The use of digital and imaging technology for students’ evaluation in simulation operative technique
Published 2012“…This also decrease or eliminate students’ need to wait “in line” for evaluation. Limitation of contact with patients may reduce the cross-infection. …”
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Ijtihad on issue of waqf in malaysia with a special reference to legal authority in administration of waqf property
Published 2015“…The question to be examined is to grant an Islamic Religious Council as a sole power to administer waqf property in Malaysia whether it is in line with the spirit and objectives of Islamic law (maqasid al-Shari'ah). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Combating child pornography in digital era: is Malaysian law adequate to meet the digital challenge?
Published 2015“…At the national level, countries such as the UK, US and South Korea have enhanced their laws and legal mechanism to safeguard children against these ICT facilitated crimes in line with the international conventions. Based on a comparative analysis, this paper aims to highlight the threat and how the three countries are addressing the problem and analyses the legal position in Malaysia in addressing and combating the use of ICT to commit crimes against children.…”
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Analysis and ratio of linear function of parameters in fixed effect three level nested design
Published 2016“…Based on the simulation results, it can be shown that the tests are unbiased and in line with the criteria given by Pearson and Please. …”
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Development of integrated curriculum and teaching materials for science/engineering courses
Published 2016“…Second, reformulating and developing integrated curriculum and teaching materials that are in line with the objectives of IOK and able to create the ideal learning environment for the sciences with a holistic approach. …”
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Development of integrated curriculum and teaching materials for science/engineering courses
Published 2016“…Second, reformulating and developing integrated curriculum and teaching materials that are in line with the objectives of IOK and able to create the ideal learning environment for the sciences with a holistic approach.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of land use density, diversity and ridership of rail based public transportation system
Published 2016“…Objectives The evaluation of land use density, diversity and passenger ridership at LRT stations along Kelana Jaya and Ampang LRT line Data and methodology Data collection is one of the major parts of methodology. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Intelligent auto tracking in 3D space by image processing
Published 2009“…The servo drive signals for both the robot motion and the angular positioning of the cameras are derived from the image processing algorithm that keeps the centroid of the target image in the center of the frame and the target in line with the axis of the optical system. Hence, the spherical coordinates of the target are defined and updated with every TV frame. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Securing U-Healthcare sensor networks using public key based scheme
Published 2008“…However, the constantly evolving nature and constrained resources of sensors in WSN inflict unavailability of a lucid line of defense to ensure perfect security. In order to provide holistic security, protections must be incorporated in every component of healthcare sensor networks. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A cardiopulmonary resuscitation guide for healthcare providers
Published 2018“…We have also incorporated a chapter on Islamic Ethics, in line with the IIICE (Integration, Islamisation, Internationalisation and Comprehensive Excellence) mission of our university.…”
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Book -
Mutual-coupling isolation using embedded metamaterial EM bandgap decoupling slab for densely packed array antennas
Published 2019“…The proposed MTM-EMBG structure is a cross-shaped microstrip transmission line on which are imprinted two outward facing E-shaped slits. …”
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An innovative and simpleiImpedance matching network using stacks of metasurface sheets to suppress the mismatch between antennas and RF front-end transceivers circuits
Published 2021“…The MTS based impedance matching network is modeled as a transmission-line loaded with shunt and series capacitances and inductances, respectively. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Applicability of industry 4.0 technologies in the adoption of global reporting initiative standards for achieving sustainability
Published 2021“…It epitomizes the global best practice of triple bottom line, i.e., economic, environmental, and social impacts. …”
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Social workers' experience of work under changing administrative forms: an empirical and theoretical critique of Braverman
Published 1985“…Although social workers may wish to reduce the uncertainty surrounding child abuse practice, and despite management's desire to limit practitioner discretion, there remains an inevitable core of uncertainty in the nature of the work which generates the requirement for judgment on the part of the front-line worker. Braverman's approach proved too deterministic to cope with these questions. …”
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Thesis -
Flexible antenna design for wearable telemedicine applications
Published 2023“…In this article, an antenna design is presented based on three horizontally staggered microstrip lines for wearable telemedicine devices. The antenna is excited through a 50-ohm microstrip line. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
MHD mixed convection and heatlines approach of nanofuids in rectangular wavy enclosures with multiple solid fns
Published 2023“…The analysis was simulated using fnite element method by employing the governing equation formula, and the results were delineated in the form of streamlines, isotherms, heatlines, and comparisons on several relationships between the local velocity in the y-axis line of 0.6, local and average Nusselt number along the heated surface and dimensionless average temperature. …”
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Fault detection tool for maintenance of wayside signalling and communication
Published 2019“…The Kelana Jaya Line (KJL) is the leading urban metro train operator in Malaysia and the eldest unmanned train operation system service use the automatic train-controlled system owned by Rapid KL. …”
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Thesis -
Design of microstrip patch antenna for IEEE 802.16-2004 applications
Published 2011“…It was made of wood to separate between the two boards. The transmission line model was used to get the approximate dimension for the design. …”
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Thesis -
Development of tubular cardiovascular phantom system for pulse transit time simulation
Published 2019“…Plastic optical fibre (POF) sensors were used to measure the pulse signal on the flexible tube and the results were compared with an in-line pressure sensor. In this experiment, the delay time between two pulses were calculated offline using Matlab software and correlated with pulse pressure. …”
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Fabrication and characterization of graphene from solid carbon dioxide
Published 2015“…The lateral length of the sheet was about 3-3.5 µm and the surface area was about 3-5.5 µm2 using images analysis software. …”
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