Osmanlı ruhu Gabon’da da canlanıyor (The Ottoman spirit is becoming alive in Gabon)
Published 2013“…Onlar itiraf etmek istemeseler de yok edilemez bir gerçek var ortada: İslâm medeniyeti hariç hiç bir medeniyet Allah’ın yeryüzünde koymuş olduğu kanunları lâyıkıyla ve hakkıyla anlayıp hikmetini kavrayıp ulvi misyona yaraşır sorumluluğu yerine getirmekten çok uzak olmuşlardır.…”
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Article -
Proximate composition and antioxidant activity of dried belimbing dayak (Baccaurea angulata) fruits
Published 2013“…Proximate analysis and antioxidative properties of oven-dried B. angulata fruits of three fractions; whole fruit, skins and berries were evaluated. From the analysis conducted, whole fruit, berries and skins fraction of B. angulata contained 2.83%, 5.15% and 0.28% of total fat; 3.11%, 3.43% and 3.89% of protein; 16.66%, 19.09% and 11.37% of moisture; 4.57%, 3.68% and 7.28% of total ash and water activity (Aw) of 0.41, 0.44 and 0.44, respectively. …”
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Arap Baharı’nın kavşak noktası (Crossroads of the Arab Spring)
Published 2012“…Ürdün’ün başkenti Amman’ın mütekavvim üniversitelerinden biri olan Ürdün Üniversitesi’nde mastır çalışması yaparken mütemadiyen gidip geldiğim, zamanımı etkili ve hesaplı kullanarak üniversitenin yoğun derslerinin yanında kendimi daha da geliştirerek ruhi olgunluğuma katkı sağlaması için iştirak ettiğim “al-Mahad al-Alami lil-Fikr al-Islami”, International Institute of Islamic Thought, (IIIT) vardı. …”
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Article -
On the existence of phase transition for one dimensional P-adic countable state Potts model
Published 2011“…Note that it turns out that the finding condition does not depend on values of the prime p , and therefore, an analogous fact is not true when the number of spins is finite.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Existence of p-adic quasi Gibbs measure for countable state Potts model on the Cayley tree
Published 2012“…An analogues fact is not valid when the number of spins is finite.…”
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Article -
Extraction of fish collagen using enzymatic process
Published 2011“…Collagen is thc primary protein component of mammalian and fish skins, bones and conneclive tissues. Tilt properties of gelatin including viscosity, gel slrength. gelling and melting temperafUre will affect lhe quality of gelalin produced. …”
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Book Chapter -
Low–lying states of odd nuclei in the south–west 204Pb region
Published 2013“…The predicted low-lying levels (energies, spins and parities) and B(E2) values results were reasonably consistent with the available experimental data.…”
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Article -
Innovative UWB phase shifters using groove gap-waveguide technology inspired by metasurfaces for beamforming networks operating at 100 GHz
Published 2025“…The metasurface features a "bed-of-nails" structure, where metal pins are connected to a bottom layer and spaced <λ/4 from a top plate. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A study of touching behavior for authentication in touch screen smart devices
Published 2016“…Due to increasing demand for safer access in touch screen mobile phones, old strategies like pins, tokens, or passwords have failed to stay abreast of the challenges. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
New potential carbon source for bioprotein production
Published 2008“…Screening study was done to obtain the most potential substrate from agricultural wastes such as pineapple, honeydew and durian skins as main carbon source for bioprotein production utilizing potential strain of P. chrysosporium (PC 13) by liquid state bioconversion. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Existence of phase transition for 1d-countable state P -adic Potts model
Published 2012“…Note that it turns out that the finding condition does not depend on values of the prime p , and therefore, an analogous fact is not true when the number of spins is finite…”
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Book Chapter -
Fetih 1453 ile Gelen Kalıba Sığmayan Evrensel Boyut (Unlimited universal dimension with the coming of the Conquest 1453)
Published 2012“…Anlamış olsalardı baskı ve zulümlerinin farkına varır, yaptıklarından pişman olup iyilik yoluna seferber olurlardı. Böyle olması Allah’ın, Yüce Kudretin (cc) tecellisinin bir ifadesidir ki zalimler hak ettiği cezayı bu dünyada da tadabilsinler.…”
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Article -
Akrabalık bağları ve Çin ziyaretinin önemi (The importance of the visit to China and Kinship Ties)
Published 2012“…Başbakanımız Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın 8–12 Nisan’da Çin'e yapmış olduğu resmi ziyaretle bir çok değişimlerin de zamanla geleceğini ümit etmekteyiz. …”
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Article -
Metamaterial based ultra-wideband antennas for portable wireless applications
Published 2017“…Various approaches have been reported to reduce the physical size of RF antennas including using high permittivity substrates, shorting pins, reactive components, and more recently, metamaterials (MTM) based on composite right-/left-handed transmission-lines (CRLH-TLs). …”
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Book Section -
Shell model calculations on even nuclei near 208Pb
Published 2012“…The predicted low-lying levels (energies, spins and parities) and B(E2) values results were reasonably consistent with the available experimental data. …”
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Article -
Anti-social behaviour: local perception and reporting behaviour in a small urban location
Published 2013“…Anti-social behaviour legislation and centralised policy was initially based on the notion anti-social behaviour was easy to define. Innes’s (2004) signal crimes perspective identified the importance of local, context specific research to uncover what residents identify as important in relation to crime and anti-social behaviour. …”
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