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Modal budaya dan kebergantungannya kepada generasi kedua kelapa sawit: kajian kes pekebun kecil sawit di Jengka 5, Maran, Pahang
Published 2024“…Industri pertanian merupakan sektor ketiga terpenting dalam ekonomi Malaysia dengan sumbangan besar kepada pengeluaran dan eksport minyak sawit global. …”
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Article -
Model Ramalan dan Klasifikasi bagi Sistem E-mel UUM (S/O 13438)
Published 2019“…Walaupun e-mel dapat meningkatkan kualiti komunikasi, para penyelidik mengakui bahawa terdapat banyak masalah yang dihadapi oleh pengguna e-mel, antaranya e-mel yang diterima berulang-ulang, e-mel spam, e-mel dengan fail lampiran bersaiz besar, dan ini menyebabkan peti simpanan e-mel cepat penuh. …”
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Monograph -
Investigating the role of self-sacrificing prosociality in intragroup and intergroup contexts
Published 2020“…Parochial cooperation theories assume that strongly self-sacrificing members primarily desire and seek to achieve ingroup-favouring outcomes, and consequently become prepared to bear extreme costs to themselves. This altruism to help, however, does not always extend into intergroup contexts. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Inorganic nanoparticles–driven self–assembly of natural small molecules in water for constructing multifunctional nanocapsules against plant diseases
Published 2024“…Additionally, both the inner cavities and outer surfaces of nanocapsules bear abundant sites and spaces that can be further tuned for loading other pesticide molecules or flexible construct complex multifunctional nanoparticles. …”
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Journal Article -
A comparative analysis of ENCODE and Cistrome in the context of TF binding signal
Published 2024“…Moreover, the output format of the processing (BED narrowPeak) exposes a feature, the signalValue, which is seldom used in consistency checks, but can offer valuable insight on the quality of the data. …”
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Journal Article -
Perbandingan dua sistem ternakan ikan sangkar di Sungai Pahang ke arah mengupayakan ekonomi komuniti pesisir sungai: satu kajian awal
Published 2024“…Keadaan ini telah meningkatkan kos operasi dan boleh menyebabkan kerugian besar. Oleh itu, terdapat beberapa penternak mula menggunakan tangki hitam polietilena (PE) atau lebih dikenali sebagai polytank sebagai alternatif bagi menggantikan sangkar jaring konvensional kerana polytank dilihat sebagai bahan yang lebih tahan lama, mudah dikendalikan selain dapat mengatasi masalah pemangsa. …”
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Article -
Identifying erosion risk criteria for coastal city sustainability by using a Hyper-Delphi-hierarchy model: a case study of Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 2024“…This HDH study demonstrated hazard criteria and layer weight and integrated Geographic Information Systems (GIS) spatial data for assessing coastal erosion risk, providing important insights into coastal city sustainability (CCS). Areas like Bukit Besar, Kuala Nerus, and Batu Rakit were identified as having the highest risk, with large areas of extremely hazardous conditions. …”
Article -
Kesan Bantuan Zakat Pendidikan Kepada Anak-Anak Asnaf Di Negeri Kedah
Published 2020“…LZNK telah memainkan peranan yang agak proaktif dalam membantu asnaf melalui pelbagai bantuan pendidikan. Jumlah agihan yang besar disalurkan kepada pendidikan melalui pelbagai program. …”
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Article -
Mekanisme Bantuan Zakat Dalam Membangunkan Pendidikan Anak-anak Asnaf di Kedah
Published 2020“…LZNK berperanan proaktif dalam membantu asnaf melalui pelbagai bantuan pendidikan. Sebilangan besar agihan tahunan zakat disalurkan kepada bantuan pendidikan melalui pelbagai program yang dijalankan oleh LZNK. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Direktori Kuih Tradisional Indonesia, Malaysia dan Thailand: Perbandingan daripada Perspektif Motif, Bentuk, Fungsi dan Falsafah (S/O 14784)
Published 2021“…Analisis kritis terhadap kajian-kajian lepas mendapati bahawa, kebanyakan pengkaji yang menjadikan rantau segi tiga emas Indonesia, Malaysia dan Thailand (IMT-GT) sebagai subjek kajian, lebih memfokuskan isu-isu besar seperti isu-isu ekonomi dan geopolitik persempadanan. …”
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Monograph -
Memaknakan Cinta: Perspektif Penghasilan dan Penerimaan ke Arah Mempertimbangkan Semula Kedudukan Novel Cinta Popular (S/O 12892)
Published 2022“…Saiz syarikat mempengaruhi amalan penerbitan karya, dengan syarikat yang agak besar seperti Buku Prima mempunyai program khusus untuk meningkatkan kemahiran penulis. …”
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Monograph -
Kajian Keberkesanan Model Pengurus Komuniti dalam Meningkatkan Penglibatan Golongan Usahawan Mikro Kedah dalam Perniagaan Atas Talian (S/O 14670)
Published 2020“…PKP mempunyai kesan yang lebih teruk pada perusahaan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) berbanding syarikat besar dan global. Oleh itu, satu konsep perniagaan digital berkonsepkan pengurus komuniti dicadangkan bagi menyelesaikan masalah-masalah ini. …”
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Monograph -
Patient-Centered Clinical Trial Design for Heart Failure Devices via Bayesian Decision Analysis
Published 2023“…This result reflects the willingness of heart failure patients to bear additional risks of the investigational device in exchange for its probable benefits. …”
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Article -
Towards Synergistic Understanding of Language Processing in Biological and Artificial Systems
Published 2024“…Over the past five years, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have achieved capabilities in the comprehension and production of language that are indistinguishable from those of humans, and their internal representations bear similarity to activity within the language network. …”
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Thesis -
Kolokasi makna leksikal dalam iklan produk kecantikan
Published 2015“…Dapatan diperoleh daripada kajian ini didapati sejumlah besar leksikal yang berkaitan dengan kecantikan mampu memberi pengaruh kepada golongan wanita untuk memperoleh produk yang diiklankan berdasarkan leksikal yang digunakan oleh pengiklan terpilih telah membuka satu penemuan baru. …”
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Thesis -
Formulating a Way Forward Strategy for Malaysia Cross Border Inland Port Using SWOT and TOWS Analysis
Published 2023“…Nevertheless, the current cross-border inland port, known as the Padang Besar Inland Port (PBCT), exhibits constraints in its operational capacity. …”
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Article -
Electrode modification by diazonium chemistry : studies on the effect of steric bulk on film thickness, and modified activated carbon cloths for energy storage
Published 2021“…One key disadvantage of grafting by diazonium chemistry is the inherent tendency of the grafted film to bear multilayers of organic molecules, which is not desired in most applications requiring modified electrodes. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Comparison of transport methodologies on near-field pollutant dispersion in urban environments using CFD
Published 2019“…The two methodologies are validated by simulating the dispersion phenomena for two test cases which largely bear resemblance to urban settings: a three-dimensional street canyon setup and the Mock Urban Setting Test (MUST) field experiment. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Essays on development economics
Published 2020“…The estimation results remain robust when subjected to further checks and sensitivity tests. In addition, we consider alternative channels including pathogen stress, historical population density and colonization, which may also influence the degree of institutionalized democracy via the cultural dimension of collectivism / individualism. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy