Reflex inhibition of the human quadriceps in the presence of knee joint damage
Published 1984“…Isometric quadriceps contractions are inhibited less with the knee flexed than extended (Chapter 5). Transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TNS) had only a small effect on inhibition, and pain relief was similar in both the treatment and the control groups (Chapter 6). …”
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The effect of dynamic capabilities on innovative capability and export performance: the moderating role of exporter-importer relationship conflict
Published 2023“…Questionnaire survey were sent to Malaysian SMEs involved in export market, and 124 return questionnaires were analysed using SMART PLS and SPSS V29 to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that there is a direct relationship between export performance and innovative capability, as well as market orientation capability and adaptive capability. …”
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A mobile botnet detection and response model
Published 2019“…This result outperformed the existing work of ABIS by 6% and 5% improvement in true positive rate and detection accuracy rate respectively. …”
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Factors influencing continuance of usage intention towards a gamified e-quiz mobile application among Malaysian higher learning students
Published 2023“…Following that, 10 variables were investigated in which eight are the exogenous variables namely, (i) confirmation of expectation, (ii) perceived enjoyment, (iii) perceived ease of use, (iv) social influence, (v) facilitating condition, (vi) consumer engagement and (vii) trust. …”
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A new three-phase 6-slots 10-poles permanent magnet flux switching machine with inner rotor configuration
Published 2021“…In this work, four topologies have been proposed, such as 6S-10P PMFSM with salient type of rotor (SalR), 6S-10P PMFSM with span rotor (SpR), 6S-8P AlCiRaF PMFSM with segmental rotor (SegR AlCIRaF) and 6S-10P AlCiRaF PMFSM with salient rotor (SalR AlCiRaF) are modeled and simulated using 2D-FEA JMAG v. 14.1 for the initial performance investigation. …”
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Extraction and characterization of low methoxyl pectin from durian rind
Published 2023“…The strongest gel was obtained with 3% (w/v) pectin at pH 3, showing better gel strength than commercial LMP. …”
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The mediating role of national culture on the relationship between corporate governance practices and corporate strategy effectiveness
Published 2022“…In this quantitative research work, a structured questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale was used as the instrument for data collection from the total of 282 respondents from ADAA. …”
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Extraction and characterization of low methoxyl pectin from durian rind
Published 2023“…The strongest gel was obtained with 3% (w/v) pectin at pH 3, showing better gel strength than commercial LMP. …”
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Pembangunan kerangka pengurusan risiko pendidikan luar di Institut Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia
Published 2018“…Data kualitatif telah dianalisis menggunakan teknik Fuzzy Delphi Method dalam mendapatkan kesepakatan pakar bagi mengenal pasti kedudukan item pengurusan risiko pendidikan luar dan data kuantitatif telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian Winsteps version V3.69.1.11. Kesemua konstruk dan item pengurusan risiko pendidikan luar mempunyai indeks kebolehpercayaan Fleiss Kappa antara 0.73 hingga 0.93, nilai kebolehpercayaan individu ialah 0.94 dan nilai kebolehpercayaan item ialah 0.80. …”
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Geotechnical performance using alkaline activated fly ash for soil mixtures with and without polypropylene fibers
Published 2018“…The fly ash solid ratio was considered to be 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, while polypropylene fiber proportions adapted for the study were 0.5%, 0.75%, 1% 1.25%. Compressive-, flexural- and indirect tensile tests as well as California bearing capacity (CBR)- & one dimensional consolidation tests were conducted. …”
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Kesan pembelajaran berasaskan masalah terhadap motivasi pelajar dalam mata pelajaran kemahiran hidup
Published 2014“…Kajian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan reka bentuk Eksperimental Benar Ujian Pasca yang melibatkan 30 orang pelajar Tahun 5. Motivasi pelajar diukur dengan menggunakan soal selidik yang dibangunkan. …”
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Elemen kesihatan mental wanita bekerja di sektor perusahaan kecil dan sederhana
Published 2020“…Soal selidik dengan 22 item yang menggunakan 5 skala likert dibina sebagai instrumen kajian ini. …”
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Evaluation of carbon dioxide absorption capacity and biomass accumulation of sub-urban plants in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Published 2018“…Whereas, Bambusa vulgaris absorbed CO2 better with 5.38 μmol m-2 s-1 in its grouping. On biomass accumulation, Alstonia scholaris has the highest aboveground accumulation of 106.94 kg followed by Samanea saman. …”
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Crack cronology of reinforced concrete beam under impact loads
Published 2008“…The main objective of this study is to determine the crack chronology specifically in time and location. Beam with geometry 1.5m long, 0.2m depth and 0.1m width has been modelled by ELFEN. …”
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Aerated blast furnace slag filters for enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal from small wastewater treatment plants
Published 2010“…From the standard batch experiments of Pmax adsorption capacity of BFS, as well as six-month data collection of daily average P-removal, it was found that the effective life of the aerated BFS filter was 6.5 years. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction spectrometric analyses on the surface of BFS, particulates and sediment samples revealed that the apparent mechanisms of P-removal in the filter are adsorption on the amorphous oxide phase of the BFS surface and precipitation within the filter.…”
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Performance evaluation of different data aggregation algorithms for different types of sensors in WSN based cluster
Published 2018“…The algorithms applied separately with (1) Mean (2) Median (3) Mode (4) Geometric mean (5) Harmonic mean. Each scenario applied separately for various sensors temperature, humidity, light and voltage. …”
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Effect of peat solidification on macronutrients in soils associated with palm oil plantation in peat area
Published 2019“…The results gave pH values of 3.8, 5.3 and 4.9 for fibric, hemic and sapric respectively. …”
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Preparation and characterisation of poly (vinyl alcohol)/chitosan/silicon dioxide (PVA/CS/SiO2) beads for the chromium (VI) (Cr(VI) removal
Published 2016“…The results of pH value of Cr after the absorption test showed that PCS 1 recorded the lowest pH value which was 5.81 and PCS 25 recorded the highest pH value which was 6.08. …”
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Effects of fluorine modifiers and gold colloids in enhancing photocatalytic activity of TiO2 under visible light irradiation
Published 2017“…Within 120 minutes of reaction, the highest percentage of degradation of 49.23 % was recorded by Au(AS)/F-P-TiO2 (HF) which was characterized to be anatase, ovoid shape, crystallite size of 30.71 nm and band gap energy of 3.22 eV. The data presented in this study thus recognized the ability of TiO2 to carry out photodegradation of reactive dye in the visible light region with credits given to the action of fluorine and gold for revamping the photocatalytic properties of TiO2.…”
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Pembangunan kerangka konsep modal insan holistik berciri keusahawanan
Published 2020“…Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 172 orang tenaga pengajar Kursus Kokurikulum Berkredit (KKB) dan dapatan kajian kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan perisian Winsteps V3.69.1.11. Manakala dalam fasa terakhir adalah merupakan peringkat menguji dan mengesahkan Kerangka Konsep MIH-ent yang telah dibangunkan, pengkaji menjalankan analisis komponen utama (AKU) menggunakan pendekatan model pengukuran Rasch. …”
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