Co-production: fostering greater inclusion or reproducing existing exclusion? An analysis of co-commissioning and resident participation on a South London housing estate
Published 2021“…In many neoliberal economies, co-production is an increasingly popular way of generating public value, empowering citizens, and innovating public service delivery, and cuts to public sector budgets have seen it becoming more important as cash strapped public bodies strip back their services. …”
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Suspect communities?": counter-terrorism policy, the press, and the impact on Irish and Muslim communities in Britain
Published 2011“…The team also pointed to an element of hope in terms of how Irish communities, once termed as ‘suspect’, have now been accepted as ‘good citizens’ and this was seen to be a reassuring factor to Muslim participants in the discussion groups. …”
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Monograph -
Seeing sadness: comorbid effects of loneliness and depression on emotional face processing
Published 2021“…Comorbid loneliness and depression resulted in an increased misattribution of neutral faces as sad, an effect that was also seen in those who were either only lonely or only depressed. …”
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Loss of NnT increases expression of oxidative phosphorylation complexes in C57BL/6J hearts
Published 2021“…However, differential gene expression was mainly driven by mouse background with some changes seen in all three tissues, perhaps reflecting underlying genetic differences between the C57BL/B6J and -6N substrains.…”
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Transformational texts: genre, discourse and subjectivity in the self-help book
Published 2011“…The research concludes that the selfhelp book is a paradoxical phenomenon for the cultural theorist because it asserts the survival of personal agency in the postmodern episteme which has seen the discrediting of grand narratives and the decentring of the human subject. …”
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Thesis -
Exercise induced pain and damage in human skeletal muscle
Published 1984“…Small localised areas of morphological damage were seen immediately after exercise, and were more extensive 2-3 days later. …”
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Thesis -
Modeling a periodic electric vehicle-routing problem considering delivery due date and mixed charging rates using metaheuristic method
Published 2022“…Indeed, with the SA algorithm, the processing time was seen to increase gradually with increasing the problem complexity, while the rate of increase in processing time was much steeper with the GAMS.…”
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How to learn places without spatial concepts: does the what-and-where reaction time system in children regulate learning during stimulus repetition?
Published 2015“…We investigated the role of repetition for place learning in children although the acquisition of organizing spatial concepts is often seen as more essential. In a reaction-time accuracy task, 7- and 9-year-old children were presented with a randomized sequence of objects-in-places. …”
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Therapeutic relationships with individuals with learning disabilities: a qualitative study of counselling psychologists' experience
Published 2007“…In the non-leaming disabled population, the therapeutic relationship, between client and therapist, is seen as a fundamental aspect in the outcome of therapy. …”
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Thesis -
Incremental cities : discovering the sweet spot for making town-within-a-city
Published 2016“…The process of shared incrementalism is seen through the lens of Amartya Sen’s concept of ‘freedom’ in the context of global capitalism, which places stress on what he terms ‘capacity-building’. …”
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Thesis -
Digital and social media: the panacea of transformative engagement with young people; rhetoric or reality? Qualitative based research exploring police led digital and social media...
Published 2017“…Digital and Social Media is seen as offering immense potential to deliver enhanced participation at a fraction of the cost of traditional engagement, but there is a distinct lack of empirical research associated with the police use of digital and social media to engage young people. …”
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Thesis -
British civil defence policy in response to the threat of nuclear attack 1972-1986
Published 2014“…The thesis concludes that determining one dominant influence from within the intensely symbiotic relationship of ideology, economics and external affairs is problematic. Rather it can be seen that the initiation of civil defence policy was the aspect of the policy cycle most closely influenced by ideology. …”
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Thesis -
Accounting for the increasing securitization of LGBTI groups in sub-Saharan African states
Published 2017“…The narrative is positioned within inter-subjectively constructed meanings of identity; an African and religious identity which is seen as traditional and conservative, mainly either Christian or Islamic. …”
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Thesis -
The Equality Act 2010 and empty diversity : neoliberal legislation and inequality in the lives of trans* and sexgender nonconforming people
Published 2018“…In particular the Equality Act 2010 can be seen as entrenching inequality and discrimination, rather than promoting genuine social and economic equality, by only protecting more ‘legible’, ‘fungible’ and normative experiences of trans* expression.…”
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Thesis -
Increasing the frequency of physical activity very brief advice by nurses to cancer patients. A mixed methods feasibility study of a training intervention
Published 2016“…A significant improvement was seen in delivery of very brief advice at 12 weeks (Z = −4.39, P ≤ 0.01). …”
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Posthumanist panic cinema? The films of Andrew Niccol
Published 2015“…These familiar motifs of the posthuman condition, as well as media surveillance, virtual reality, cloning, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, biometrics, drones, and so on, feature in the popular films of Andrew Niccol.They can be seen to represent and express anxiety around the posthuman condition. …”
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Black Workers and BME networks organising against racism in the NHS workplace
Published 2018“…Based on case studies of two organisations – a local NHS BME Network and a local UNISON Black Self-Organised Group – the research explores the hypothesis that BME Diversity Networks may be seen as more effective ‘collective voices’ than trade union Black Self-Organised Groups for promoting race equality in the NHS workplace. …”
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Thesis -
Gender inequality and academic freedom in Pakistani higher education
Published 2020“…Gender inequality and how it negatively influences the opportunities available for females to progress is a universal issue; however, although initiatives designed to tackle this problem are being seen to result in gradual improvement internationally, particularly in industrial countries, the situation in developing countries remains a concern. …”
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Book Section -
How do second generation Muslim men experience mental health problems within the context of their faith: an IPA study
Published 2020“…Three superordinate themes were found: "Perceived stigma from community" - which explores the views of therapy and mental health from within the communities, "Mental health issues as seen from an Islamic perspective" - which looks into the influence of God, the devil and Jinn and the alternatives to therapy, "Intergenerational conflict and masculinity within Islam" - which discusses the masculine identity of Muslim men and the difficulties between second generation and first generation Muslim men. …”
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