Communication: Infrared spectroscopy of salt-water complexes
Published 2016“…The spectra for n = 1, 2, and 3 are consistent with formation of the lowest energy contact-ion pair structures in which each water molecule forms a single ionic hydrogen bond to an intact Na+Cl−ion-pair. …”
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Article -
Fundamental properties of a microwave induced argon plasma
Published 1987“…The effect of microwave power on the population densities of the argon atom and ion, the electron temperature and the electron and ion densities is examined. …”
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Thesis -
Anayasallaşma süreci (The constitutionalisation process)
Published 2008“…Henüz geçen hafta Allah’ın izni ile başarıyla tamamlamış olduğumuz seminerin heyecanını arkadaşlarla paylaşırken, yeniden farklı bir konuda üzerimizdeki teri atmadan, sıcağı sıcağına, yeni bir seminere, bu defa organizatör olmadan sadece bildiri sunucu olarak katılmayı hedefledim. …”
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Article -
Electrochemical sensor centrifuge platform for single-cell study
Published 2015“…This fern is an important model system for gravity-directed plant-cell development during variable-gravity conditions attainable only in space flight. Calcium-ion channel activity is measured by photolithographically defined calcium ion–selective electrodes (ISEs) at opposite ends of each spore. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Hangi Osmanli? (Which of the Ottoman?)
Published 2011“…Ali’nin kılıcı gibi durmuş, haksızlık ve zulümlerini durdurarak daha fazla mazlum ülkeleri sömürmelerini engellemiş. İslâm’ın hoş görmediği fuhşiyyata müsaade etmeyerek toplumların bozulmalarını engellemiş. …”
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Low-energy structure of isotopes 152-156Sm
Published 2012“…It is found that the non – adiabaticity of rotational energy bands occurred at high spin due to the Coriolis effect. Few new states are predicted.…”
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Antioxidant levels and activities of selected seeds of Malaysian tropical fruits
Published 2010“…However, FIC assay indicated that metal ion chelating effects of all seed extracts were weaker than BHA suggesting that the fruit seeds are not sources of good metal ion chelators. …”
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Article -
A hydrophobic barrier deep within the inner pore of the TWIK-1 K2P potassium channel
Published 2014“…In this study, we use a combination of molecular dynamics simulations and functional validation to demonstrate that TWIK-1 possesses a hydrophobic barrier deep within the inner pore, and that stochastic dewetting of this hydrophobic constriction acts as a major barrier to ion conduction. These results not only provide an important insight into the mechanisms which control TWIK-1 channel activity, but also have important implications for our understanding of how ion permeation may be controlled in similar ion channels and pores.…”
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Hz. Mevlâna'nın Mesnevisi
Published 2006“…O'nun yaşamında ve O'nun öğretileri ışığında ortaya çıkan Mevlevi geleneğinde İslâm'ın ruhani mesajının hayat tarzına dönüşmesi ile ilgili bir çok vurgu yer almaktadır. …”
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Book -
Osmanlı ruhu Gabon’da da canlanıyor (The Ottoman spirit is becoming alive in Gabon)
Published 2013“…Onlar itiraf etmek istemeseler de yok edilemez bir gerçek var ortada: İslâm medeniyeti hariç hiç bir medeniyet Allah’ın yeryüzünde koymuş olduğu kanunları lâyıkıyla ve hakkıyla anlayıp hikmetini kavrayıp ulvi misyona yaraşır sorumluluğu yerine getirmekten çok uzak olmuşlardır.…”
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Influence of lipids on the hydrophobic barrier within the pore of the TWIK-1 K2P channel
Published 2015“…Several recent ion channel structures have revealed large side portals, or ‘fenestrations’ at the interface between their transmembrane helices that potentially expose the ion conduction pathway to the lipid core of the bilayer. …”
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Graphene based thin films for photocatalytic and optoelectronics applications
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Studies of oxime complexes
Published 1981“…The complexes Fe(Ppo)2.H2O, Fe(Ppo)2 .2py and Fe(po)2.H2O were found to be high spin. This property contrasts the behaviour of iron(II) complexes derived from 2-nitrosophenols, which are low spin, and is rationalised in terms of conjugation effects and the bonding character of the pyrazol-4, 5-dione monooxime ligand. …”
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Thesis -
Arap Baharı’nın kavşak noktası (Crossroads of the Arab Spring)
Published 2012“…Ürdün’ün başkenti Amman’ın mütekavvim üniversitelerinden biri olan Ürdün Üniversitesi’nde mastır çalışması yaparken mütemadiyen gidip geldiğim, zamanımı etkili ve hesaplı kullanarak üniversitenin yoğun derslerinin yanında kendimi daha da geliştirerek ruhi olgunluğuma katkı sağlaması için iştirak ettiğim “al-Mahad al-Alami lil-Fikr al-Islami”, International Institute of Islamic Thought, (IIIT) vardı. …”
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Article -
Innovative UWB phase shifters using groove gap-waveguide technology inspired by metasurfaces for beamforming networks operating at 100 GHz
Published 2025“…The metasurface features a "bed-of-nails" structure, where metal pins are connected to a bottom layer and spaced <λ/4 from a top plate. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Influence of substrate annealing on inducing Ti3+ and oxygen vacancy in TiO2 thin films deposited via RF magnetron sputtering
Published 2018“…This observation also supported by The Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) analysis which shows highest total ion count for positive polarity is O+ for sample at 300 °C and Ti ion dominant is Ti2O3 + for sample at 400 °C. …”
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Sputtering of paraboloid microstructure using fib
Published 2006“…This paper describes the fabrication of three dimensional (3D) microstructures using focused ion beam (FIB) sputtering. Paraboloid cavity was chosen as an example for 3D microstructure. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Adsorption behavior of PB(II) onto xanthated rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) leaf powder
Published 2011“…Pb(II) adsorption occurred via ion-exchange and complexation mechanisms.…”
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Article -
Development of portable charger for mobile phone using arduino microcontroller during disaster recovery
Published 2013“…Performance evaluation have been conducted to evaluate the best DC motor and solar panel, as well as the final charging time for Li-Ion battery.…”
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Proceeding Paper