The Simpsons into Arabic: an approach to raise awareness and understanding of practioners involved in the d...
Published 2014“…This paradigm enables researchers to describe, explore, analyse, interpret views of the participants, and bring forth the representational properties of the screen discourse as a vehicle for ideological and cultural power transfer. …”
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Thesis -
Shifting identities of Bengali female learners in ESOL : a poststructuralist feminist exploration of classed, ‘raced’ and gender identities
Published 2016“…I also draw upon post-colonial, black feminist perspectives to argue that the voices from the margins that have traditionally been excluded from the knowledge making processes can bring into dispute the current discourses about ’race’, class, gender, culture, religion, patriarchy and femininity. …”
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Thesis -
An ethnographic study of Black Ugandan British parents’ experiences of supporting their children’s learning within their home environments
Published 2016“…The study found that Black Ugandan British parents with middle class backgrounds from Uganda, but positioned as working class parents in the UK, bring their Ugandan middle class backgrounds to supporting their children’s education in the UK, which calls for the need to understand Black Ugandan British parents’ middle class backgrounds and the influence they have on their ways of supporting their children’s education. …”
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Thesis -
Institutional quality in the finance-growth nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa
Published 2021“…Specifically, it seeks to achieve four main objectives: first, to capture both the market and non-market features of institutional quality in order to bring out the full contribution of institutional quality to economic growth within the framework of finance-growth nexus; second, to investigate the role of market and non-market institutions in the finance-growth nexus for a group of twenty-one SSA economies; third, to detect and account for structural breaks introduced by historical events to produce more reliable estimates in our investigation; and fourth, to consider the constant elasticity of substitution and the variable elasticity of substitution in addition to the Cobb-Douglas production function to not only relax the constraints but also check the robustness of the analysis. …”
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Thesis -
Sustainable tourism planning by local authorities : an investigation of the London Boroughs
Published 2013“…Nevertheless, it has been suggested that local authorities can bring together and facilitate the cooperation between all these stakeholders, and therefore can play an essential role in the sustainable development of tourism in a destination. …”
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Thesis -
Can Industry 5.0 revolutionize the wave of resilience and social value creation? A multi-criteria framework to analyze enablers
Published 2022“…Therefore, the Industry 5.0 (I5.0) revolution is a call to bring forth the ideas of sustainability into practice, integrate human values with technology, and is considered a step forward for achieving sustainable development goals. …”
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Article -
Policing terrorism in Nigeria: challenges for the 21st century
Published 2021“…In addition, the findings confirm that the NPF and similar agencies know they lack the skill set needed to bring the issue of terrorism to a minimum. Hence, training needs have been identified and embarked on. …”
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Thesis -
Socio-spatial practices of well-being: authors of civic ecologies
Published 2023“…The paper examines practices of city farms and the value that they bring to the community by fostering ‘well-being’ (Raz, 2004) from the ground up. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Sexual citizenship : an analysis of gay men as sexual citizens in nonmetropolitan England and Ireland
Published 2018“…While life outside the cities can bring a number of distinct advantages, such as tranquillity, and a more relaxed pace of life, the men also report numerous challenges which include social isolation, powerful hegemonic narratives around rural masculinity, and a pervasive heteronormative culture. …”
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