The effect of weather on free space optics communication (FSO) under tropical weather conditions and a proposed setup for measurement
Published 2010“…However, weather attenuation has a big impact on the transmission line of FSO. There are a lot of studies and experiments have been done on FSO in the temperate climate region where the attenuation due to snow and fog are the two major problems in the deployment of FSO. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Importance of Self-Realization and Its Relation to the Progress of Man and Society in Islam: Some Reflections on Muhammad Iqbal's Concept of Selfhood
Published 2008“…Self, according to Iqbal, is an active and creative force in which a person should strive towards the achievement of a rich personality as well as participate in the affairs of the universe to suit his highest position as the vicegerent of God on earth. This is in line with the Qur’anic perception of man as an ascending spirit who is capable of changing the entire course of history. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The diversity of amphibian species in urban lake as ecological indicator for healthy aquatic environment
Published 2015“…Results showed that six amphibian species of Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Common Sunda Toad), Hylarana erythraea (Green Paddy Frog), Polypedates leucomystax (Four-line Tree Frog), Fejervarya cancrivora (Crab-eating Frog), Microphyla heymonsi (Dark sided chorus frof) and Fejervarya limnocharis (Indian Rice Frog) were observed. …”
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Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013: Tinjauan awal kesannya dalam industri takaful
Published 2014“…IFSA aims to promote financial stability and compliance with shariah, in line with the expectation of public as consumers and subscribers of shariah compliant products. …”
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Critical review on invitro amebcyte culture: a lesson learned from past
Published 2015“…This review will also emphasize on key elements in establishing a cell line for the continuous harvesting of amebocyte in-vitro.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Financial development and economic growth: the experiences of selected OIC countries
Published 2013“…If financial development causes economic growth, this is in line with the “supply-leading” views, whereas if economic growth causes financial development, then it is suitable with the “demand-following” views. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Induction of apoptosis and oxidative stress in estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer, MDA-MB231 cells, by ethanolic mango seed extract
Published 2015“…In this study, the effect of mango kernel extract in the induction of apoptosis of the breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) cell line was examined. This is an attempt to discover alternatives to current therapeutic regimes in the treatment of breast cancers. …”
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The contemporary intellectual crisis and lack of clear perception of science and scientific thinking: the challenge of the Quran
Published 2015“…Based on conjecture, speculation, imagination, fancies and desires peoples of the modern world have developed a worldview which is not in line with the Truth and Reality of Life and the world. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamic medical education revisited: conceptual and practical aspects
Published 2016“…It gives a broader approach in integrations of Islamic teachings in medical education, in line with the Islamization guidelines outlined by the University. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The implementation of al-amr bi al-maa’ruf wa an-nahy al-munkar in Malaysia: a special reference to the roles of Religious Enforcement Division
Published 2016“…The primary objective of the establishment of the division as well as the department is to make sure that the sanctity of Islamic religion is protected and the Muslims are free from any immoral activities. This is in line with the theme of the conference that Islam is the catalyst for a peaceful environment in the Malay world. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fulfilling information needs of new Muslims: trends and challenges
Published 2011“…Since the concern of information needs as a discipline is within the field of librarianship he suggested the application of consumer behaviour research, marketing psychology and other disciplines that focus on the user. In line with this focus, the adoption of Wilson’s Information Behaviour Model (1981) would be appropriate in addressing issues of information needs of new Muslims. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Temporal and amplitude modulation at C-band region using Bi2Te3-based optical modulator
Published 2020“…As an optical amplitude modulator, two linear regions at different pump power ranges are obtained in the regression line of the peak intensity. The first linear region covers a pump power range from 0.0 to 80.32 mW and corresponds to a modulation efficiency of 0.05 dB/mW, while the second linear region covers a pump power range of 80.32–98.64 mW with a modulation efficiency of 0.81 dB/mW.…”
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A comprehensive review on theoretical framework-based electric vehicle consumer adoption research
Published 2017“…This study expands this line of research by focusing on making a chance for developing the theoretical frameworks in terms of adding emotions in a psychological perspective where consumer behaviour and ethics are considered.…”
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Hoping that suicide isn't the solution : a moderation and mediation study of optimism, problem-solving and suicidal ideation
Published 2019“…This approach is more in line with the humanistic principles that underpin counselling psychology. …”
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Thesis -
Study on Isolation and Radiation Behaviours of a 34×34 Array-Antennas Based on SIW and Metasurface Properties for Applications in Terahertz Band Over 125-300 GHz
Published 2019“…Each radiation element constituting the array consists of a square patch of dimensions of 2×2 mm^2 that are excited by a matched microstrip line. Each patch is isolated from each other with metallic via-holes, which are implemented based on the substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technique. …”
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A better world through creativity: interiors without walls and design, Indaba, South Africa
Published 2020“…I argue that South Africa offers paradigms that are also (and importantly for the study of contemporary interior design practice) frequently inspired by the nation’s reimagining of spaces in line with sensitive, socially-inclusive, democratic space-and place-making. …”
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Book Section -
Molecular responses of iron regulatory proteins to iron overload in human liver
Published 2006“…Protein levels of iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP1), a known regulator of iron uptake and storage in cells, were found to be consistently down-regulated in the liver of patients with HFE-related HH and also in a human hepatoma cell line exposed to ferric ammonium citrate. The intracellular localisation of the protein was also studied and in addition to the cytoplasmic and perinuclear presence of IRP1, a nuclear existence was also evident in transiently transfected cells. …”
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Thesis -
Nanoparticle-coated Vivaldi antenna array for gain enhancement
Published 2023“…This is achieved by loading the antenna with Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRR) and periodic array of open loop meander-line unit cells. The unit cells are designed to exhibit properties of anisotropic zero-index metamaterial (AZIM) over a frequency range of the antenna. …”
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