Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of Bahasa Malaysia version of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q)
Published 2010“…The BM version produced in this study had good psychometric properties and it is applicable to the Malaysian population. Findings indicated that cultural factors in eating habits certainly influences the effort to adapt the questionnaire within a Malaysian setting.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fire safety and protection measures in heritage buildings with special consideration on museum buildings in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Fire safety and protection measures in the studied buildings have been audited with reference to the requirements of the UBBL 1984, the Fire Services Act 1988, the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and four relevant Malaysian Standards. The finding shows that there are several fire safety weaknesses in the heritage buildings that could put people and heritage properties on fire risks. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparison between clinical and radiographical detection of proximal dental caries among adult patients attending International Islamic University Malaysia Dental Clinic
Published 2012“…Objective: The aim of this research is to compare the clinical and radiographical findings of proximal dental caries among adult patients attending IIUM Dental Clinic. …”
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The Effects of Audience Response Systems on Active Learning
Published 2012“…Based on the pilot study’s findings, continued use of audience response systems is recommended. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Malaysian public's awareness of S&T
Published 2011“…The study discusses the findings, including an international comparison of how Malaysia compares with other countries on the above issues.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Authentic leadership among academics and administrative staff in IIUM
Published 2011“…A total of 438 academic and administrative staff at the International Islamic University Malaysia were asked to rate their authentic leadership behaviours. Findings from principal component analysis (PCA) revealed three dimensions (internalized moral perspective, self-awareness, and relational transparency) of authentic leadership instead of four dimensions proposed by Walumba, et al. (2008). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Asset and liability management : comparative study of conventional and Islamic banks in Malaysia
Published 2011“…This study applies descriptive method of research and independent sample t-test. The findings of this study suggest that the Islamic banks and the Conventional banks are not different in adopting interest (profit) rate risk management when Net Interest Margin and Net Interest Income are used as variables. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tactics, strategies and outcomes of relationship retailing in Bangladesh
Published 2012“…The study ends with a conclusive finding that out of one unit satisfaction of the customers, relational bonds are responsible for only 0.59 unit of satisfaction and interestingly 0.60 unit of satisfaction can be generated in absence of all these three bonds.…”
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Effects of job stress on job performance and job satisfaction
Published 2011“…Female nurses experience more stress than male counterpart in the public sector hospitals. The findings of this paper revealed that job stress has negative co relation with job performance and job satisfaction.…”
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Evaluating Chris Argyris's ideas: an Islamic perspective
Published 2012“…At the end, there is a short case study that demonstrates the possible application for practitioners. Findings – Chris Argyris's work touches on a fundamental point: the lack of congruence between espoused values and theories-in-use. …”
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The role of headmasters of rural schools in attaining high UPSR achievement, Malaysia: teachers perspectives
Published 2012“…The study reveals that, the teachers perceived their headmasters executed their roles remarkably well in contributing to the success of pupils in the UPSR examination through the coordination of various factors even with the lack of resources and exposure. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends that the headmasters make full use of the authority entrusted upon them to come up with new ideas to cope with the rapid changes of the educational field; construct conducive, organized, and disciplined learning and teaching environment; acquire benefits from the resources; and be prepared with systematic planning.…”
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Investigating pupils’ perceptions of fieldwork approaches to history within the Malaysian integrated curriculum for secondary schools
Published 2012“…It is hoped that the findings of this study will enhance the teaching and learning of history through fieldwork as well as improving pupils’ overall academic performance. …”
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Impact of parallel projects management
Published 2012“…There seems to be a consensus that handling more than one project at a time is a challenge. The findings of this study show that most of project mangers suffer from the problem of change of focus from one project to another. …”
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Technological factors affecting knowledge sharing among academic staff in selected Malaysian higher educational institutions and the effect on performance
Published 2012“…Based on non-random, criterion, purposive sampling, three higher academic institutions from the Klang Valley area were selected to be included in the study. Findings from 194 respondents indicated that the technological factors of distributed model and presence of IT for knowledge sharing are positively related to knowledge sharing and that knowledge sharing is positively related to performance. …”
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Learning behaviours and motivation to learn in various cultural backgrounds
Published 2010“…In total, 246 respondents from 13 countries participated in this study. The findings revealed that Hofstede cultural dimension holds true for power distance in an educational setting. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigating key success factors in adopting knowledge management system
Published 2013“…Results derived from the analysis show that the limitations to current KMS, inhibitors in terms of infrastructure and reluctance attitude and strategies have positively correlated with the successful of KMS implementation. These findings can be one of the insights to the organizations to embark on the strategies and guidelines prior to adopting the KMS.…”
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Therapeutic potential of the haruan (Channa striatus) : from food to medicinal uses
Published 2012“…This review updates research findings on potential uses of Channa striatus, beyond the traditional prescription as a wound healer, pain reliever and energy booster to include its properties as a ACE-inhibitor, anti-depressant and neuroregenerative agent. …”
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The effects of sense of meaningfulness and teaching role attributes on work outcomes – using the insight of job characteristics model
Published 2010“…The results from the findings indicated that sense of meaningfulness mediated the relationships between teaching role attributes and the work outcomes. …”
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Internal human based threats and security controls in computerized banking systems: evidence from Malaysia
Published 2013“…Since most major financial institutions operate in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, questionnaires were sent to some of these bank branches in Kuala Lumpur. Findings revealed that managers recognized the personal policies recruitment procedure, segregation of duties and physical access control as ways to mitigate risks of human security threats. …”
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IT alignment and firm performance in small manufacturing firms
Published 2002“…This is consistent with findings in large firms and opens up possibilities for further study of IT alignment in small firms.…”
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