Ticket for 'A Christmas Crack', [1986]
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Ephemera -
Fundamental liberties under the Federal Constitution : a critical analysis
Published 2012“…Fundamental liberties under the Malaysian Federal Constitution which came into being in year 1957 shares similarities with human rights contain in the international instruments. …”
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Book Chapter -
Representations of Ireland and the Irish in film and television
Published 1997“…Flyer advertising a short lecture by Kevin Rockett, followed by a panel discussion led by Deirdre O'Neill, to be held at the University of North London on 8 May [year not stated, but most likely 1997].…”
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Ephemera -
Management accounting systems,enterprise risk management and organizational performance: the case of financial institutions in Malaysia
Published 2009“…Moreover, with the implementation of enterprise risk management (ERM), where risks are to be aggregated across different types of risk and across business units to obtain enterprise-wide risk situations, financial institutions are integrating their business lines performance management with risk management. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Compact ultra-wideband bandpass filter with variable notch characteristics based on transversal signal-interaction concepts
Published 2014“…The filter configuration comprises of two transmission paths which include folded T-shaped stepped impedance resonators (SIRs) that are capacitively coupled with the input/output lines to enable signal transmission. It is shown that by combining the filters of different passband centre frequencies an UWB filter can be realised with either a single- or dual-notch function. …”
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Article -
Security in an Unstable World
Published 2008“…Over that time span there are likely to be four main determinants of global peace and conflict.…”
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Article -
A parade at London Irish Festival 1977
Published 1977“…Black and white photograph showing part of the procession, with crowds lining the route on either side. Nearest the camera, a group (including children) wearing 'Armagh' rosettes march behind a banner. …”
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Photograph -
Unacceptable circumstances in takeovers
Published 2010“…Section 217(5) of the Capital Market Services Act 2007 lays down the foundation of the Malaysian takeovers law. …”
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Article -
Modified anfis architecture with less computational complexities for classification problems
Published 2018“…The results show that the proposed modified ANFIS architecture with gaussian membership function and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) optimization algorithm, on average has achieved classification accuracy of 99.5% with 83% less computational complexity.…”
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Thesis -
Comprehensive downtime prediction in next-generation internet
Published 2004“…The single average approach, generally, does not adequately describe the wide range of service performance that is likely to be experienced in communications systems due to the random nature of the failure. …”
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Article -
Comprehensive downtime prediction in next generation internet
Published 2004“…The single average approach, generally does not adequately describe the wide range of services performance that is likely to be experienced in communications systems due to the random nature of the failure. …”
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Article -
Shadows and light: diversity management as phantasmagoria
Published 2015“…In their accounts of resistance, reluctance and a lack of effective organizational engagement, participants shared a perception of diversity management as something difficult to concretize and envisage; and as something that organizational members associated with fear and anxiety; and with an inability to act. …”
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Article -
Building an Arabic digital collection: the IIUM Library’s experience
Published 2006“…The need for Arabic language capabilities has always been one of the Library’s major requirements. This paper shares the Library’s experience in implementing a digital library system, focusing on the challenges in handling Arabic language information resources.…”
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Article -
A general equilibrium and preference free model for pricing options under transformed gamma distribution
Published 2008“…Our models can be used to price derivatives associated with these natural phenomena, which will help to encourage greater risk sharing through financial securitization. Our pricing formulae are theoretically sound even if the underlings and the derivative instruments are not (frequently) traded.…”
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Article -
Financial restatements and corporate governance among Malaysian listed companies
Published 2010“…Finally, the results show that firms with high level of debts are more likely to commit in financial misstatement. Practical implications – The research is significant as it provides evidence on the role of corporate governance, especially the independence of the nomination committee and extent of ownership by outside blockholders in Malaysia. …”
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Article -
Irish in Britain Representation Group
Published 1982“…Flyer produced by the Irish in Britain Representation Group advertising a delegation to the meeting of Islington Council on 21 December (year not stated, but most likely 1982) at which a motion is to be debated covering several issues relevant to the Irish community.…”
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Ephemera -
Factors associated with non-adherence to social distancing rules during the COVID-19 pandemic: a logistic regression analysis
Published 2021“…It is recommended that people living in high-risk environments, such as those living in houses of multiple occupancy, should be specially supported when asked to stay at home, and public health messaging should emphasise shared responsibility and public consciousness.…”
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Article -
Development of novel isolation methodologies for microvesicles and exosomes, as potential biomarkers for health (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes), and use of microvesicle-delivered β...
Published 2016“…Fasting individuals had a wider spread and appeared to have higher MV levels (2.8x105-5.8x105 MVs/ml). This could be defined as the normal baseline fasting reference range, which is almost 3-fold higher compared to the non-fasting group reference range (0.9-1.5x105) MVs/ml. …”
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Thesis -
Applications of flow to work
Published 2017“…The interviews produced a wealth of textual descriptions that, although coming from persons with different backgrounds and working in different domains, shared six main themes: (1) focused concentration on the present activity, with centering of attention on a narrow stimulus field (e.g., "When I start, I really do shut out the world"), (2) merging of action and awareness ("I am so involved in what I am doing... …”
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Book Section -
Managing a risky business : developing the professional practice of police and probation officers in the supervision of high risk offenders
Published 2016“…A number of MAPPA deficiencies including ineffective information sharing processes exist between critical partners impeding partnership working. …”
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