Decentralized Virtual Impedance Control for Power Sharing and Voltage Regulation in Islanded Mode with Minimized Circulating Current
Published 2024“…In islanded operation, precise power sharing is an immensely critical challenge when there are different line impedance values among the different-rated inverters connected to the same electrical network. …”
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Article -
In vitro growth of human keratinocytes and oral cancer cells into microtissues: an aerosol-based microencapsulation technique
Published 2017“…In this paper, we proposed a growth of microtissue model for the human keratinocytes (HaCaT) cell line and an oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cell line (ORL-48) based on a simple aerosol microencapsulation technique. …”
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Assessment on the average participation versus bialek’s methods for transmission pricing methodologies
Published 2019“…Meanwhile, by using Bialek’s method the power contribution of each user to each line is not uniform since there are transmission lines that indicate no power injection from generators and loads. …”
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Thesis -
Kaedah lawatan ke tempat sejarah: kepentingan dan strategi
Published 2009“…Sebagai pendidik dalam Subjek Sejarah, kami amat menghargai setiap usaha yang disumbangkan oleh semua pihak untuk memastikan keberkesanan dan kejayaan perlaksanaan kaedah Lawatan Ke Tempat Sejarah. Tidak ada satu pihak pun yang merancang untuk kegagalan. …”
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Book Chapter -
Murtad : kedudukannya di sisi Islam dan perlembagaan Malaysia
Published 2005“…Kebebasan beragama dan perlakuan murtad dikalangan orang Islam adalah isu yang sentiasa dibahas, sama ada di dada-dada akhbar ataupun dalm persidangan -persidangan yang berkenaan. …”
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Book -
Anak terdampar (Laqit) v anak tak sahtaraf
Published 2012“…Anak terdampar (laqit) adalah merujuk kepada seorang anak yang dijumpai terdampar sama ada kerana dibuang oleh keluarganya atau kerana sesat dan tidak diketahui siapa ibu bapanya.Fuqaha Sunni secara umumnya mentakrifkan laqit sebagai seorang anak yang dibuang kerana takut atau malu dituduh berzina atau kerana papa dan tidak diketahui siapa ibubapa atau penjaganya.Anak tak sahtaraf dalam istilah bahasa Arab disebut walad al-zina yang bermaksud anak zina atau anak di luar nikah. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Dynamic approach for real-time skin detection
Published 2012“…To detect human skin colour pixels and to decrease the number of false alarms, a prior face or hand detection model has been developed using Haar-like and AdaBoost technique. To decrease the cost of computational time, a fast search algorithm for skin detection is proposed. …”
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Article -
Laporan akhir: Pengembangan software database kimia organik berbasis struktur
Published 2007“…Walaupun demikian, belum semua tanaman yang ada di Indonesia diketahui khasiatnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh minimnya sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki peneliti Indonesia. …”
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Monograph -
Akar umbi pembentukan ulama di Kedah
Published 2011“…Penelitian terhadap persoalan ulama Melayu masih tidak terserlah, tanpa menafikan ada usaha sesetengah pihak ke arah itu. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk meneliti asal usul pembentukan ulama Melayu dengan memberi perhatian khusus kepada negeri Kedah. …”
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Book Chapter -
Sistem pengurusan dan pemantauan penanaman cili fertigasi
Published 2020“…Sistem ini bertujuan untuk menambah baik kelemahan kaedah pengurusan maklumat penanaman cili yang sedia ada yang menggunakan borang dan kertas sebagai medium pengurusan maklumat. …”
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Book Section -
Nilai transformasi komuniti mah meri dalam pelancongan peribumi
Published 2017“…Selain itu, mereka juga mempunyai kumpulan tarian yang dikenali kumpulan tarian Jo Oh dan sering membuat persembahan sama ada di Perkampungan Budaya ataupun di majlis-majlis keramaian di luar penempatan mereka. …”
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Article -
Feminist pedagogy in higher education - implications for learning and teaching in early childhood education teacher training
Published 2022“…This paper will argue that educators should be crusaders for feminist dialogue, not only in our work with each other but the children of the next generation. It is this link and use of critical pedagogies which enables education for social justice, and provides opportunities for more voices to participate in the system of education, whether in early years, or in HE.…”
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Article -
Topology induced by a uniform structure
Published 2012“…Further investigations were carried out to establish the uniform structure which has basically induced a usually topology on the real line R1.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Topology induced by a uniform structure
Published 2012“…Further investigations were carried out to establish the uniform structure which has basically induced a usually topology on the real line R1.…”
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Article -
Virtual reality in heritage studies and historical reconstruction through animation – A case study of a 16th century university complex in the Ottoman world
Published 2007“…Virtual reality was further used to enhance the story board based on the study on the link between the ‘waqf’ or pious foundations, and development of Ottoman urban life with the ultimate aim of linking these complexes to the social system and structure of urban society.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
A fault-tolerant multi-path multi-channel routing protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
Published 2015“…Moreover, in such networks, a path failure can easily occur during data transmission caused by an activity of licensed users, node mobility, node fault, or link degradation. Also, the network performance is severely degraded due to a large number of path failures. …”
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Book Chapter -
Human values, personality and religiosity on green products purchase behavior
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
An analysis of the Dongba arts and culture in the context of tourism
Published 2009“…The study examines the critical link between Lijiang’s tourism development and the Naxi dongba culture. …”
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Thesis -